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Entries in Michigan (8)


Interview: Judy Greer on "The Descendants" & "Archer"

It can't be just that we're both from Michigan. Perhaps it's her voice on the other end of the line, which sounds too much like an old high school friend's? There's something about Judy Greer that seems familiar. No, no, I just see a lot of movies is all. It's merely the cumulative effect of her filmography, I tell myself, which often presents her to us as relatable sideshow: friend, sister, neighbor, co-worker, everywoman. Maybe she strikes casting directors this way, too. I can't imagine I'm alone in this feeling, though to our mutual amusement, this girl next door vibe she gives off turns out to be surprisingly literal. As we begin to talk the small talk stretches out and out as the revelations come. We lived 3 miles from one another as children! We went to the same dance clubs as teenagers! We were scared of the same freeways while driving!

"Anyway, hiiiiiiiiiii" she says laughing, as we reboot out conversation. We'd better get to talking about the movies!

After years and years in showbiz how does this sense of familiarity sit with her, strangers feeling like they know her. How uncomfortable must this 'Where do I know you from again?' sensation be?

"It happens to me all the time but I don't consider it a problem," she says, instantly getting the question. There was a time, she offers, that people would always actually think they knew her. At some point in changed. Now they know she's an actress but they can't quite place from where. 

Mr & Mrs Speer (Judy Greer and Matthew Lillard) in "The Descendants"Eventually that signature role will hit and there'll be no mistaking the "who?" and the "were from?" The Descendants is definitely a forward step in that direction. Though it's another brief supporting role, her Mrs. Speer is a lynchpin character in an acclaimed Oscar buzzing film at that. She can already taste the difference and is "flattered" to be included in all the promotion for the movie for such a small role. The cast has already been nominated for Best Ensemble at the BFCA Critics Choice Awards. Judy herself will announce the SAG nominees on Wednesday where The Descendants is also expected to score.

Without spoiling the film, let's just say that George Clooney's Matt King befriends her character with an agenda; he knows something about her husband that she doesn't and he wants to get closer to her in order to get to him. She only has three scenes but all are opposite Clooney himself and all three are crucial to the emotional journey of the film.

Once we got to the movies, The Descendants was the only place to start.

[Judy on Nice George, Naughty Archer, Descendant Enthusiasm and her best roles after the jump]

Click to read more ...


Pontiac... The Emerald City

Hey people!  I'm popping in very briefly from Michigan as I vacation. How about this for my timing:No sooner did I arrive (Saturday) than James Franco, Mila Kunis, Michelle Williams and Rachel Weisz showed up to start shooting Oz, The Great and Powerful (Monday). Okay okay technically maybe they aren't all here yet -- I haven't seen the call sheets -- but production began at the new Raleigh Studios in Pontiac. The whole movie will be shot there in what used to be an old truck manufacturing plant or somesuch.

Pontiac is where we used to go to concerts as a kid... the ones that weren't in Detroit that is. Here's a handy map to show where we're all located. I'm only like an hour away from the stars.

[Note: Madonna is not in Oz The Great and Powerful but I include her on the map because every time I visit Michigan, I pretend she also just happens to be visiting, as we are (pretend) psychically bound!]

If I wasn't visiting family and friends. If I wasn't sane. If I wasn't poor. If I had all the time in the world. If I were a stalker. If I owned a paparazzi telephoto lensed camera... I would stake out the studios and share photos. Too many "if"s so I'll just keep on with the visiting.

If you haven't been following the film, it concerns the Wizard as a younger man (Franco) who is whisked away from Kansas to the magical land (people come and go so quickly there) where he attempts to establish his wizardly rep while dealing with Oz's many political problems and three doubtful witches: Theodora (Kunis) and Evanora (Weisz) who are sisters (West and East, don'cha know) and Glinda the Good (Williams). I'm actually most curious about what they'll do with Glinda. After so many gloomy indies and depressed characters, isn't this a major "against type" role for Michelle Williams? As you surmise it's a prequel to Dorothy's legendary trip and sounds as if bears at least a passing resemblance to Gregory Maguire's "Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West" albeit with the focus shifted away from the green skinned broom flying baddie and over to the man behind the curtain.

Glinda in 1920, 1939, 2003, and 2012

Maguire's rather R rated "Wicked" was adapted into a kid friendly behemoth musical in 2003. It's so popular that it's long since outgrossed most films in existence. That's not something you hear every day, huh, theater outgrossing the cinema? But with a billion dollars and counting, it's beyond huge. The original books by L. Frank Baum -- all dozenplus of them -- are in the public domain meaning that any writer who wants to can riff on the world and characters free of licensing fees and rights options. But this has been true since the late 1950s so the plethora of Oz pictures in the works, are obviously due to Wicked's popularity, and Wicked's popularity alone. In a weird twist of fate by the time Wicked gets to the screen (distant future? never? they've been dragging their heels for years) the public may be too exhausted by Oz to care. 

But back to Oz the Great and Powerful. Remember when Franco & Kunis played those crazy marrieds in Date Night



Offline Travels, Michigan.

Just a heads up that I'm officially on vacation and maybe in an airplane as you read this. It's the mellow kind of vacay as I have no pennies to my name, which is good timing because i think my internet/cable is about to be shut off. Oopsie! (hey it was that or the air conditioning and I was melting!) I'll be (mostly) off line reconnecting with old friends and my siblings who I haven't seen in way way too long. Years.

Incidentally, though I will be in Michigan just as it's happening, it's mere coincidence that this is also the week of the Traverse City Film Festival. (I've never been but maybe they'll invite me as a special guest some year. winkwink.)

The festival was founded by Michael Moore and this year it's having its biggest year ever as it received a $20,000 grant from AMPAS which the board used to fly in various actors and filmmakers for a more robust festival experience. The wonderful French actress Sandrine Bonnaire (Rememeber Est-Ouest or Vagabond?) will be an honored guest, Matthew Modine is coming, and there's also going to be a centennial celebration for western stars Roy Rogers & Dale Evans with grandchildren speaking.

"Scout" will speakAnd get this, little "Scout" Academy Award nominee Mary Badham from To Kill a Mockingbird will speak to the festivalgoers after a special tribute screening of To Kill a Mockingbird. Damn, I wish I had known ahead of time. Have any of you midwestern readers ever been to this festival?

If you're in driving distance, why not check it out this week?

But back at home base...

It might be a quiet week at the blog / It might be a noisy one. I've left the TFE team in charge and a few new guests but I've opted out of the control freak position I normally take when I'm (mostly) offline. Whether there'll be 0 posts a day or 5 I could not say... it'll be a surprise to everyone! You like surprises, right?

I'll be back just as July ends and then we'll start gearing up for prestige film season in September. Whoooooo. We have so many plans. If we don't die of heat exhaustion first, we'll try and make them happen this fall.

xoxo, Nathaniel

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