One and Done? Toni Collette

by Matt St Clair
Cate Blanchett, Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe. Those are just a few of the grand talents from Australia to grace the big screen. Then there’s someone who doesn’t have the same kind of Oscar record as those A listers: the painfully unsung Toni Collette who, despite having an eclectic fascinating career with roles that range in size, genre, accent, etcetera, in many noteworthy films, somehow only has one Oscar nomination under her belt.
Her sole bid (thus far) came in 1999 when she was nominated in Best Supporting Actress for her role as Lynn Sear, a working-class mother whose child can see ghosts in The Sixth Sense...
Despite AMPAS’ notorious horror bias, and no precursor support, Collette managed to wedge her way in the competitive lineup. Her surprise inclusion can be contributed to the film’s immense popularity along with possible goodwill from her Golden Globe-nominated performance in the 1995 dramedy Muriel’s Wedding which helped put her on the map. Another likely factor is her character’s big payoff moment.
During that pivotal moment where Lynn and her son Cole (Haley Joel Osment) are stuck in traffic, Collette pulls off a grand task of undergoing a dynamic character arc within a matter of minutes. Initially, she presents a mother’s unconditional love, making it known Lynn loves Cole no matter how much she can’t understand his gift. Then, there’s a few words Cole says which give Lynn a greater comprehension of his abilities:
Grandma says hi.”
Lynn’s paralytic shock over this confession then swifts into sadness and remorse as Cole tells her that her mother did in fact attend that dance recital she thought she skipped. The orbit of emotions Lynn goes through in that sequence is fully displayed on Collette’s expressive face. Even the way she asks, “Do I make her proud?” exudes the weight Lynn feels due to the pauses in her line delivery and the way she presses her hand on her chest.
Eventually, Collette nearly cleaned up in the TV awards circuit for her portrait of a mother with Multiple Personality Disorder in the Showtime series The United States of Tara. For the show’s first season, Collette earned a SAG nomination and took home both a Golden Globe and, more importantly, the Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series. It was her first Emmy win and second of three bids for that role. (She also received one non-Tara related Emmy nomination last season for her work in the miniseries Unbelievable.)
She eventually ended up back in the Oscar conversation with her titanic leading performance in Hereditary.
Critics and audiences banged the drum to the point where they probably sent a prayer to Paimon, to make a Best Actress nomination happen. Ultimately, she could only muster up a Critics Choice nomination due to the film’s early release, genre bias, and also, the competitiveness of her category. Despite having already earned an out-of-nowhere acting nomination for a horror film, lightning couldn’t strike twice.
Although Hereditary didn’t do the trick the way most of us hoped, there is a definite world where Collette earns her second bid. As long as the actress keeps busy, the right film role will come along to put her firmly back in the Oscar convo. In fact, depending on whether it delivers, Nightmare Alley, Guillermo del Toro’s anticipated follow-up to The Shape of Water, could be that right role. In the latest film adaptation of the novel of the same name, Collette plays Zeena Krumbein, a carnival mentalist who crosses paths with the scheming Stan Carlisle (Bradley Cooper). The only question is not if she’ll be good because, let’s be honest, when is she ever not good? Instead, it’s whether her or fellow co-stars Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara will be the actress standout. Thankfully, because it comes out later this year, we’ll have a greater idea as to whether this’ll mark her Oscar return. Fingers crossed.
Is Toni Collette a "one and done" or do you think a second nomination is coming?
Reader Comments (51)
Unless she starts doing other kinds of projects she's probably one and done. In the past dozen years she's rarely chosen films or roles that are the kinds of things Oscar voters tend to gravitate toward.
I'm happy that Toni has gotten the mainstream recognition at least in the form of an Emmy for United States of Tara. I hope she can return some day. In a perfect world for me she'd have two noms for Velvet Goldmine & Japanese Story
Reportedly Collette missed some iconic roles. Vogue reports that she declined the role of Penny Lane in Almost Famous.
Apparently Collette was offered the role of Bridget Jones but was committed to a Broadway run during the filming schedule and forced to decline.
Perhaps the most disappointing account is that Chicago director Rob Marshall was knocked out by Collette’s audition for Roxie Hart but his intention to offer her the role was stopped by infamous Miramax honcho Harvey Weinstein.
Totally agree with Eoin. “Japanese Story” was amazing lead actress work... my favorite performance of hers (and I’m a Muriel obsessive). But it was not a film Oscar even knew existed, really. Total shame!
I really think that her best role is right around the corner.
(People might bash the Golden Globes, but as pointed out here, that organization spotlighted the unsung actors & projects that wouldn't get a moment's notice elsewhere).
One And Done but winners of their sole nominations please.
I think Colette is winning a Supporting Oscar in the future. The reasoning is clear, actually... she's adored, talented and reliable, and building an overdueness that is difficult to argue against, so she will be landing good roles in prominent films and eventually she'll get the nom again, and she will likely win it.
She was nominated too for an Emmy for the miniseries Tsunami, the Aftermath but lost to her fellow Australian Judy Davis.
I think with the right musical or family drama she could be back to the Oscars.
