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FYC Film Bitch Awards

It's that time of year. I've starting to draw up my lists of the Best This and Best That in every category... so many categories! The Nomination Party begins on December 28th and runs through January 23rd. As per usual, I'd love to hear your input on categories that are harder to winnow down and easier to mess up on by forgetting something totally brilliant. Last year I had some issues completing things but I am happy to report that I'm not quite as terribly behind schedule this year. So hit your FYCs in the comments for the following categories:

Best Line Delivery | Action Sequence | Sex Scene |  Musical Moment | Best Kiss |  Credit Sequence | Opening Scene | Best Actor or Actress in a Limited or Cameo Role | Best Scene in General

Best Actress Film Bitch Long List: Knightley, Hunt, Wallis, Chastain, Riva, Cotillard, Weisz, Corinealdi, Fanning, Dowd, Seydoux, Lynskey, Winstead, Streep. or Williams?

You do that whilst I continue to debate the acting categories with myself... It's so crazy hard to narrow down Best Actress every year! Can I have 15 nominees just so all of these bright actresses get their due?

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Reader Comments (66)

Sex scene: The Deep Blue Sea.
Musical moment: ''Firework'' in Rust and Bones.
Kiss: Moonrise Kingdom.
Opening: Amour.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSugar

Best Line Delivery: "Your brother and my brother are like best friends...(sexy) I'm Courtney" or "No, that's fine. He...sucks" - ParaNorman

The final monologue from Perks of Being a Wallflower ("That one moment when you stop being a sad story")

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSad man

FYC Best sex scene:

The scorching hot 3-way between Aaron Johnson, Blake Lively and Taylor Kitsch in SAVAGES.


December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

Nat-did you watch Take This Waltz yet? Any love for MIchelle Williams in your longlist?

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBen

Is it too late for me to appeal to you to see A Simple Life so you can have a potential 15th candidate for best actress in Deanie Yip?

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkin

No, you can't.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMarcelo

The sex scene in Take thiz Waltz, amazing!

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterÁngel Ramos

Best Line Delivery: "YOU WILL DO THIS FOR ME HUNTSMAN!" God bless Charlize "Scene-Chewer" Theron in that miserable Snow White movie.

Action Sequence: The waltz scene in Anna Karenina

Sex Scene: Weisz and Hiddleston in The Deep Blue Sea

Musical Moment: Annie Dreaming Her Dream--and wresting the song from the tyranny of Susan Boyle

Best Kiss: Diane Kruger laying one on Lea Seydoux in Farewell, My Queen

Best Actor / Actress in a Limited / Cameo Role: Joe Manganiello's body in Magic Mike. ;)

Best Scene: Seydoux falling on her ass, twice. I kid, that beautifully cosmic scene in Beasts of the Southern Wild when Hushpuppy meets the beasts.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterD Austin

Best Line Delivery - "I'm the man!" - Hushpuppy in Beasts of the Southern Wild; "The law says that you cannot touch.... But I think I see a lottla lawbreakers up in this house tonight..." - Dallas in Magic Mike
Action Sequence - The Horse Race in Anna Karenina (this probably doesn't really count)
Sex Scene - Anna and Vronsky in Anna Karenina
Musical Moment - Sam and Suzy dancing on the beach in Moonrise Kingdom; the homecoming dance in Perks of Being a Wallflower; Pony in Magic Mike
Best Kiss - Charlie and Sam (Perks of Being a Wallflower); Jessica Chastain and Tom Hardy (Lawless)
Opening Scene - Beasts of the Southern Wild; ParaNorman
Best Actor or Actress in a Limited or Cameo Role - James Badge Dale in Flight (he was the cancer patient, right?); Shirley Henderson in Anna Karenina
Best Scene in General: Perks of Being a Wallflower - The Tunnel (Charlie's last letter); Anna Karenina - The Ball (Anna and Vronsky's first dance); School (Beasts of the Southern Wild)

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdenny

I'd second Denny's vote for Shirley Henderson for limited or cameo role, and possible line delivery too, "...flaunting herself like a slut..."

