Link Roundup (and Lint Roundup From Navel Gazing.)

Towleroad. Jodie Foster has limits. Michael Fassbender doesn't. Bradley Cooper stars in Limitless.
I Need My Fix clips and poster for Jodie Foster / Mel Gibson film The Beaver.
Also do you like this Midnight in Paris Vincent Van Gogh lift painting? I can't type Vincent Van Gogh in connection with a Woody Allen movie without thinking of Manhattan's "Hall of the Overrated"
Yahoo Answers "Who danced worse? Elaine on Seinfeld or Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface?" LOL
Us Weekly Lea Michele kissing on Ashton Kutcher in New Year's Eve.
The News Gazette has very uplifting info about the Ebert Fest Lineup. I don't really worship him in the way most movie-obsessives do but Roger Ebert is really a very cool person
Finally, E! Online posted a rather drooling "ohmygoditshappened!" in response to the filming of the Armie Hammer / Leonardo DiCaprio smooch in J. Edgar. This is worth reading just for the annoying reminder (in the comments) that homophobia is still alive and well and still refuses to call itself "homophobia". It's just like all those stupid racists who always preface racist comments with "I'm not racist" People are so annoying! Ah well. Best to just keep on celebrating cool people instead. Who is cool? Who do you think has been worth cheering lately?
Sorry I'm in a terrible mood. This is one of the reasons Reader o' the Day has been fun. It's cheerful. And a sense of community is important. For reasons I've never fully grasped it's kind of a lone wolf site. The other movie sites and/or awards sites are constantly referencing each other like a tennis match but we're just off to the side doing our thing, day in and day out. Sometimes we'll do something brilliant and no one will notice and it's kind of a bummer. Other times we'll notice total press release regurgitations going truly viral from other sites and we're like 'why? There's no there there? It's just the press release!' This is not to diss other sites -- there are fine ones out there and every site be it great, good, mediocre or below average has its weaker days and its stronger ones (including this one) -- we just find it odd is all. And we're feeling contemplative. It's tough to do original content day in and day out (like The Hit Me With Your Best Shot feature for example) and have it go nowhere and sites that just do press releases and trailers and casting rumors all day are hugely popular. I was discussing this the other day with Glenn at Stale Popcorn, one of my personal favorite blogs. And it is frustrating for sites that try to have an original voice. Sometimes you feel like you're shouting into the abyss and you'd be better off just posting trailers and posters and quoting other blogs for all your posts.
Anyway... [/boring pity party]
My point is: I really appreciate the community The Film Experience has from you, the loyal readers. The ones who are here year 'round and not just when the Oscar noms and Oscar night happenings happen (always the two biggest days, traffic wise). Are you liking the Reader o' the Day feature? We're doing it for the rest of the month. Maybe it should be a weekly feature hereafter? We'll see.
Awards Brief
The Producer's Guild has announced their awards night date for this film year. It's January 21st, 2012. One date down... dozens more to go.

Reader Comments (43)
I'm becoming much more intrigued by The Beaver. I wasn't particularly sold on the trailer but I've been hearing good thing. Not to mention some of the clips give me hope.
Its also great to see Jodie Foster out and acting (and directing!) again. She seems to have been absent too long.
Also, I know it doesn't mean much but this is one of my favorite sites and I check it multiple times a day. I appreciate the views and commentary so much more than just a copy/paste press release
Your blog is very special and unique and it has a strong tendency to attract nice and polite movie lovers. : ) keep the good work!
nathaniel this site is the first site i wake up to, it rocks
your site is amazaing, nathaniel! keep up the good work.
Nathaniel, this is my favorite site. It really is something special and sometimes I think I check it every five minutes. You're amazing and your site really has a voice.
i think if reader of the day was a weekly thing it would be amazing and i'll tell you why.
i came to TFE the first time just by googling oscar stuff, and loads of other stuff comes up on a google search too, but the thing that made me (and from reading the reader of the day posts, a lot of other people) stay on this site is just how friendly it is.
like yeah, some sites have a lot of readers, but the ones with no material, or just news and rumours wear off easily.
i love that here the readers actually get to know each other after a while, and that you take the time to answer so many people.
there's a couple of other sites that have achieved this community thing, but none of them feel like this. (e.g. Awards Daily being incredibly hostile with all the side-taking in the comments, etc..)
so yeah, never start posting press releases and trailers, (unless it's in the original context of the yes, no, maybe.)
