The Secret Marriage: Daniel & Rachel

Congratulations to the newlyweds, Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig! You may have heard that they pulled off the impossible feat of keeping a double-star wedding under wraps until entire days after the nuptials. They were married on Wednesday June 22nd.
Secret weddings are the best. Without the prying paparazzi lenses we are free to imagine the whole thing. So this is what The Film Experience officially believes they were wearing when they tied the knot.
The couple may prove ubiquitous for the remainder of the year. Consider...
In Rachel's next film --which seems like it's been "about to open" for years though now -- she plays The Whistleblower and some Best Actress whispers have emerged. Daniel Craig's next, Cowboys & Aliens, arrives first in July but is not garnering any Best Actor whispers for either alien of cowboy life forms.
The newlyweds started dating after working together (as fictional spouses) in Dream House from Jim Sheridan (In America). Naomi Watts and Martin Csokas co-star in a thriller about a seemingly idyllic house with a nightmarish history.
Dream House (2011)
The year will end with a possible Oscar campaign for Weisz (though she's already a winner from The Constant Gardener) and a possible blockbuster for Craig by way of David Fincher's adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. May he have more luck with the (comparatively) dull "Mikael Blomkvist" part than Michael Nyqvist had.