Maybe if her Knives Out role had been a minute longer, or she had just one more scene, it could have brought her a second nomination. As it was, it fell somewhere between Supporting and an extended cameo. She was the high point of the film.
She is a far better actress than the other 3 Aussie s
you mentioned. Right role.... Oscar
Way, way underrated actress.
Also deserved more attention for the underrated "The Way, Way Back" in 2013. When she climbs over the seats to get in the back with her son... ! Made me cry.
Way too talented not to have another shot. Being more of a character actress, she's the kind I expect will keep working as she gets older, which works in her favor.
She has industry respect which goes a long way. She probably gets another career nomination down the line.
I love Toni Collette. My guess is that she doesn't spend too much time worrying about Oscars. She has an enviable filmography and I'd be willing to bet she wants to just do projects she's interested in and take roles that are appealing to her (note she has yet to appear in a superhero franchise). She certainly *should* have at least a couple more nominations under her belt (migod she was tremendous in Muriel's Wedding, her first major role!) - but she has a lot of which to be really proud.
the roxie-that-could-have-been haunts me daily. this isn't even the first time today that this has come up for me...
when i see the famous car scene from the sixth sense i always think of john early's amazing impression of toni on seth meyers. "do i make her... PROUD?"
Was "bombastic" the word you intended in describing Jolie's performance in GIRL, INTERRUPTED? Bombastic meaning "high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated, pretentious"? I wouldn't have chosen her of the nominees (my favorite being the glorious Catherine Keener in BEING JOHN MALKOVICH), but I'd hardly describe Jolie's performance as "bombastic". I actually love all of the performances of that strangely wonderful, indie-darling, first-time nominee line-up (all of whom curiously wore black on Oscar night-- with Samantha Morton famously showing up in a Sex Pistols t-shirt over a black blazer). I'd probably rank them: Keener, Sevigny, Jolie, Collette, then Morton, though the latter two deserve a re-watch.
Though back to Toni Collette-- I adore her. In my world, she'd have rightfully earned leading nominations for MURIEL'S WEDDING and IN HER SHOES, and yes, even a supporting nomination for her one-scene stealing, captivating brilliance in THE HOURS. I hope she's welcomed back to the Oscars soon. She definitely deserves it.
She is the one who I wished played Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd. Feels like it would've been a sure thing in her hands.
She strikes me as someone who will come back strong later in life, like Christopher Plumber. If she gets a great role in an Oscar friendly film (or in not-so-Oscar-friendly film in a not-too competitive year), and she could sail right through to a win.
IN my perfect world, she'd have two Oscars. Best Supporting Actress 1998 for VELVET GOLDMINE and Best Actress 2018 for HEREDITARY. I love her in everything, though I probably became a fan because of THE UNITED STATES OF TARA. What she accomplishes in the last season is beyond words.
UNDER the blazer, that is.
I’d echo everything said above.
She’s got the momentum, so she’ll be back soon. And probably win.
@working stiff
Ah, you’re right! I should’ve caught that.
The car scene in Sixth Sense, where she realizes that her son really does see dead people, is one of my all time actressexual moments. It has everything.
And another one of my very favorite master classes in acting is her scene with Julianne Moore in The Hours....It has everything and keeps changing changing changing, leading up to the kiss. Just brilliant from both of them.
The Variety Oscar predictions 2022 include her as one of the 5 possible Best Supporting Actress nominees for Nightmare Alley.
I love Toni Collette SOOOOO MUCH that I stole her water bottle (that she left behind!) at a Telluride screening of Japanese Story, and it held pride of place on my desk for a year.
So anyway. Toni is one of those talents that is just so amazing that she doesn't even need an Oscar. Very very few people I say this about. Everything she does is iconic. An Oscar wouldn't change a thing. Her life and her career is the reward. I am not going to let worrying about her getting/having an Oscar ever get in the way of celebrating one of the true acting icons of our time.
Fuck Oscar!
"So anyway. Toni is one of those talents that is just so amazing that she doesn't even need an Oscar. Very very few people I say this about. Everything she does is iconic. An Oscar wouldn't change a thing."
100% my sentiments, Corey. Yay, you!!
I think she'll be nominated again. She's been close so many times now ...
i'm quite sure she'll return eventually, it's just a matter of timing
I feel like she played “Muriel” so well that Hollywood (the Miramax establishment at the time) saw her as a dumpy Australian girl, without glamor or desirability that other actresses were perceived to have. Joke’s on them because she’s given us SO MUCH over the years, her talent and achievements speak for themselves.
I’d heard that Blanchett and Mara were re teaming up but didn’t realise Collette was in as well. Wonderful!
Spectacular writing.
I wish she would have been nominated for The Hours. That's a whole movie in just one scene.
I don't think she's done. I do feel she works too much and in movies that are too different. That should be a bonus -she can do anything- but I fear it works against her. We like to put things in boxes, don't we?
I would love to see in a musical, now that they're seem to be back. I believe she was amazing in The Wild Party.
She's fantastic. Is there anyone who doesn't like her? She's also been building up support, so I can clearly see her winning for something in the future the way Alison Janney and Laura Dern did (only probably more deserving).
