Sunday Breakfast Anyone?

Until Oscar season is over I won't have time for those lengthy "Ask Nathaniel" Q & A columns but I sure do miss 'em. Why not a live chat right here on Sunday morning, 11 AM EST? We tried this for the Critics Choice Awards and it was way too chaotic so I jumped back to traditional live blogging for the Globes. But breakfast should be more suitably conversational.
I'll be eating pancakes -- maybe with funny shapes -- and while I'm doing that you can ask me any question you want about the final Oscar predictions (which I'll have finished by Saturday), current movies, and whatnot. Join the morning fun!

Reader Comments (17)
sounds fun! Hey Nate, do you remember who you were predicting for Best Supporting Actress last year? Kunis or Weaver? just wondering. I know people have given you major props for being the only one that thought Maggie Gyllenhaal was a viable contender this time that year. :D
Holy crap I am soooo there.
It's a date, mate..Nate..whatever..See you there.. I mean here.. DAMN, I'm not coming. I ruined it!
Since I'm away from the 'puter on Sundays (not a religious thing, trust me; it's a "this is the only day my partner and I see each other" thing) I won't be able to attend, so I'll ask right here:
What kind of pancakes will you be enjoying?
Part me of still wants an out of nowhere surprise like Kristen Wiig as Best Actress. I just don't think enough academy members saw Tilda Swinton's film to nominate her. I might be wrong.
And I would love love love Rose Byrne in Bridesmaids to be nom'd, she was so spectacularly underrated in it!!
I love the FYC ads always on your TFE for Young Adult! It makes me want Charlize in that fifth slot even morrreee.
Will Oscars bump Berenice Bejo into Best Actress for 'The Artist'?!
would love to... but i will be SLEEPING at 8am PST!!!
I liked it a lot! Absoloutely want another one whenever you can.
Maybe a sketch (is that the right spelling?) fest? You and whoever wants will post an Oscar-movie-related drawing (by hand or digitally made).
I thought this was completely fun, even though Marylouise and Sally and I are still wondering about our question. We all think Dakota Fanning's agent skypes Lars pretty much every day, especially now that the ungrateful little sister is taking all the roles.
I really enjoyed the chat| Would you be up to doing one the day after the Oscars? Maybe in the afternoon, NYC time, to give you more time to recover and to let the West Coast people have more of a look-in.
is "inredibly loud" a 2012 movie or 2011.....if it's 2011 - why no talk about it - at all????
dammit! slept right through it! had some good questions, too. here's one I've been pondering because of that Supporting Actor mess of a category. what if Woodley's character was male in Descendants, yet played with all the beats and emotions to the T of what Shailene? would the young actor still get Award buzz? and would he be a lock for a Supporting Actor nom since the category is so crazy?
Jimmy -- Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close was indeed a 2011 movie. This year there were even more barely released in December titles than usual. Some of those will always get lost in the shuffle -- there's just not room for everything. In some cases it was screening merely the day before people were voting on things.
add to that that it probably needed more room to breathe because it was a divisive effort.
Not Shailene -- the answer is a simple no because young male actors just don't get traction the way young females do for merely succeeding at a job. They have to basically blow the roof off the role (example: Haley Joel Osment) or be in a mega hit (examples: Haley Joel Osment and Justin Henry) or be the entire emotional center and arguable lead of the film shoved into the supporting category (examples: Haley Joel Osment, Timothy Hutton, River Phoenix)
Nat, this was enjoyable (love the pancakes pics!) but I found following it at times a little confusing, and I missed the answers you generally give on these things. So I think this is fun but I wouldn't want it to completely replace the other....unless it already has. In that case don't mind me.
Regarding Claire Danes, btw (as her name came up) - I thought it ironic that she started on TV with My So-Called Life, which was such a, I don't know, "cult" hit? It certainly made her famous, so of course the move to movies was presumed (that's the trajectory, right?) And then a few years later a magazine writer was contemplating her career and noting that "she's still remembered most for My So-Called LIfe" and when would her movie career stop floundering (she was good in Digby Goes Down, btw, but then again it was an awesome movie - and too-little seen, and she wasn't doing anything flashy.)
Turns out the answer was - go back to her roots and the small screen, and now she's wowing people again.And maybe there's a lesson in that?
This was a great idea! I had so much fun reading it, and with your pancakes (when you asked for suggestions I wish someone had asked for the Fassmember). You always ace these Q&A posts.