Mamma Mia, it's a Sequel!

by Murtada
By now you’ve probably already heard the news. There’s a sequel to Mama Mia! (2008) coming our way in July of next year. The release date will be exactly 10 years after the first one. Yes we are that old! It will be unimaginatively titled Mama Mia: Here We Go Again, taken right from the chorus of the song. They must’ve spent all of 2 seconds coming up with that. The original wasn’t exactly a good movie, but it was a fun summer time at the movies buoyed along by everyone’s familiarity with the ABBA song catalog. More of that is definately not an unappealing prospect.
The studio announced that all cast members are expected to return. However so far only Amanda Seyfried is confirmed. If Meryl Streep does indeed sign on, 2018 will mark her first foray into sequels. And of course she’s going big with not one but two of them. She will also appear in a supporting part in that other musical sequel; Mary Poppins Returns, albeit her character there is a new one. Frankly this is not the character we would’ve liked to see her reprise. We are still waiting for The Further Adventures of Miranda Priestly.