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Sal (Mineo) & Val (Lauren)

You may have heard the news earlier today that James Franco, Man of One Thousand Projects (half of which we assume will never see the light of day), has found the actor for his Sal Mineo biopic and it's Val Lauren. A lot of people were saying "who?" 'round the net but I'm here to tell you that he's a real talent, not just a lucky "unknown".

Sal Mineo and Val Lauren who may play him in a biopic

I'm not sure how old Lauren is -- IMDb doesn't offer up much info -- and the picture above is three years old (I wanted them both in hats. Sue me). Sal Mineo was most famous in his early 20s and was murdered at only 37 years of age and for all we know Franco's vision might have to do with the later years of Mineo's life. But fine acting is the most crucial element of biopic success anyway and acting chops have very little to do with age. Starpower is the other necessary Biopic element. By starpower I don't mean "Famous Person" but screen presence, the ability to hold a camera in an iron grip. If you don't have it and you're playing someone with it the disconnect is great. 

I have only ever seen Val Lauren in one picture, back in 2008, but he had it.

The film was called True Love, a contemporary ensemble romantic drama that, as far as I know, was never released.  I thought that he was mesmerizing. At the time I wrote.

Its title make it sound just stiflingly clichéd. But it isn't and it works. The characters were compellingly flawed and in not immediately recognizable ways, either. Best in show is Val Lauren who plays an unceasingly aggressive self-made man. If this film gets distribution I expect it'll do major things for his heretofore minor career (lot of TV guest spots and the like).

I was wondering when he'd blow up but he never did. Maybe now?

Here's the trailer to True Love. He's the one you see wearing the cute hats, the one you hear monologuing about Disney, and the one you glimpse thrusting in a sex scene and smashing up defenseless cars.


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Reader Comments (4)

With the exceptions of Milk and Pineapple Express, I have yet to be impressed with anything James Franco has ever done, cinematically, literarily, or otherwise. I have a sneaking suspicion that this project won't live up to its potential.

May 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCasey Fiore

I applaud the casting of a relative unknown over an established A-lister/Abercrombie model. Bravo for that.

I'm really curious to see what Franco does with this as a director. The guy's got talent, but I do worry about his spreading himself thin over so many different projects to so many varying degrees of success that we'll forget about that talent of his in front of the camera. That's not to say he won't make a good impression as a director, but if he doesn't, it would cast a shadow over his terrific acting work to date.

May 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJason H.

He should've cast someone 'Sal Mineo' beautiful. He could've cast a Latino if he couldn't find an Italian that has the Mineo look.

May 11, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

I too saw "True Love" and was blown away by Val Lauren's work. Good choice in casting for Sal. James, Jim Parrack, Val, are such strong actors.

May 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThornton Halifax IV
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