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Supporting Actress Predix & Jessica Chastain

I don't have the patience or the time to research this but what do you suppose was the tipping point moment when Hollywood decided that they MUST have Jessica Chastain in every single movie in production? She's like Michael Fassbender's twin sister in terms of output. This happens fairly regularly with actors that Hollywood suspects you'll go crazy for. The most recent examples: Mia Wasikowska and Chloe Moretz. Sometimes the audience complies fawning all over the actor, other times they get all excited about the person as a celebrity but not as an actor (Colin Farrell's weird initial trajectory some years back), and other times they barely notice and don't care and Hollywood starts scrambling for another next big thing. [Editors note: Actually they're always scrambling for that even if you do embrace the one before.]

What will happen in 2011 with Jessica Ubiquity Chastain? Hollywood has gifted her with a potentially huge year. Will her work return that investment? Here's what her year is like...

Jessica Chastain in THE TREE OF LIFE

  • JAN - She co-starred with Michael Shannon in Sundance hit "TAKE SHELTER"
  • FEB - She started filming "THE WETTEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD" with an all star ensemble that includes Shia Labeouf, Tom Hardy, Mia Wasikowska and Gary Oldman.
  • MAR - She turned the big 3-0.
  • MAY - She stars as Brad Pitt's wife in Terrence Malick's long awaited drama "THE TREE OF LIFE"
  • JUL - She co-stars with Chloe Moretz and Sam Worthington in the thriller "THE FIELDS"
  • AUG - She plays the young version of Helen Mirren in 'THE DEBT" and is part of the Southern ensemble in "THE HELP" with Emma Stone.
  • NOV - She co-stars with acclaimed thesps Ralph Fiennes & Vanessa Redgrave in the Shakespearean adaptation "CORIOLANUS"
  • TBA -- She's supposedly completed work on Terrence Malick's Tree of Life follow up picture which stars Rachel McAdams. She's also Salome in "WILDE SALOME" which is Al Pacino's documentary about Oscar Wilde's play. It might come out this year.  If you've ever seen his Looking for Richard, we imagine it'll be like that - totally worth seeing if you're into the theater, the playwright in question and don't mind listening to actors indulgently talk about their craft (I don't just not mind this. I love this) but otherwise you probably won't care.

My god. Does she ever sleep?

I realize that Terrence Malick's films have never resulted in an acting Oscar nomination but there's a first time for everything and one has to assume she'll be in the 2011 conversation in some way even if it's just "oh my god there she is again!" I've included her in the predicted five because honestly, this is the hardest time I've ever had predicting Best Supporting Actress a Year in Advance. None of the roles/film/star matchups are screaming ME!

I am totally anxious to hear your thoughts on this entirely foggy category. This category requires psychic powers and perhaps mine are on the fritz.


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Reader Comments (44)

No Julia Ormond for Marilyn? She plays Vivien Leigh...

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

For the longest time, I thought she must be fake, like the character in S1mone. She was EVERYWHERE and yet I had never seen her. I finally saw her in a video interview and was thrilled to find out that she's real.-

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRJ

RJ -- ha. Rirght? I'm so excited to meet her now. and by meet i mean sit in a movie theater and take a look.

John -- oh right. her. i should add her to the "extras" list.

April 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

It's funny that you made Jessica Chastain the main focus for your 'Supporting Actress' article because I was wondering what you'd make of her chances. Personally, as soon as I read the synopsis for Tree Of Life and then noticed that she had loads of stuff coming up, I had her down as a lock for a nomination. Maybe lock is a strong word, but at the moment she's the only person I would be confident predicting in the Supporting Actress category.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Jack

Why do I get the nagging feeling that something isn't going to pan out for "Tree of Life"?! I've seen it listed on a bunch of sites as "the movie to watch in 2011," but it still makes me nervous.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitchell

Oh, btw ... based on the interview I saw with her, her part in Terrence Malick's follow up movie is pretty small.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRJ

The “she’s everywhere” after Chastain is Mia Wasikowska and Judi Dench.
Judi Dench is in Jane Eyre (with Mia), J. Edgar, and My Week With Marilyn. Wow...

