Stream This: Bachelorette Married to the Warrior Mobs in Chinatown

It's that time again when we receive a new batch of instant movies to watch. As per usual Amazon Prime is running circles around Netflix in terms of selection because Netflix's focus has long since shifted from movies and TV to movies and TV that they create themselves. After becoming the 21st century Blockbuster they ditched it to become the new HBO. Which is fine except those of us who like to watch movies need better streaming services that function more like the way rental houses used to so that we can find the movies we want when we want them.
Okay. Let's play our game of freeze framing the new streaming selections at random moments and seeing what comes up, no second guessing...
-Oh no, I'm not talking to you. At all.
-I just waited up all night for you!
- Oh She waited all night? How Cinder-fucking-rella.
Stonewall (2015)
I need more of you to share my pain of having watched this. Sacrifice yourselves immediately so that we may discuss.
Seven more streaming entertainments of vastly varying quality after the jump...