This is my favorite website, where I get all my movie news, and it's my most-visited site besides emails and Facebook. I love reading the posts, love reading what you have to say. I don't really comment much and maybe I should do it more, but many times what I want to say is already somewhere in the comments. Anyway, keep up the good work because we love what you do here.
The Film Experience is far and away my favorite blog to read. I always try to make sure I don't miss a post, and I love how personal it is; its inspiring to me as a fellow blogger. Keep up the good work!
The Midnight in Paris poster is great, which worries me: as of late I've found Woody Allen's posters to be far more interesting than the films they promote (Match Point and Vicky Christina Barcelona aside).
Admittedly, I'm a big fan of sites that do casting/production rumors and trailers because I'm extremely interested in how films are made (and I'm a fanboy, lol). I have a huge appreciation for sites like this, however, because they do have that personal touch and I also see them as a class in the art of filmmaking. Hell, I've learned more about film here than I did in my Contemporary Issues class at film school. No matter what, you're doing great work and it's very appreciated by everyone here.
I am a movie obsessive and this is the only movie blog that I read on a daily basis and the only blog where I make sure that I read every post. Thank you for the effort that you put into this site, which you always make look effortless.
Mr. Rogers I adore you, you love film and it shows. The Film Experience represents all that is good about movie lovers and award prognosticating. You provide a positive space for readers to discuss, disagree and celebrate the many aspects of the film world. You don't take yourself too seriously and are referenced more than you think or realize. This site has a sense of humor, though you share your thoughts you've always seemed (to me) very open to others opinions. AD may get more traffic but the antagonistic, nasty vibe (perpetuated by it's own writers) is often too much to take and never worth it. You've got a good thing going here, don't ever change. <3
I don't know why I think this, but the poster for The Beaver reminds me of The Fighter poster...
To mimic and echo everyone else...I love your site (it's the only film blog I go to unless you link me to a different one) so just know you have a whole community here who are pretty dependent on you for movie news and opinions. I mean...the Film Bitch awards are just as important as the Oscar's to me. Btw, I'm still waiting for the rest of the nominees to be announced, dude. :P
wow, y'all are very sweet. I was typing (i.e. thinking) aloud and sometimes i just do that to get stuff out but this time of year is always tough (exhaustion from oscar season and so on while trying to shift gears) anyway, thanks for the kind thoughts. comments are really great fuel for the non-corporate sites.
Nat, I love The Film Experience and you. This site means so much to all of us, and most of us check it day in and day out hoping for a new post. I love what is done here exactly because it isn't those movie news 'blogs' (although I check those daily for my updates). Those commenters on E!Online are obviously complete ignorami and just a small percentage of people in this world.
I'm always shocked when I read things like that because I can't remember the last time I encountered homophobia, and I'm quite obviously gay (it's the high-pitched voice that I can't shake) and work in patron services for a nationally acclaimed theater. Our patrons are old and very traditional in thinking (it's Connecticut for god sakes) but they always treat me very well. Maybe it's because I work in the arts so it's expected? I don't know, but when I actually do see or hear homophobia like those comments because it's so few and far between in my life.
Hey Nat, this is one site I vist automatically at east once a day and I love that it's always active. I love that you always come up with random movie-related topics to write about, and it's aways a pleasure to read about your favorite films (even if I do like certain films you hate, but we can't agree on everything). I love the Best Pictures From the Outside In columns as well as the Distant Relatives one, and just random ideas once in a while about certain actors or directors. It's a lot of fun to read. I would also love to see you write more about television (do you still watch Modern Family? I haven't seen your thoughts on the last few episodes), and of course, there's the Film Bitch Awards. I sometimes look to those whenever I'm thinking of what to rent and find some film that you loved that wasn't released in theaters in Mexico (yeap, that's where I live) or that wasn't released in Jerusalem last year (which is where I spent asemester). All I'm saying is, keep up the good work, and even if you're not the most popular website, you are loved by all those who read your site. That's what matters.