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMike in Canada

Also, these are probably already on your shortlist, but:

Best Scene: Prometheus - Abortion; The Hobbit - A Game of Riddles (ALSO: FYC Andy Serkis for Best Supporting Actor; far and away the best thing about The Hobbit); Snow White & The Huntsman - The Magic Mirror; Brave - Merida's Speech (With help from Mother Bear); Les Miserables - I Dreamed A Dream; Looper - Closing Seth's Loop (body modification); Magic Mike - Dallas's Performance

Best Line Delivery - "No. I said, what kind of bird... are YOU?" (Sam in Moonrise Kingdom); anything that Tilda Swinton says in Moonrise Kingdom

Also, may I nominate for Best Sound Effect, Valjean's Suicide in Les Miz? If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdenny

Does Garrett Hedlund gyrating his shirtless body in a mexican brothel in On the Road count as a sex scene? It was sexiest of the year.

Best scene :
- the dinner scene with Corinealdi, Toussaint and Findley in Middle of Nowhere
- accordion parade in Holy Motors
- Maya tears up in Zero Dark Thirty

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermurtada

One more thing! (Sorry, can't help myself)

Best Line Delivery - The list of girls' names (Mark Wahlberg in Ted)

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdenny

I don't like the movie, but the abortion in Prometheus is unforgettable

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercal roth

Best musical moment: Empty Chairs by Eddie Redmayne...just as heartbreaking as Anne's song but less hyped (I wish there was some talk about him for Supp. Actor...)

Also, agree with best sound effect, but it was Javert's suicide not Valjean

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Best line delivery: "Oops..." - Anne Hathaway, TDKR

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJonny

Oh poo, Anonymous is right - I meant Javert's suicide. BAD MUSICAL THEATER NERD! BAD!

Valjean's suicide would be a totally different movie...

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdenny

Best Actor/Actress in a Limited Role:
James Badge Dale in "Flight"
Olivia Munn in "Magic Mike"
Gloria Reuben in "Lincoln"
Elizabeth Banks in "Pitch Perfect"

Best Line Reading:
Most of Rebel Wilson's in "Pitch Perfect." I'll go with "You guys are the best... Even though some of you are pretty thin, I think that you all have fat hearts. And that's what matters."

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRene

Best line delivery: Anything Rebel Wilson says in either Pitch Perfect or Bachelorette (see also Breakthrough Year)

Cameo: TIlda in Moonrise, Wilkinson in Les Mis

Action Sequence: Naomi and son getting washed away.

Sex Scene: The dance in Anna Karenina. So hot.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermikey67

I hope you saw My Sister's Sister and loved Rosemarie. Another immaculately graceful sisterly turn from her.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHayden W

Best Line Reading: Bradley Whitford in Cabin in the Woods, "Oh come on" before the merman eats him.

Best Actress in a limited role: Gina Montana as the teacher in Beasts

Also, reiterating the confusion of Michelle Williams for Take This Waltz not being in your longlist.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDean

Best Line Delivery - Mathew McConaughey - "But I see a lotta lawbreakers up in here tonight - that drawl, oh my.

| Action Sequence - The end of Moonrise Kingdom with the storm and the tower, so fairytale like

| Sex Scene - Does the fried chicken moment in Killer Joe count? That was some seriously screwed up stuff

Musical Moment - Ladies of Tampa OR Rebel Wilson's "Turn the Beat Around"

| Best Kiss - Moonrise Kingdom/The Amazing Spiderman - even if you didn't like it, emma and andrew were too gorgeous for words.

| Credit Sequence - Skyfall

| Opening Scene - Skyfall

| Best Actor or Actress in a Limited or Cameo Role - Tilda in Moonrise Kingdom, if that isn't too much/ The teacher in beasts of the Southern Wild, must find out her name or Emma Thompson in MIB3 - the only watchable thing in that movie

| Best Scene in General- The Opening of Beasts - where the fireworks are going off and the music is phenomenal and everyone's running together - I was transported there with them, something no other movie did for me this year.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermorganisaqt

PS Was J-Law not in your top 15? I know you didn't like the movie but is this an attempt to defy convention (noting the majority of your choices - I'd say no) and ignore the presumed front-runner or is it that you didn't like the movie and her performance to boot?

