Set Photos of Punk-Rock Meryl Streep

This is so full of possibility. As long as she's in this getup, let's indulge in some fantasizing...

She wears motorcycle boots! She sports extensions! She makes out with Rick Springfield!
1. A Freaky Friday meta-sequel where Meryl switches bodies with the real Lindsay Lohan and starts clubbing all night and missing call times while Lindsay ends up on the fast-track to an Oscar win
2. A Mike Nichols-directed commercial for Meryl's new campaign as the Spring 2015 face of Hot Topic
3. The music video for Rick Springfield's "I'm F*@#ing Matt Damon"-style parody song "Gummer's Girl"
4. HBO's new docu-series about the underground Oscar-winners' punk band where Streep plays bass alongside a be-mohawked Helen Mirren on lead guitar and a buzzcut Judi Dench on drums
5. A prank video where unassuming Forever 21 shoppers get the shock of their life when the mannequin they're admiring reveals herself to be acting legend Mary Louise Streep
6. Bonus scenes as a fourth witch for the DVD re-release of Hocus Pocus
7. The sequence in a Boy George biopic where the famous bowler hat can't be found anywhere
8 Season three of Orphan Black, where she challenges all the Streep comparisons heaped upon Tatiana Maslany by playing the clone Sarah and daring the audience to notice the difference
9. A YouTube makeup tutorial for getting the Rebecca on How to Get Away with Murder look