'hey, girl. I got you these links.'

Film Critic Why We Need More Female Directors
Feminist Ryan Gosling 'Hey girl. Anne Fausto-Sterling has a theory that five categorical sexes would help break constrictive gender noms, but the only sex I need is you.' LOL! Best new novelty tumbler alert.
WQXR "Movies on the Radio" is streaming a long tribute to the music of Pixar to honor Steve Jobs in passing. Have a listen.
The Front Row interesting piece on sex in the movies (by way of the two Fassy pictures) though I disagree with quite a lot of it. I personally don't think there's enough nudity/sex in the movies, given it's place in the general fabric of life nor do I think Shame is particularly coy about bodies.
Ultra Culture has quite a different view on Shame but loves it.
The WOW Report Cher being her awesome self, cheering Chaz on.
Liz Smith reminds us why Tom Cruise is still a star, despite it all. With references to other legendary actors and actresses.
Empire this will only mean something to you if you loved the über indie Primer (which put so many big budget sci-fi movies to shame) many years ago. Its debut director Shane Carruth is finally working on another movie.
The Critical Condition on Take Shelter. I haven't written about this movie and I guess maybe I won't, but I am quite in agreement with what Mark says right here.
Movie|Line no Liberace for your future Oscar predictions; the Steven Soderbergh biopic is going to HBO.
Serious Film doesn't think Oscar voters should forget these performances from earlier in the year and I must say they're interesting choices.
fourfour distills Downton Abbey for ya with giggles and sighs.
Today's Must Read Miranda July shoplifts for The New Yorker in "Free Everything". I heart. The New Yorker is the best magazine. The writing is always so good that it doesn't even matter what the topic is. I recent finished a multi-page essay on Taylor Swift and it felt like a thrilling page turner and I could not care less about Taylor Swift.

Reader Comments (5)
I share the reservations about Hanna, but agree Saoirse Roman's performance was pretty impeccable and really puts Cate Blanchett to shame in terms of adding shade to a stock character. The human side of Hanna was by far the most interesting, with those scene of Olivia Williams and her faux-hippy family being particularly memorable. On an entirely separate note, wouldn't it be great to see Olivia Williams headline something? She's so perfect in miniscule roles (An Education), and even more impressive given a bit more space (The Ghost, Miss Austen Regrets, Dollhouse).
Primer: As much as I don't want to watch that specific movie (sounds like a poorly explained time travel story), I do think Carruth has a lot of promise. What little I've seen of Primer looks BEAUTIFUL for a $7,000 movie. So, yeah, hearing that he has another movie filming is good news.
Tom Cruise still a star: I think he's probably in Tugg Speedman territory. You know, "Another flop, and it's over." If One Shot flops, he's set to become a character actor outside of Mission Impossible.
Remember these performances: Hanna? I haven't heard of the Academy falling in love with the "motion" of a performance. I actually think that's a significant chunk of the reason Sally Hawkins wasn't nominated. (Really, most of what made the Happy-Go-Lucky performance so great was how she moved. Just judging dialogue and delivery (which I think is how both AMPAS and BAFTA work), it's an average performance.) Meek's Cutoff? Hmm. Maybe. It is Bruce Greenwood he's suggesting. The Perfect Host? Haven't heard of it before this point, but it sounds like Career Honours would be necessary to even get the Academy to look at that performance. Can you see the Academy leaping over themselves to honour the guy who played Niles Crane and Drixobenzometaphetramine? A second Beginners performance? If Christopher Plummer makes it through, she MIGHT have been in the conversation, but otherwise she's nowhere close.
Primer is a film I've heard so much about and have yet to see. That must change.
Vol - To be clear, I don't have any illusions about the chances of any of the actors I named. Just thought they were deserving of a spotlight.
That Feminist Ryan Gosling site does almost nothing ang yet it has like a gazillion views per day! In addtion to this, it's awesome!