On Blogging, Stamina, Subscriptions and Rent.

I've been contemplating a hiatus in a week's time for creative recuperation but especially to catch up on some pressing life concerns, mostly involving dire finances. Blogging day in and day out is tough nonlucrative work -- not tough nonlucrative like slinging burgers I know (don't misunderstood) -- but taxing in a peculiar emotional/headspace/social way, as many forms of mostly solitary, intellectual and/or creative jobs are.
A few years back I held a fundraiser which went well (thanks to all of you!) and saved me from ridiculous overage charges which the site no longer incurs (I've since fused the site & blog and switched hosts -- a big win for everyone, I think, right?... NEVER go with Pro-Hosting people!)
But fundraisers aren't really sustainable financial models unless you do them very frequently --which is annoying -- and ad revenue isn't (currently) enough to pay bills on. Hope springs eternal, though. I was thinking the other day that if everyone reading daily, every other day or weekly treated The Film Experience to a cup of coffee every month we'd be very strung out on caffeine we would be earning a totally liveable wage! Of course not everyone will contribute to anything they're used to getting for free. And I don't really, at this point or any point in the near future, want to try to challenge the New York Times (teehee) to a Pay Model duel.
So if enough of you have it in your hearts (and bank accounts) to be the kind of people who would gift The Film Experience the price of a cup of coffee, tub of popcorn, movie ticket or even dinner, on a monthly basis -- it'd be greatly appreciated and make our existential dilemma about whether we should keep blogging for time and all eternity go away :)
A solid stream of revenue for the site would also theoretically (if enough people pitched in) enable Nathaniel to go to (or send someone to) more of the big ticket festivals, make trips to LA during Oscar season, and make a video series we've been brainstorming possible. Everything costs either time or money but almost always both.
If you buy a "subscription" you'll get a discount on upcoming things we're working on to sell, too (mostly commemorative books). The point is Something's Gotta Give and Please Give (It's not Diane Keaton or Catherine Keener, so it's gotta be you.)
P.S. I realize it's bizarre to preface a request for patronage with "hiatus" talk, but if I get a slew of donations that would be loud motivation to keep it real real short-like (a week-like to tie up some loose ends) rather than something lengthier in which I would be searching for gainful employment.
P.P.S. If you don't want to do something regular-like, a one time donation would still help and it's my birthday next week anyway. Plug Plug. (There's donation buttons in the side bars or right here!)
P.P.P.S. Thanks to everyone who reads for this lovely community, whether or not you can give. (If you can't give you can always help sustain The Film Experience in other ways: Tweet or facebook or digg or otherwise share your favorite articles and spread the word. More traffic equals more opportunities for ad revenue.) It's great to wake up every morning and talk to other film fans... even the super quiet ones who never talk back ;)

Reader Comments (22)
I'm not sure if this is included in "commemorative books", but I've always thought that you should sell the entire catalogue of your film bitch awards from the day you started (was it 01?)
I, for one, would buy it at ANY price.
I hope everything turns out well.
If I wasn't a poor student who's work so far only involves volunteering, I'd so be donating right now :(
Chin up!!!!
Silence isn't golden in this situation. As much as I'm an attention seeking opinionated loud mouth in these parts I have nothing -- seriously. I love you.
Amir -- that is the main book plan, yes.
Ruth, i appreciate it. commenting is also good for a blogger's soul as is sharing articles you like with others.
/3rtfull -- thanks.
Nathaniel, i have the following question: i usually read your blog through google reader, except when i want to read comments, which i guess happens once or twice a week, but not for every post; i suppose when i read a post through google reader it does not count in your traffic and does not generate revenue? If that's so i (and others) should get into the habit of clicking on each and every post to make sure i visit the site every time. Let me know how it works.
Thanks for the site - i can't do a monthly donation as i don't want to give 1€ to my bank monthly (they charge me 1€ for any purchase i make in $...) but i'll try and remember to make a donation from time to time. Good luck!
I already made my contribution. Something symbolic, I'm afraid, but at least something to give back for all the good moments you bring to us all. There'd be no money to pay for that.
Nat, I'm on a (Very) limited income, so should I? No. Will I? Yes, absolutely, I glance at this blog nearly every day. I can spare a cup of coffee, at least - but I'd rather do it in a lump sum because I am soooo forgetful and can see myself screwing the monthly thing up.
I was going to ask, how much money do I need to contribute to inspire another section of the MR tribute essay, but I suspect the "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" post is all I'll get on that. (I guess I should give up the ghost on this.)
I enjoy this site far too much not to help you in any way that I can, so I will gladly offer a couple dollars a month to contribute to the cause -- even if it means forsaking my own weekday-morning coffee habit. Hahaha.
Nathaniel: I really hate Paypal cause I dont understand it :(
I will gladly subscribe a monthly dinner for you so I either have to learn how to use paypal OR figure out something else to buy you dinner once a month
OR I can donate to you once a month
Your site is truly really very GREAT and its worth every penny
thanks for the kind comments.
starfish -- as i understand it subscriptions do not count as traffic... (or at least they didn't use to) but it's still a great way to follow blogs. (this is why some blogs don't offer the full article on their feed. there's all sorts of theories about why that's not a good idea or a great idea. but clicking on ads or clicking over certainly woudln't hurt.
Nate, great idea. I hope this works out for you and the blog. I'll definitely chip in.
But more importantly, when's your birthday? Mine is next week too!
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this blog with a passion. But I don't live in the US, and they dont accept my non-american card. Go figure!
Evan -- my birthday is on June 6th. yay Geminis of the world.
Amanda -- ugh that sucks. thanks for loving the site and remember to share articles, like them on facebook or tweet them or whatevs.
Troy -- one cup of coffee for me a month, does not mean you'd have to stop drinking it yourself ;)
Awesome, Nathaniel. My birthday is the 12th so not the same, but my best friend's is the 6th too. Have a great one!
"You Can Count On Me". ;-)
They don't accept my card, too, but I've subscribed for a monthly donation using a friend's paypal account. You may do this and set an automatic cash transfer to your friend using internet banking. It's very easy if you don't have an international credit card.
(Movie tickets, Nat. Keep going)
I can't donate because of my poverty but I would if I could. I know of another blogger who also sells her blog posts to be read on Kindles via Amazon for a small fee (I think it's the convenience factor that sells it). Maybe you could do the same with your blog. It might help a little.
@Starfish yes, google reader doesn't work for ad revenue unless you click on the site, so be generous with your clickage. also click on the links within the site that Nathaniel or any other blog is linking to. An advantage of google reader is that it does make it much easier to promote the site, if you like, star, or share something that exposes more people to your site.
In that same vein, I'm an equally financially troubled film writer who's trying to promote my work as well at http://sophomorecritic.blogspot.com and I need some charity clicks as well, if anyone reading this would click on the interesting article that I posted on my name, perhaps you might like it (I'm not under the illusion that I'm as good or as prolific of a writer as Nathaniel), I would be forever greatful.
I'm at an all-time low on monetary funds right now, so my donation to you wasn't very much, but i've donated larger sums in the past that might equal $2.50 a month. I'm not sure when the next time I'll be shopping for books on film and i can't commit to being the one you're selling, but i hope i might be eligible for a donation on the basis of past donations
Oops, Nathaniel I meant eligible for a discount on the past donations
Also, that's odd I thought author URL's get put under our name.
Uuuhmmm Paypal does not accept Non American cards Im affraid......why??
I really want to help you Nate
Manuel... I don't know why. it says that they do but people keep saying they don't. errrr... will have to look into.