I haven't seen it yet, NZ Commenter here, but I am surprised you really didn't think she did any good either - is everyone else wrong? (you are my film guru you see)

PPS, I know its totally rude and unwarranted, but I have JUST started a blog of my own - something that I'll keep working on but you are my inspiration - http://maggieismyidol.blogspot.co.nz/

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermorganisaqt

The actress of the year is without a doubt: NICOLE KIDMAN.
It was her big return year, showing the power and extension of her craft!!! With 2 great roles....She is fearless and committed to her roles as no other actress...

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterColombianKidmaniac

DEAN -- OMG. and I just saw Take This Waltz and thought Michelle was amazing. ugh. this is why one does FYC posts and has to rescour lists several times before committing.

December 26, 2012 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R


December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermark

Okay, had to update the chart to a top 15... although my mad tinkering stops with going back to that supporting actress chart a few days back that is way wrong after my last hurrah of film viewing for the year.

1 more mandatory creening (Oslo August 31st) and i'm ready to start my lists.

December 26, 2012 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

morganisquat -- Jennifer Lawrence and Naomi Watts are the big exclusions above as "Oscar Buzz" go I suppose and they'd be right outside this list. I thought they were both good in their films but not as good as these 15 ladies for various reasons. It's as simple as that. Not a statement intended for controversy (though I've noted before that Lawrence I feel is miscast for her role and the character never made sense to me. But damn, she's charismatic!)

December 26, 2012 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Best Musical Moment: "Video Killed the Radio Star" from Take this Waltz, and like others said, "Firework" from Rust and Bone (and the latter for Best Scene in general)

Best Scene: The first processing from The Master; the takeover of the embassy from Argo

Best Line Delivery: The intro to Fat Amy, Amy's crystal meth comment, or "I set fires to feel joy" from Lilly in Pitch Perfect; Jake impersonating Michael Pena's character's family with the quinceaneras in End of Watch.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

So glad to see Winstead there!!! I never knew you saw it. Wasn't she amazing?!

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBVR

Best actor or actress in a limited or cameo role: Kristen Wiig, Friends with Kids

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterpatrickb

Best Line Delivery: "What makes you think this is my first time?" by Daniel Craig in Skyfall, and "There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne." by Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises

Best Sex Scene: The 360degree, panoramic time lapse sex scene in Take This Waltz was pretty damn steamy.

Best Credits: Skyfall. Why do most films give us the lazy, boring credits that we normally get when we could have more of THIS?!

Best Scene: Lincoln: Thaddeus Stevens limps back to his home, greets his "housekeeper", gives her the "present", removes his wig, and drops wearily into bed with her.

Best Musical moment: "It's Raining Men" from Magic Mike.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTravis

Wow, looking at the those ladies' photos makes me giddy. What a fantastic year of actresses and performances therein. No Reese Witherspoon's in "Walk the Line" or Sandra Bullock's in "The Blind Side" amongst the fray.

I won't commit to anything just yet (there are still days to savor), but I'm thinking the most impressive performances for me are: Quevanzahne Wallis, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Emanuelle Riva, Jessica Chastain, and Helen Hunt. Much love to Marion and Meryl as well.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

-Sex scene: Rust and Bone and The Sessions. Sex scenes don't look like perfume ads anymore!

-Musical Moment: Kyle and the accordions in Holy Motors. Molly Malone in The Deep Blue Sea, and Katy Perry in Rust and Bone.

-Actress in a Limited Role: Noémie Lvovsky in Farewell My Queen.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

Best Line Reading: "I love you, but you don't know what you're talking about." (Moonrise Kingdom)

Best Limited Role/Cameo: Bob Balaban (Moonrise Kingdom) and Jeff Daniels (Looper).