But sometimes starring many movies in one year rarely translate to Oscar nomination. I always imagine the members saying, “Look at all the fcuks I give! Ha”

What if the line up would be: Carey Mulligan, Judi Dench, Marisa Tomei, Kate Winslet, and Naomi Watts. I will have a heart attack choosing one of them.

I am also looking out for Sympathy For Delicious which has Laura Linney and Juliette Lewis all in one. I go crazy for both of them.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMikhael

Has Jessica Chastain had the longest buzz-to-actual-performance run in a while? I feel like I've been hearing about her for years, but then "Tree of Life" got pushed back, and then it got pushed back again, and then "The Debt" got pushed back too. Reveal yourself! Fiat lux!

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLiz N.

Any consideration for the glamorous trio of Contagion (Cotillard, Paltrow & Winslet)?

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPivo

No kid-teen in a leading or a very large supporting role this year, I think? Elle Fanning, maybe.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercal roth

Oh my goodness! I'm so so happy you have Judi Dench for playing Sybil Thorndike! I hope she gets nominated for that role - Sybil Thorndike didn't manage one (if it were to happen it could have been for Prince and a Showgirl oddly enough, I think she won the NBR or NY Critics or something but anyway...I really hope Judi gets in! I hope Jessica Chastain lives up to the hype and gets nominated - she's kind of like last years Jennifer Lawrence (but for like 10 movies instead of 1)

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

One more thing: we don't know for sure, but I think Winslet is the one who gets the Marcia Gay Harden - THE juicest role - in Carnage. In the only still already published, she and Waltz are all dressed up, suggesting (at least for me) that they're the visiting couple. The visiting mother is the one played by Isabelle Huppert in Paris and Harden in NY.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPivo

Jodie Foster is playing the Harden role.

Great guess Nate, especially Octavia Spencer. I'd say that's a given. And also Dench. I think you can bank on those two. Redgrave depends on how successful the film is. And I also get good vibes off of Wasikowska and Winslet.

Oh my that's a horrible picture of Carey Mulligan. She looks like Cindy Brady crossed with The Plague.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDaVinciSmetana

Say it aint so!!! IMDB page says Judi Dench is also in Pirates of the Carribean 4!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hahaha

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJavier

I'm weary of THE HELP if only because it's an adaptation of a wildly popular chick-lit novel. I mean, they rarely ever work (The Time Traveler's Wife, anyone?).

I think it'd be a bit crazy to not predict Chastain for SOMETHING at this point, whether that be The Tree of Life or Take Shelter. She seems like the strongest bet right now (but not to win). Judi Dench is a good prediction, but then you almost have to predict Michelle Williams with her (since she is playing the icon), but I'm still not sure if Williams can actually pull it off.

My predictions:
-Jessica Chastain, The Tree of Life
-Naomi Watts, J. Edgar*
-Vanessa Redgrave, Coriolanus
-Marisa Tomei, The Ides of March
-Mia Wasikowska, Albert Nobbs

If they campaign Keira Knightley supporting I think she'd be in and have a great chance of winning as well.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle

Octavia Spencer's role : The Help
Jennifer Hudson's role : Dreamgirls

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDaVinciSmetana

Julianne Moore has to win this year.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterScott L

Pivo -- DaVinci is right. Jodie has the Harden role, not Winslet. The Harden role is the best in the quartet for sure. I'm not sure why i'm doubting Jodie so much but the things I love about her as an actress have nothing to do with the things I love in that particular role. I'm not normally one of those people who ALWAYS think the stage actor is the best choice for the movie role, but why wasn't Marcia Gay considered. She's an Oscar winner after all.

April 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I'm always thrilled when Judy Davis is in with a shot - nice job listing her next to Tomei - time for a re-match?! Actually I love 'em both. Even if Jodie Foster does have the meatier Harden role, Kate Winslet is such a force to be reckoned with that I could see her bagging the nomination - that is if voters don't have Kate award fatigue after she cleans up in the TV categories for Mildred Pierce. I'm also as intrigued as anybody about Chastain.

Supporting Actress is definitely my favourite category as there's so much room for surprises, so Nathaniel I salute you for putting up this tantalizing list so early in the calendar!

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter7Bis

No Cate Blanchett?

