Tweetweek: the Susan Hayward and Timothée Chalamet of it all

martin scorsese was once asked by a ten year old "how do i become a film director?" he waited and replied "make your movie. grab a cell phone, everyone has one these days". that kid was orson welles.
— catarina. (@cacmrg) September 1, 2022
🤣 Curated tweets for you after the jump featuring Susan Hayward, lots of Timothée Chalamet, animal actors, and solo moviegoing...
I just need to put this out there now: Neither Margot Robbie or Hugh Jackman are overdue
— Adriano Caporusso 🔜 TIFF22 (@AdriCaporusso) August 31, 2022
these are literally all batman villains and I love it
— Rob Plainview (@ClooneyDisciple) September 2, 2022
It’s giving Grace Adler Designs
— Ryan Aguirre (@aguirreryan) September 2, 2022
We all just want to feel as truly seen as Chalamet’s halter top
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) September 3, 2022
if you were the guy who saluted the nicole kidman amc ad at the May 28 screening of top gun at the universal citywalk amc in los angeles, please please please dm me i am begging you
— David Mack (@davidmackau) September 2, 2022
Petition to add Amy Adams as Nicole’s moviegoing friend for the AMC ad sequel
— Tom Zohar (@TomZohar) August 31, 2022
When you’ve definitely seen SOPHIE’S CHOICE
— Isaac Feldberg (@isaacfeldberg) August 31, 2022
I'm so excited about this season of Abbott Elementary, but ESPECIALLY episodes 1 through 22. those are my favorites.
— quinta brunson (@quintabrunson) September 2, 2022
The Prestige (2006)
— samurai jack daniels (@sendqueery) August 21, 2022
A lot of people, I have noticed, cannot stand to be alone with themselves. Is it insecurity, or self-loathing? Anyway if you have not gone to a movie by yourself in the middle of the day during work hours in an empty theater you are denying yourself one of life's true pleasures
— jon rosenberg🌮 (@jonrosenberg) August 22, 2022
More end credits like this please
— Josh Barton (@bartonreviews) August 23, 2022
I’m watching With a Song in My Heart and Susan Hayward’s tit just pops out here??? Imagine watching this in 1952 lol
— Cody Dericks (@codymonster91) August 20, 2022
this has gotta stop
— liz maupin (@LizMaupin) August 21, 2022
if timothée chalamet's name was timothy he wouldn't have a career
— jakov (@uncoolboyfriend) September 1, 2022
Liza Minnelli in Hollywood last night
— Liza Minnelli Archive (@MinnelliArchive) September 2, 2022
— Nomi Malone (@RealNomiMalone) September 1, 2022
I just learned that the seagull from The Shallows is the same seagull as the seagull in The Lighthouse and now I want to be his friend
— Lola Blanc (@ohlalola) August 21, 2022

Reader Comments (7)
Liza saying she loves Britney in defence of a putdown is everything we should cherish today,total class,she does look so frail.
Liza saying she loves Britney after a putdown is something to cherish today,she looks very frail.
The selection committee of the Kennedy Center Honors should be compelled to watch the tweet of Liza Minnelli and then explain how they could snub a true show business legend in favor of tequila peddler George Clooney.
That is not my idea of a Happy Meal. I'm more likely to get food poisoning.
I saw Top Gun! And those tweeted end credits are so so perfect but I honestly, truly have no idea if those are the real credits or a twitter joke because I need them to be real.
It might be too late to bring the overdue train for Robbie and Jackman back to the station. The fact that they are both very successful and well liked is certainly going to help them in the coming awards season.
It might be too late to bring the overdue train for Robbie and Jackman back to the station. The fact that they are both very successful and well liked is certainly going to help them in the coming awards season.