20:10 "You're allowed to make a statement."

Three years ago at the original blog, I created a series called 20:07 which became one of the most popular TFE features ever and spawned a slew of imitators 'round the web. Just for fun, let's resurrect that ol' pet for the remainder of Oscar season as we finish celebrating the films of 2010 before the new film year begins.
Screen capture: 20th minute and 10th second* -- or thereabouts. I worry about my dvd player's clock -- of The Social Network
Mark Zuckerberg: I've -- you know, I've already apologized in The Crimson to the ABHW to Fuerza Latina and to any women at Harvard who may have insulted as I take it they were. As for any charges stemming from the breach of security I believe I deserve some recognition from this board.
Administrator: I'm sorry.
Zuckerberg: Yes.
Administrator: I don't understand
Zuckerberg: Which part?
Be here tomorrow morning for the announcement of the Oscar nominations and commentary all day. Here's my complete prediction list and my ALMOST complete dream ballot (aka the annual film bitch awards. Everything is done sans writeups for reasons previously explained and the actress categories). ALMOST because it was a super tough day and I'm sick on top of that. Argh. My timing is terrible. But tomorrow is another day!
Are you all jittery waiting for tomorrow morning to get here? Will you get any sleep? It's totally Christmas morning to yours truly.