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDaVinciSmetana

Hey Natehial I think you should keep your acting charts like the way they are like 15 slots.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermonkey

Two other contenders to consider:

Patricia Clarkson in One Day, if it's An Education-special.
Annual BSA nominee Amy Adams in On the Road. I know it's small, but knowing the source material, it could be chewy.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSawyer

I know Woody's on a rough streak acting nomination-wise, but I'd think Marion Cotillard could possibly do it. I also wouldn't count out Evan Rachel Wood for Ides of March or Emily Watson for War Horse if they're supporting.

Danielle, I completely agree about The Help and said so last week to some dissent. I will say, though-- Octavia is adorable in that photo. If she's as charming on screen as she is in that picture and it's not a total failure, it could definitely happen.

For now, I'll say:
Jessica Chastain, Tree of Life
Judi Dench, J. Edgar
Julia Ormond, My Week with Marilyn (Temple Grandin won her some fans)
Vanessa Redgrave, Coriolanus
Emily Watson, War Horse

These are very different than my predictions back in January (when I only had Chastain and Dench).

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

Nice list, any word on the Bel Ami ladies? I'd like to see Thurman or Scott-Thomas in the race, but the film seems like it has been post production forever.

Iused to be so 'meh' for Naomi Watts but over the years i've really gradually changed my mind...time for a second nom damn it!

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterchoog

I'm really iffy on Carnage. The source material is great, but it doesn't seem suitable for film, and the casting is weird. Kate Winslet I've found to be mostly off her game since Eternal Sunshine, and though I hate to let actors' public personas influence my opinion of their work, she annoyed the hell out of me two years ago.

Would love to see Janet McTeer back in the race. She's sensational with the right material, and should have been swimming in film offers post-Tumbleweeds.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike M.

This is one of my favorite categories too, because here's where all the actresses are! Not so many of them are headlining their own movies, but they're doing great work in the jobs they get.

I want to see all of them right away - this is a delicious list. First I'd like to see Vanessa Redgrave, Viola Davis, Judy Davis, and Melanie Laurent. Then bring on the feast of others.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteradri

I have seen "Take Shelter" a couple of times and her performance is absolutely Oscar
worthy. One of the most difficult jobs in acting is to be the loving wife opposite a
Oscar caliber performance by a great actor with an intense role of a lifetime.
Michael Shannon is superb and should be nominated for best actor you have to see him cover a wide range of emotions, with such depth and layers of conflicted thoughts, crossing his face.
Ms. Chastain not only held her own but simply placed herself on a very short list of truly
great performances.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

MONKEY-- what do you mean? like all year? wasn't it that way last year? or did i only have ten? i am so forgetful.

JOHN -- good to hear. can't wait to see the movie.

CHOOG -- maybe this year. I was reading up on Helen Gandy and the role does seem to have possibilities as a memorable film charactere. I suppose it wll have a lot to do with how much of Hoover's life they cover.

DAVINCI -- for Hanna? doesn't seem like an Oscar thing to me at all.

April 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I have a feeling Chastain will pick up traction for SOMETHING, it's just a matter of which of her films get her better reviews, much like Patricia Clarkson in 2003. Though I think she got nominated for her least impressive performance of that year.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSam Brooks

What about Amber Heard in Rum Diary??? It´s a candy character in the book.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLuis

Regarding Supporting Actress, I'm iffy on The Help as well, it could be good, however every year there is a bland chick lit film.

Jessica Chastain- I'm more interested in Take Shelter than any of her other projects, I'm sick of hearing about the Tree of Life ( which looks like a second helping of Benjamin Button).

I personally think Knightley will be campaigned in Supporting.

@Danielle, what do you think My WEEK with Marilyn is about? It's based on someone else's view of her, which is may not be her on screen persona.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

I think Winslet should be higher. She'll get tons of attention this year at the Emmys, that could help her. But yeah, tough category. I'd say Knightley and Watts have good chances (although you're right about Naomi's campaigns never quite working), maybe Viola Davis as well.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLucky

What a great year in the female categories. Many contenders and also many in more of one film...

