Reader of the Day: Leehee

As part of Reader Appreciation Month, we're featuring mini-interviews with You, The Film Experience crowd. Today, we've got Leehee, originally from Israel -- her name means "she is for me". I love that! I contacted Leehee because she was so happy about that post on The Black Swan (1942).
Nathaniel: Do you remember your first moviegoing experience or obsession?
Leehee: The first movie that I vividly remember seeing on the big screen was "Anne of Green Gables" when I was about 6... But my first obsession was with the first VHS tape I owned The Parent Trap (1961) . My twin sister and I watched it for about a year....and it kind of drove our mom crazy! I wanted to be Hayley Mills and have Maureen O'Hara as my mom *so* bad.
What's your movie diet like right about now?
I try and go to the movie theater at least once a week if not more (when there are movies to see!); I recently subscribed to netflix so I could watch movies online; and I have an unhealthy habit of buying DVD's (I own over 600).
Your 3 Favorite Actresses. Go!
They make a movie of your life. Tell us about it.
The movie of my life will be called "Behind the Smile". It will be directed by Barbra Streisand and star Kate Winslet as me. :-)
Reader Comments (17)
Charlotte Rampling! Girl has great taste =D
Yay Deborah Kerr! I love her. I'm still unhappy she never won an Oscar in competition. HEAVEN KNOWS MR. ALISON holds a special place in my memories - I thought there was something so wonderfully sexy under the surface between her and Mitchum. It got me all stirred up, so to speak. Actually there seemed to always be something sexual under the surface with Deborah Kerr, don't you think?
I remember one time stumbling across Maureen O'Hara in a clip from McLintock, I think it was, where she and John Wayne are having a fight and I LOVE how feisty O'Hara was. I LOVE feisty actresses - especially red heads! Is that why your tongue is out, young lady? You seem to be leaning toward the "bad" twin.
So have you seen ON A CLEAR DAY with Babs? Oh my God I think that BANQUET OF LOVE song is so sexy. And I love her singing to the flowers and too herself about going to sleep! And I even like the way Montand sings that stupid COME BACK TO ME song. I used to listen to that soundtrack every day when I was in college. I am so glad Barbra is doing that new movie. I miss her so much!
And besides Nanny McPhee what is Emma up to? I want to see her now!!
So, although none of them are in my very top actresses, I sure do like your choices.
Fernando -- that she does. that lineup of actresses is choice.
billybil -- definitely the "bad" twin. or should we say the mischievousness twin. Although in THE PARENT TRAP isn't that actually both twins, Sharon and Susan???
This is very exciting :) Thanks, guys.
My top five each have a very special place in my heart, each for her own reasons.I do have a thing for fiesty actresses, for sure... They all have CHARACTER. I am super excited for Barbra's new project (My Mother's Curse) and I hope it lives up to expectations. Us Barbra fans are waitin' for something special! Emma Thompson is doing a lot of humanitarian aid and advocacy at the moment, though she did film "Men in Black 3"... And is working on the script for the "My Fair Lady" Remake! And I really, really want Charlotte Rampling to get another movie like "Under The Sand" and this time actually get the recognition she deserves for it! Deborah Kerr was just.... too lovely for words. Such a sensitive performer.
And.....I am actually the 'good' twin, if I'm being honest....Or at least I was when we were kids ;-)
What a surprise! I, too, like the actresses you chose. Even more so, I like how three sounds like five you you as well.
Of course you're right, Nate - they're both a little naughty which is what makes them so good. And I should never have used the "bad" term - mischievousness is much more apt. Perhaps Leelee, based on the expression in your photo, you WERE the "good" twin. :-) Men in Black 3?!?! I had no idea. Now that sounds like that could be fun!
Bokyer Tov.
Fun. I want to be a part of the reader of the day.
Love what Leehee says about Deborah above, SUCH a sensitive actress. It's so weird Emma and Deborah are in your top 5 because I was having an argument with someone recently that the two have somewhat similar acting styles. Am I just seeing things there, though?
Leehee definitely Charlotte Rampling needs something like Under The Sand one of my favorite performances of the decade, great top 5!
Boker tov to you too :-)
billybil- Let's just say, in comparison to my sister, I still am the 'good' twin. Lol I kid, I kid.
Andrew K- I never really thought about that, but there is a point to that. It's something in the eyes that I can't really articulate; they are both very intuitive actresses, though Emma strikes me as a little more of a transformational (if that is even a word) actress, meaning she really transforms into very different characters while Deborah, as wonderful as she is, always has that core of "Deborah-ness", if that makes any sense....but it's that core that I really love and admire.
Nathaniel, thanks again for this. What an honor and a pleasure! :-)
Ahem. That word up there, "you," was supposed to be "to." The first "you" in the last sentence. Ah, you get it.
Peace out, dawg.
ma nishma leehee?!?! sheis meya dvd'im? at meshugat!
jjablo -- YES. it's actually do siappointing that UNDER THE SAND did not result in more high profile big director prestige lead stuff. she was *so* fantastic in that. definitely deserved the Oscar nod.
andrew -- i'd love to hear more of this argument actually. sounds intriguing.
Li yesh eize 900 dvd'im aval hisharti otam babait shel horim sheli ki avarti le bluray achshav!
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You go girl! Maureen O'hara = Movie Gold!