Best Sex Scene: Strobe/green screen/dance/dragon sex scene. (Holy Motors)

Best Individual Scene: Riddles in the Dark (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey), Slum fight (Elena).

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMikadzuki

Best line delivery - "You're my friend, kind of." - Beasts. Kills me.
Action sequence - Series of exlosion teases, 21 Jump Street
Sex scene - Not very original, but that Paperboy scene... wtf
Musical moment - So many from Les Miz, but don't forget Kylie's number in Holy Motors
Best Kiss - Valjohn kissing Cosette on the head when he finds her
Credit Sequence - Wreck It Ralph was cute (don't remember mnay of these)
Opening Scene - Holy Motors certainly gets your attention, but my favorite is probably The Cabin in the Woods, since it was so hilariously playing with audience expectations
Limited Role - So many! Half the cast of Lincoln. Lynskey was a great choice in Perks of Being a Wallflower. Carrell in Hope Springs. Some of the guys in Hawywire were great, and little Cosette as well as the revolution kid (forget his name?) were great in Les Miz.
Best Scene in General - Since I can't say the end of Life of Pi, how about the beasts meet Hushpuppy in Beasts, Hathaway's song in Les Miz, the 13th Ammendment passes, the sacrifice in Looper, Catwoman's intro in TDKR, and Nicole running to the car as the bride in Paperboy.

BTW should that last Actress slot go to Gerwig in Damsels in Distress?

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commentereurocheese

Action Sequence : Fight scene between Carano & Fassbender in Haywire.
Sex Scene : Magic Mike's sex scene with the lights flickering and the pig!
Musical Moment : Non-musical I assume, any moment with Gerwig in Damsels in Distress where she's pushing her dance routine.
Best Kiss : Through the car kiss in Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Opening Scene : The Master...it does so many things.
Best Actor or Actress in a Limited or Cameo Role |
Best Scene in General : The end of Kid with a Bike or the Processing scene in The Master.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBrianZ

Line delivery: "He called me brother..." Jackman's work during the Soliloquy made the live singing worth it.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNate T

Best Line Delivery: "I love you but you don't know what you're talking about" - Moonrise Kingdom
"No crying" - Beasts of the Southern Wild
"I really fucked this up, didn't I?" - Skyfall
"Am I on speakerphone?" - The Cabin in the Woods
"Do NOT read the Latin!" - The Cabin in the Woods

Action Sequence: Opening Sequence - Skyfall
"Home Alone Sequence" (yes, that's what I'm calling it) - Skyfall
System Purge - The Cabin in the Woods
Cemetery Shoot-Off - Seven Psychopaths

Musical Moment: Les Temps De L'Amour (does that count?) - Moonrise Kingdom
(if the above doesn't) Noye's Fludde - Moonrise Kingdom
Slow Boat to China - The Master

Best Kiss: First Kiss - Moonrise Kingdom
Jules and the "Moose" (Wolf) - The Cabin in the Woods

Credit Sequence: Skyfall
Moonrise Kingdom

Opening Scene: Amour
The Cabin in the Woods

Best Actor or Actress in a Limited or Cameo Role: Albert Finney in Skyfall (is that too large?)
Tom Waits in Seven Psychopaths
Jason Schwartzman in Moonrise Kingdom
Tim De Zarn (Mordechai, aka "The Harbinger") in The Cabin in the Woods

Best Scene in General: Hydrogen Cyanide - Skyfall
Cemetery Shoot-Out - Seven Psychopaths
First Processing Scene - The Master
Abortion Scene - Prometheus
Les Temps De L'Amour - Moonrise Kingdom
System Purge - The Cabin in the Woods

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRob

I 2nd Rob's suggestion for the speakerphone scene in Cabin in the Woods. I'm not sure what delivery is better, the harbringer's or Bradley Whitford "What happens next?"

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNate T

I can think of two quiet scenes that blew me away for Best Musical Moment.