-Jessica Chastain: Six Films
-Marion Cotillard: Contagion / Midnight in Paris
-Judi Dench: My Week With Marylin / Hotel Marigold / Jane Eyre / J. Edgar
-Keira Knightley: Last Night / A Dangeorus Method
-Vanessa Redgrave: Anonymous / Corionalus
-Mia Wasikowska: Albert Nobbs / Jane Eyre / The Wettest County of the World
-Michelle Williams: My Week With MArylin / Take This Waltz / Meek's Cutford
-Kate Winslet: Contagion / Carnage
-Robin Wright: The Conspirator / Rampant

My Predictions for the Spporitng Category:

1. Jessica Chastain: Any Film - I don't predict her for the win yet, but is almost a sure nomination
2. Vanessa Redgrave: Corionalus - Empathic vote for the tragedy, Welcome Back nomination, raves for her performance
3. Octavia Spencer: The Help - The Black Vote + Comic role + Good word from the author
4. Marion Cotillard: MIP & Contagion - Early good word for Contagion + Woody Allen's strong acting category + I still mad for her snub and terrible Harvey's decision in 2009
5. Sandra Bullock: EL&IC - Her role wasn't enough long for the lead cateogry (I guess) + Deglam factor + Beloved novel

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I always look forward to April because of your predictions! I will say I'm sad to see no mention at all of Robin Wright, who has 3 supporting roles this year (Moneyball, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo & Rampart) and arguably a supporting role in The Conspirator.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChris

As I've said before, I just love your design especially in the Actress and Supp. Actress categories where I see so many faces I love together!

I'd love to see REdgrave and Dench nominated again!

Re: Shame, take a look at this: http://celebrity-gossip.net/carey-mulligan/photo/carey-mulligan-125

Weird stuff. Can't wait for that movie!

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

Spencer has been on my radar for The Help, too. She's such a warm, funny screen presence but thus far has eluded name recognition. She's 52 flavors of awesome in a small-ish role in The Nines from a couple years ago and Oscar seems to love comediennes who "stretch" to play in a drama.

I think Carnage could be a big player, but I feel like Winslet/Waltz will be promoted to lead and Foster/Reilly will be supporting, simply based on marquee status if not screen time.

April 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterW.J.

W.J. -- i suppose anything is possible the but the leadiest of the leads (and all four are unquestionably leads) belongs to Foster unless they've altered it significantly for the screen (which is always possible).

Chris -- it wasn't intentional although it was for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo since all of the roles other than Rooney Mara's don't seem important / deep enough for any critical attention. I do wish i knew more about RAMPART.

April 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Laura Linney got some great reviews for her performance in The Details at Sundance. The film itself received mixed reviews overall, but I wouldn't be surprised if Laura got another nomination.

April 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJK

Emily Watson in "War Horse" definitely, it's arguably the only woman in the film and it's the mother, sounds like a strong supporting role, we'll just have to wait and see. It'll also be great to see her back in contention.

April 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYavor

You forgot to mention Tomei won.

April 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlily

I believe Vanessa Redgrave's performance in "Coriolanus," an adaptation of a Shakespeare play, will receive a boost from her performance in "Anonymous," about a purported conspiracy whereby Shakespeare did not write any of his plays. It was all political, involving Redgrave's character, among others. And guess who she plays... Queen Elizabeth I!!! Now, this Oscar charmer historical figure should do the trick! Well, actually, we should wait and see for which film she gets the best reviews...

April 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarcos

"She's like Michael Fassbender's twin sister in terms of output." - Secret ginger hair power! There just HAS to be a connection. I'm ready to love her, though, so she better deliver in any case.

"... and other times they barely notice and don't care and Hollywood starts scrambling for another next big thing." - O hai, Gretchen Mol! God, I could talk about this trend for days. All those actors that get left on the side of the road on the trip to Celebrity. Some of them recover in some years time (like Miss Mol) some never really seems to bother again, like a Mena Suvari.

The Lady Ubiquity thing can be so strange. Remember in 2001 when Cate Blanchett had like four/five movies come out and none of them scored her a nod? Ditto with the Jude Law Film Festival of '04. Happy to see Lady Ubiquity gracing Judi Dench, of all people. Who doesn't love her, honestly?

April 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMark

Mark --- YES Gretchen Mol. She's not who i was thinking of but it's totally the thing. it is a strange but entirely predictable trend.

April 11, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I haven't seen anyone comment on the 3rd Sundance Darling = Brit Marlin in 'Another Earth' or 'Salmon Fishing in Yemen' with Emily Blunt and Kristin Scott Thomas!

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike
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