As people above said, not that the Oscar would change much. She's better than them.
She should’ve been a lock for Muriel’s Wedding and Japanese Story, and I would’ve been happy with a nomination for The Way, Way Back too.
I get the feeling she doesn’t really care about winning an Oscar though. She doesn’t pick baity projects at all and I wouldn’t be surprised if she weren’t interested in campaigning. If she does get a second nomination it’ll have to be a Charlotte Rampling situation where the performance is just too good to ignore.
I think she'll be back in the race eventually. She works consistently and seems to be really respected, I'm not ready to count her out yet.
I just watched the original Nightmare Alley and I'm really intrigued to see her in that role. It's the smallest of the three prominent female characters, but there's an opportunity for her to really make an impression.
Realised she was fantastic in the brilliant Aussie film Cosi. Sings so beautifully too!
I’d like to think we’ve entered a more discerning, open-minded and unpredictable era of the Oscars that might find a place for Colette again. Her choices have been so interesting and varied but she’s seemed fairly uninterested in pursuing typical Oscar-bait roles. Despite years of wonderful work, she hasn’t built up a strong ‘overdue’ narrative and she’s far too established for a ‘coronation’ Oscar. She doesn’t have the starry glamour of Blanchett, Kidman et al but the camera still loves her face and the right director knows to revel in all the weird/beautiful/ugly/morphing landscape of it. I could easily see her coming into her own even more as she ages - bringing all kinds of nuance and batshittery to some complicated older women, where looking flawless is a hindrance instead of a prerequisite.
For my money she definitely should’ve been nominated for ‘Muriel’s Wedding’ and ‘Velvet Goldmine’ - talk about a dynamic pair of performances to demonstrate her range!
1999 Supporting Actress is my all-time fave - it was thrilling to see so many of my indie obsessions getting their moment in the spotlight (even Jolie was still running on outsider energy at that point) - I’d have been happy to see any of them win.
It's odd to think that she was almost cast as Roxie Hart and Bridget Jones, because she and Renee project such different energy. Renee is all bubbly naivete, while Toni is all weary wisdom (even in something like Muriel's Wedding, there is an undercurrent of sadness to her character). I'm not saying Collette would have been bad in those roles, but the films would have been radically different with her in them.
Toni SHOULD have been nominated for her brilliant role in Muriel's Wedding. And so should Rachel Giffiths. Both were exceptional performances.
Three Artful's idea for the series is the best route. The performances that were able to conquer all, but that the actor never got to taste Oscar glory or consideration again is more exciting. Good piece though, just skipping the more fun and exciting possibility.
Can't count her out ever because she's too great. I also thought she stole her scenes in The Hours right out from under nominated Julianne Moore. I think her work is regarded as too left field or underground most of the time. Those can be difficult roles to get a nomination for. Like with Glenn Close, it might be more about finding the right director on the right film.
Someone needs to make "Next to Normal" a movie and cast Toni Collette as the lead Diana Goodman. Better yet cast Patrick Wilson as the husband as well so we can get a two-fer. And even if THAT doesn't garner awards, it would still make ME very happy. Win-win!
Her career reminds me of Tilda Swinton's. She commands respect from directors and actors for doing tricky parts extremely well. While not a classic beauty, she is very watchable on screen.
She has avoided super hero movies for which I am eternally grateful.
Having an Oscar isn't everything, but considering that directors love casting her, another nomination seems likely. (And she was wonderful in "About a Boy")
Please if there is any justice, Toni Collette should be the one being considered for any Gypsy remake, either on the stage or screen. Barbra should be producing that, not playing that.
I don't think people even realize what a powerhouse musical performer Toni is. If she gets the right vehicle, watch out.
And really, this is Oscar's loss, not Toni's. She has proven herself over, and over again. She should have Emma Thompson's level of career.
With a career like hers, the number of Oscar nominations is irrelevant. She is one of the most consistent and versatile actresses still working today and that is something that we cannot say about many multiple Oscar nominees (and winners).
She is to good and diverse not to get another one !!! 100% sure ... also she is building momentum - besides her mind-blowing turn in Hereditary it's hard to pick THAT snub performance ... wait & see ;-)
I think Toni Collette is the best Australian actress of her generation - blanchett is often too inaccessible (I didn’t buy her performance in Little Fish for a second - however I bought Toni Collette in The Boys hook, line & sinker) Kidman is too wooden (sorry Film
experience I’m one of those) other great Aussie actresses have never quite broken though internationally like Deb Mailman, Claudia Karvan, Essie Davis, Susie Porter, Asher Keddie. I hope Toni has an Oscar in the future, but if not, nothing can take Muriel from us.
I remember Kate Winslet saying Toni is the actress she would most like to work with in a round table and love imagining the movie.
Choog - love the Karvan, Keddie, Mailman and Porter mentions. IMO Kat Stewart and Justine Clarke deserve to be on that list as well though they don’t seem to have any interest in working stateside. Also think Miranda Otto and Radha Mitchell are supremely talented despite some questionable projects.