The Return of the Golden Globes... Eventually

by Nathaniel R
If you missed the kerfluffle last night, it went like this: Scott Feinberg at The Hollywood Reporter announced that the Globes were returning to NBC for the upcoming awards season, probably on January 10th, 2023. Just two hours later Deadline was like, "hold your horses, it's "not a done deal" and as a result Vanity Fair was all "so is it happening or not?". We have no inside intel to add but a return does seem likely and Feinberg is well connected so we know at least that there's conversations going on about that return to air. When this becomes official (this season or next) it's a very safe prediction that there will be many thinkpieces and many voices online proclaiming that Hollywood won't show up in protest. But Hollywood will...
As we noted when all of this went down in the spring of 2021, Hollywood waited until after the awards season of 2020/2021 to get moralistic and fingerpointing about the Globes even though that much-discussed expose about their lack of diversity and their ethics problems had happened well before the 2021 ceremony. In short: Hollywood and its agents and awards strategists and stars do not turn down the chance to be in the spotlight and collect golden trophies to fuel the Oscar campaigns and also to sell movie tickets and streaming subscriptions. There's a reason it's called show business.
And, anyway, the Globes were always a fun party and probably will be again since they've had a year to work out some kinks and make some corrections. What's more -- though the internet definitely likes to pretend otherwise because it fits the narrative better -- occasionally they make better choices than the Oscars because, unlike the bulk of precursors these days, they're not too concerned with "predicting" Oscar's taste when they express their own (You know how we feel about this -- if your votes are not reflective of your own taste but merely a prediction of someone else's you're doing it terribly wrong!).
You don't get Best Picture prizes for Moulin Rouge!, Lady Bird, and Brokeback Mountain without the Globes. Super deserving goddesses like Michelle Pfeiffer, Angela Bassett, Isabelle Huppert, Annette Bening, Saoirse Ronan, Amy Adams, Sigourney Weaver, Kathleen Turner, and Glenn Close are Best Actress Globe winners but not Oscar winners so before you join the chorus wishing they'd go away for good... be careful what you wish for.

Reader Comments (11)
Unabashedly Team Golden Globes here.
I totally understand why they would want to come back so soon -- any longer and people might not miss you and I'm sure there's $$$ reasons for NBC and others as well. THAT SAID they should have pre-empted this year by doubling down on what they did last year and not airing it. A double dose of humble pie and just keep doing all the "good" stuff they've been doing. But what do I know?
I like the Globes. I used to think they were cheap and easy and people are sometimes DRUNK, but I guess now I've accepted what they are - a good time and a chance to see Film and Television mix. As my attention is drawn to the Globes, it gets a bit more bored with the Oscars, which always seem So Serious. And they rarely pick who I want, dammit.
Fuck the Globes. They're shit. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association is nothing more than a bunch of seedy and disgusting group of people you wouldn't want your children nor your spouses be near while they also give award to films and performances that are essentially shit.
Frankly, all this went too far...
The Golden Globes has more than 70 years of History!
Respect, please!
Bring back the Globes now!
The Golden Globes have long held an unsavory reputation. Film critic Jack Mathews called the Hollywood Foreign Press Association “the best fed freeloaders in the entertainment industry.”
In the 1960s, the FCC removed the Golden Globes from television stating, the organization “misled the public as to how the winners were determined.”
In 1982 CBS dropped the broadcast after Pia Zadora won the Golden Globe as New Star of the Year. Zadora’s billionaire husband flew the entire HFPA voting body to Las Vegas for an all expense paid holiday at the Rivera, a hotel and casino he owned.
In 1993, the Golden Globes awarded Scent of a Woman its Best Picture - Drama prize after Universal Pictures flew the HFPA voters to New York City for a screening and other perks,
In 2018 actor Brendan Fraser went public with the reason he put the brakes on his Hollywood career. He claimed he was groped in 2003 by the HFPA President Philip Berk. The internal investigation found that the act did occur but was intended as joke, not a sexual advance. Berk remained an active member of the HFPA.
And that is merely a smattering of the tales that saw the light of day. I am okay if the Golden Globes vanish.
I am just going to drop this here...
The GG nominated Marilyn - arguably the biggest real-life movie icon and a phenomenal actress - and actually awarded her as Best Actress (Comedy/Musical)
The Oscars never nominated her.
That totally makes up for Pia Zadora and other many WTF choices.
The HFPA needs a major reform at every level as they’ve been notoriously shady for a very long time. I don’t know if this would even be possible from a legal perspective, but I actually wish NBC could just take the show and assign their own voting body to it, that way we could have the ceremony without the HFPA even being involved.
That said, you’re absolutely right that they’ve actually made some great award choices over the years, and the ceremony itself was usually fun to watch (on occasion even more so than the Oscars, I would argue). If I could put in a sort of request for an article to illuminate your point on this matter, I’d love to read Team Film Experience’s takes on times when the Globes made got it more right than the Oscars did.
You're completely right about the Globes. They also awarded Gene Hackman Best Actor for The Royal Tenenbaums, and Isabelle Huppert Best Actress for Elle. They awarded The Grand Budapest Hotel Best Picture over Birdman. They likely put Olivia Colman on the road to winning an Oscar by awarding her for The Favourite.
They've made their fair share of mistakes over the years, but it makes me cringe when people behave as though they are so much worse than any other awards organization.
Of course the globes were coming back. I used to work in Beverly Hills and the amount of money that gets spent in that town for a one night event is insane. No one is throwing away money like that- at least not forever.
Your constant language on this site is also something I would not want my kids to be around!!!