Would you rather?

This little polling game is just our excuse to share new Instagram photos we like of various celebrities. So, Would you rather...
- eat croissants with Orlando Bloom?
- visit the boys room with supermodel Kristen McNemany?
- get rid of the grey hairs with Jason Momoa?
- meditate in the desert with Michelle Pfeiffer?
- celebrate Juliette Lewis' bday... with Juliette?
- attend tap dance training with Hugh Jackman?
- help Paul Bettany with his sunscreen?
- visit the leaning tower of Pisa with Aubrey Plaza & Alison Brie?
- dance to Taylor Swift with Evangeline Lily?
- take a swim with Oabnithi Wiwattanawarang?
- work on your abs with Tom Mercier?
- get back to work with Sir Ian McKellen?
Pictures are after the jump to help you decide... (if there is a gif, the link takes you to the video)