Hey, I'm not an abyss!
FWIW Nathaniel, I'm de-lurking to say you put together great, interesting content constantly. And I just yesterday saw a mention of TFE in a post by Richard Brody over at the New Yorker, so don't think you're invisible!
Well, Nathaniel, you know my feelings re the regurgitation "news" cycle that is the internet. People like you (especially you!) and I put so much effort into what we do and sometimes it feels like nobody notices, especially when you're on a much bigger website and you notice they only ever link to websites that are similar to theirs! Cinematical links to Yahoo who links to IndieWire who links to JoBlo who links to Pink is the New Blog. They never link to a Film Experience or a Stale Popcorn or a My New Plaid Pants. It's sad and depressing sometimes. Round and round it goes.
But, you're also aware that yours is my favourite blog, so at least you have that...!
What you need is a like/dislike button on your posts, like they have on Youtube, so that people who don't necessarily always have something to say, but are reading, can register their approval...or disapproval. Or just their approval, if you forced their hand by only having a 'like' option.
(resisting the urge to say something bitchy about the cloying inbreeding that goes on with the "other sites" you mention, which almost always hinges on meme-ey, fanboyish topics that are seemingly designed solely to get other fanboys into a froth of disagreement or enthusiasm, and aren't even a little bit interested in actually engaging with the content of the movies) (oops, I guess I didn't resist hard enough)
This site isn't one my daily reads, it's one of my multiple times per day reads, and that holds true even when I go weeks without commenting. There aren't many sites that are both fun and thought-provoking, and this is the only one that is both of those things every single time I visit.
In other words: when you are sad, I am sad. Illegitimi non carborundum.
I love this site. With all of my heart. It's so special; thank you for giving it life.
Nat, I've been reading you for several years now, and though I don't comment much, I do read everyday. Just letting you know that I do love this site, talk about it with my friends, and laugh at loud while reading it (recent 101 dalmations post anyone?). Also, I appreciate you trying to make this a community -- not just with this month's feature, but also for example when you took my suggestion (via twitter and then did a shoutout no less!) to do a Yes, No, Maybe So (one of my favorite series on the site). Keep on plugging away..this blog feels like home!
I love this website. I'm always trying to get your attention Nathaniel. I hope some of my less bitchy posts have greeted you well. The best things that I have happened to me here -- The Paul Verhoeven post you created when I brought him up in a thread for some edgy 70s filmmaker I never heard of. I got to be the quote of the moment -- when I said something about the ageism against The Bening.
Although some readers are more vocal than others, we do appreciate you and everything you strive for!
First thing at work, I open my email account and TFE. I am also one of those who nearly never comment, but enjoy your work so much and won't miss a single post.
This is a great site! I don't how much traffic it has, but the one it has I'm pretty sure is quite loyal. I guess if readers aren't so visible is because the more specific you get, the more restricted your audience will be. Which doesn't mean they aren't there, they're just reading. Personally I find myself many times just listening/reading because I know nothing (nothing= names I hear for the first time, not even enough knowledge to make superficial comments) about certain things, and one doesn't interrupt the class to say something irrelevant (which I frequently do and then I get self-conscious and so decide to shut up..). But I've known of actors/actresses/movies I didn't know they existed or were worth watching through this blog, I've given second opportunities to movies I loathed or felt indifferent to thanks to this blog....
I don't know if the readers thing should be weekly or not.
I'm one of your daily readers, although I rarely ever comment on anything! I love your website and highly appreciate the variety of posts and breadth of coverage you provide. Thanks so much!
OH please do not change! Very often I come to this website even before checking my email or facebook.
My favorite blog, too, the only one that makes me feel like commenting. You rock
I check The Film Experience multiple times per day and I have no plans on stopping. This is a great site.
I'm a bit late to the party but I love this site too!
