Was 1958 the all time greatest vintage for iconic women?

by Nathaniel R
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADGE ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
-Sharon Stone
-Sharon Stone
Today is Madonna's birthday which we celebrated over at our official Instagram account (are you following yet? Plz do!) and on Twitter. She's 64 today having been born on this day in 1958 in Michigan. Angela Bassett shares her exact birthday. It got us to thinking about what an incredible vintage 1958 was for women who became inarguable legends in their fields. Then, when Sharon Stone, who is also a '58 baby, shared the pic above we knew we had to discuss this nonscientific observation with you.
1958 is the greatest vintage for producing iconic women. Proof is after the jump...