James Franco Cracks Me Up
Just when you think you've seen it all when it comes to James Franco's uncanny ability to keep himself embedded in the popular conversation, even when he doesn't have a movie out (an increasing rarity given the speed at which he throws himself at cameras or behind them), the old dog comes up with a new trick.
In the profile inside he says
I don't want to be confined."
We didn't realize he meant it quite so literally... the other alternate Flaunt cover [NSFW] after the jump.
He didn't use a butt double.
Reader Comments (4)
Let the man be free. I like his freedom VERY much ;-) HAHAHAHA!!!!
At a glance at that photo of Franco, he should play playboy Hefner's biopic.
Looks good!!
After the nightmare that was the Oscars, he is regaining my respect quickly. :P