20:10 "I feel like there's some subtext here."

Three years ago at the original blog, I created a series called 20:07 which became one of the most popular TFE features ever and spawned a slew of imitators 'round the web. Just for fun, let's resurrect that ol' pet for the remainder of Oscar season as we finish celebrating the films of 2010 before the new film year begins.
Screen capture: 20th minute and 10th second of The Kids Are All Right
Nic: Honey, you're on a whole other tangent. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Jules: Maybe it hasn't risen to the plane of consciousness for you, yet.
Nic: [Annoyed] Uh... yeah. Maybe.
God, I love these two. Don't you? And I'm not just talking about the actresses.
Reader Comments (7)
Very nice. You say a lot of bloggers imitate this? I might be one of them pretty soon. haha.
I love these two too... both the actresses and the characters. My favorite movie of 2010 so far!
Bought The Kids Are All Right and gave it a second viewing earlier this week. Loved it just as much as the first time around. Julianne Moore is terrific, but Annette Bening is simply superb.
I just LOVE this piece of dialogue and I'm glad you pointed it out because when you watch the movie you don't really think about everything that deeply.
It's so common that you imply something and don't realise it until it's too late or try to persuade yourself that you meant only exactly what you said.
I would love to see Ronney Mara get the 'shock' nomination.
oops commented on the wrong post
I just watched this earlier for the first time and I loved it.
It was a beautiful movie...I didn't expect it to be so deep and heartbreaking.