I was just thinking the other day about life before the internet and how it's fantastic to be able to read so much great writing about different aspects of film now and not to have to wait for once-a-week reviews of new releases or perhaps the occasional article about Hitchcock in the newspaper. I love being able to read things like that post you did on The Black Swan or Hit Me With Your Best Shot and just so much of what's on this site. I really appreciate that The Film Experience always has its own spin on things.
Thanks for all the work you put in!
Though I rarely comment, I do tune in to TFE daily (well maybe not daily--funerals and weddings sometimes interrupt), and have done so from the moment I accidentally stumbled upon it (TFE) in 2003. Some of the other sites you mentioned will sometimes get my attention, but others I have completely abandoned because of their shallowness and redundancy. I won't mention any names (AD).
Thankfully, TFE doesn't cater to those prone to attention-deficit syndrome or people who find reading a whole paragraph labour intensive. If cogency and a sense of style are virtues, TFE has those cats in the bag, typing, not scratching (sorry Stevie Smith).
I just want to join the praise of this site. I am amazed that you can be as prolific as you are and still maintain such a high quality! :)
I don't post in the comments often, but I do read the blog pretty much daily in a must-read sense. When the topics are too narrow, it's not likely I'll take time to respond, but if the material's interesting and thought-provoking, I'm there. And during Oscar season, I'm in blog heaven! This is one of the few sites that get me through my awful work days. You clearly have your fans, so relish in that. Don't worry about the rest of it. This site might never get to the mass popularlity level that you prefer, but that's okay too (though the new digs do look kind of pricey and doesn't pay for itself). Your rant came off kinda needy. Need to be read, need to be noticed against your competitors and linked to, need to have people comment all the time. But maybe all bloggers are like that to a degree. A "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" sorta thing. But still, press on! Things will be fine. Your site's a winner.
I love your site. It is the only film site that doesn't give me a concussion from the stupidity of its reader comments. I once tried to read Awards Daily but its community was soooooo frustrating. This blog is 1000x more interesting than others.
Sebastian -- oh, i'm fully aware it was needy. But I'm not one of those types that'snot good at self-censoring which is i suppose, OK, since there's less and less self censorship and shame in the world thanks to the bare-it-all world we live in.
whatever, right, we all gotta vent sometimes?! I figured this would be off the front page in a day or two and didn't really expect this much response. oopsie. but it's way nice of those who've responded to say thanks.
BLARGH. yesterday was just one of those days. today is too but SATURDAY is going to be great. I demand it!
Nathaniel, you are are bad ass. Don't ever forget why you started this site and that is about the movies, the actresses, the lists, and the originality. You could have been a press release blog but you have taken the high road and stayed true to yourself. I know it must be tough under the financial pressure and the desire for the traditional concept of "success", however you are successful. No other awards covering site has such passion and loyal followers for the author and original content. Many of the other sites thrive on this as a business and lose their integrity. I know this is a large part of your livelihood, but its never worth losing your creativity.
Sure Michael Bay makes tons of cash and receives attention through pandering and phoning in what anyone else could do with money, but true cinephiles respect and appreciate what Aronofsky does by working within limits and staying true to himself...
I have been reading you since 2005 and have randomly commented here and there, but it goes without saying I always have and will always return and enjoy. You are Aronofsky and that is why we love you. Chin up, we are always here for you.
While we're saying nice things about the site, I'd just like to add that how much I liked the podcasts and how they're an extension of the intelligence and good humor of the site. The four (sometimes 5?) friends are clever, articulate and well-mannered. They listen to each other, consider what the other people have to say, let themselves be influenced, and laugh at each other's jokes. You set a high standard, and thank you.
Rule of thumb for me: Avoid reading Eonline/youtube comments.
jcvalencia -- very good rule of thumb
There are plenty of reasons why this site is amazing. The best of which:
Readers WANNA come here and catch all the posts and get all the references and listen to the rare podcasts and read all the Film Bitch nominees. It's downright addictive and waaaaay more interesting than nearly all of the other cine-blogs. Just keep being yourself and sing out, Louise!
Your site is great. Don't change it. Stay with us. Enough said.