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Quickies: Window Women, Green Guns, Dendro Disciples

Superheroes and their phalluses. I swear.Quick Pet Peeve: I haven't seen it yet but why is Hal Jordan so unimaginative with his power ring in Green Lantern? I mean, you can create anything with it so you're just going to make a machine gun? Dullzzz-ville. Is this going to be like that time when vampires and werewolves were suddenly fighting with guns, draining them of all their supernatural mojo?

Quick Note: Tonight's episode of "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" will air tomorrow at noon instead. This day is crazy busy so I won't be ready in time. To prepare why not watch Fritz Lang's 1944 noir WOMAN IN THE WINDOW on Netflix Instant Watch.

Quick Poll: So many people are [ahem] tree-inclined these days. There's more than just hugging going on. From Justin Vivian Bond to The Stark Boys, who wins Dendrophile of the Week?! Vote.

Quick Question: Salt sequel with Angelina Jolie is a go. Have you any interest at all?

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Reader Comments (13)

I have no idea what a Dendrophile is, so I'll wait til I find out then cast my vote! All I can think of is Dendy Newtown... (cinema) LOL

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnthony Mai

Salt? Yeah, count me in. I mean the first film wasn't like the best.thing.ever, but it was fun and more importantly was economically short, which is not something you could say about a lot of films these days. Plus Angelina is usually quite aces in roles like these.

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

I agree with Ryan T. Salt was like Fast Five, pure stylish FUN! I'd absolutely give it another go.

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSmitty

Salt 2? No thank you. I mean, the first one was lots of fun, and Angie was great, but nothing about it made me think, "You know what? I would love to see a sequel."

Hollywood's sequel obsession is driving me a little crazy. There's no way that we've just run out of original stories.

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJonny

Yeah, I'd see Salt 2. I'm an Angie fan, and like Ryan said, Angie aces these types of roles. Actually, when I think about, I don't believe there's any other actress that does action/adventure quite like Angie. At least not in Western cinema. In the East, there was the incomparable goddess Michelle Yeoh. Though Yeoh was in another category completely, being the female Jackie Chan back in her day, performing her own stunts.

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlinking Cursor

Brandon totes had the same complaint about Green Lantern's imagination capabilities. Details, details! Gadzooks, "GL" looks bad.

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKurtis O

anthony -- someone who is sexually aroused by trees ;)

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R

a big NO for SALT 2: SALT was a piece of junk as only Angelina Jolie is OK to do actually .She's too skinny and "bitchface" to be credible in her character and her wigs are awful

NB: and FAST FIVE has better action scenes than SALT (the scene with the strongbox is the best action scene i saw since several months)

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercaro

Exactly, Kurtis. I think the "Summer slot", which I think could, quite possibly, NOT HAPPEN this year is, at this point, between X-Men First Class and Cowboys & Aliens. (Thor is slight, Captain America is Joe Johnston, Super 8 looks to be heading straight toward a mixed reception.) If Cowboys & Aliens duds out, X-Men First Class could get in the 10. If they both succeed critically and commercially, they'll split the vote and neither will get in. Two points on "The Iron Lady": 1. Will it be coming out this year? The January 2012 release in the UK leaves me severly questioning of this. It's a British director and a largely British cast. And usually that means UK release is first. 2. If there's no summer slot, and it comes out on time, can it beat a political thriller and not one but two love letters to aspects of the magic of cinema (star bleeping (My Week with Marilyn) and director bleeping (Hugo Cabret) to the tenth slot. Covering the 10: A Dangerous Method STILL doesn't have US distribution. Harrelson may get a Lead Actor nomination, but if Ice Cube is actually co-lead, Rampart's picture prospects seem low. Contagion: I see your angle, but this could very well be a shoddily put-together, unfocused, "I'm only doing this to retire" kind of movie. (And Soderbergh largely gets worse with time. Traffic was in 2000 and easily deserved 3 Razzies: Topher Grace and WORST editing and cinematography.) The Artist: Good choice. Huge media hook. Unique. Could very well get the film-lover market. If it doesn't, though, it's gone because of said uniqueness. War Horse: The Academy could very well dodge because of critics slamming it on sight due to Come and See. Empire of the Sun likely suffered such criticisms from the more informed critics. 24 years after Empire and 26 after Come and See, I think most critics have seen (and LOVE) Come and See. War Horse, to be frank, has to be a complete and utter horror story if critics are going to love it. Tree of Life: Needs a $100 million or more gross. Critical hossanas these days carry films close to the nomination period. Money smooths the path for the longer waits and the more bizarre movies. We Bought a Zoo and The Descendants could be great, or they could just be directorial de-rusting projects to drum up support for other things. (Crowe has that weird sounding "Deep Tiki" project and who knows what plans Payne has that could have been shuttered between the two projects.) And Eastwood is fading fast with Oscar. They revived their previous "one night stand" relationship (Unforgiven) after Mystic River for a small fling that ended 4 years later.

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

caro: Really? Fast Five? If you're looking at a canvas of six months, I could see, maybe, scenes in Thor or X-Men First Class as counterpoints. 12 months: Inception would like a strong word for "Best Action scene" contender. 18: Kick-Ass. Past decade: You need look no further than Oldboy's claw hammer scene.

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Just went to the Blue Crush 2 Facebook page looking for a DVD release date (it's June 7th by the way) and read they're giving away a trip for two to South Africa. Sweet!



June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohnson

Hal Jordan is boring in the trailer. Me? I'd have gone all Looney Tunes on the yellow menace. I'm talking falling pianos, over-sized mallets, and elaborate ruses based on poor disguises. Candygram for Yellow Evil.

June 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert G

sorry @Volvagia but the scene with the strongbox is the reason to see FAST FIVE in theater (it's a badass,efficient,awesome and rough scene) after i don't say it's the best action movie of the year or i ever saw but unless it's not a piece of junk whereas there is no reason to see SALT except if you're Jolie fan and again, you can see again WANTED

Fassbender and McAvoy are the reason to see the movie because X-Men:First Class has no personality and if you saw 3 first X-Men movies,you discover nothing of new(it's probably nice if you don't know X-Men movies) and you can see Vaughn copied several action scenes from other X-Men movies

i think THOR is a mediocre but absurd movie and i dislike KICK-ASS or SUCKER PUNCH(in fact,i hate SUCKER PUNCH)
INCEPTION is a well-better movie than these movies

June 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercaro
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