The first is the singalong in Sound of My Voice. The slow realization on the faces of the documentarians and the other dissenters when they realize the cult leader from the future is singing a pop song from the 90s as proof of her time traveling is brilliant. Faith, doubt, and the entire riddle of the film is epitomized in that one unexpected musical moment.

The other is even quieter: Anna Kendrick singing Cups in Pitch Perfect. After the over the top laughs of the Since You've Been Gone montage, seeing Kendrick plop down onstage, steal a cup from the judges, and just groove to a strange little song is a brilliant way to actually showcase what her character could bring to the film.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRobert G

Charlie's first kiss in Perks of Being a Wallflower

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJesper

I love musical interludes, and there were so many good ones this year.

"Entr'acte"- Holy Motors
"Video Killed the Radio Star" - Take This Waltz
"You Belong to Me" - The Deep Blue Sea

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRaul

Cameo: Melanie lynskey perks of being a wallflower

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWilson

Best line reading -- nearly everything Tommy Lee Jones says in Lincoln, no? Pick one. any one. The Avengers: "Son, you've got a condition." The Dark Knight Rises: "Death ... by exile."

Best scene -- abortion in Prometheus. My own reaction was probably gender-specific as it triggered some seriously deep-seated Freudian terrors in me but an incredible and truly horrifying scene, period. also: the Kitty/Anna/Vronsky dance scene in Anna Karenina, not only for its technical thrills but because it sells you on exactly the nature of Anna's attraction to Vronsky.

Best opening -- Moonrise Kingdom. Prometheus, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Amour

I'm not really sure what category Guy Pearce in Lawless should fall into, but he should get something. Anything.

Best action sequence -- Demon bear in Brave, maybe?

Best cameo/limited role -- Jason Schwartzman in Moonrise Kingdom -- as someone mentioned on a blog the other day, he remains the reigning master of Andersen-speak. I also almost didn't recognize Stephen Dillane in Zero Dark Thirty in the role of the not-impressed national security adviser but he was deliciously satisfying, as always. Finally, Cillian Murphy in the Dark Knight Rises, damnit!

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercaroline

Just because I think nobody has mentioned him, Bill Camp in Compliance, for actor in a limited/cameo role. His facial expressions just listening to the voice on the phone are priceless. Maybe it's more of a traditional supporting part, but if Anne Dowd is a supporting actress...

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteriggy

So glad you loved Michelle Williams. She was so amazing. She's definitely in my top 5.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSad man

It's a shame that the guaranteed winner doesn't even rank in the top 15.

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMike M.


“Perks of Being a Wallflower” (Lerman, “somebody…”)
“Perks of Being a Wallflower” (Miller, “…that’s fucked up.”)

“Zero Dark Thirty” (the raid)
“Flight” (Plane crash)
“The Impossible” (Tsunami hits)
“The Dark Knight Rises” (stadium implosion)

“The Broken Tower” (Franco & Shannon)
“Dark Shadows” (Depp & Green)
“Savages” (3-way)
“On the Road” (3-way)
“The Paperboy” (Kidman & Cusack)

“Magic Mike” (Ladies of Tampa)
“Magic Mike” (It’s Raining Men)
“Silver Linings Playbook” (Ballroom dance-off)
“Katy Perry: Part of Me” (Firework)

“The Broken Tower” (Franco & Shannon--deeply sensual)
“Perks of Being a Wallflower” (Lerman & Watson)
“Anna Karenina” (Knightly & Johnson)


American Reunion
Zero Dark Thirty

“Skyfall” (homoerotic interrogation)
“Perks of Being a Wallflower” (cafeteria fight)
“End of Watch” (Ambush)
“Prometheus” (c-section)
“The Paperboy” (Golden shower)
“The Hunger Games” (Picking Names)
“Ted” (Dinner with Tami-Lynn)

Johnny Depp, 21 Jump Street
Viggo Mortenson, On the Road
Betsy Brandt ('Banker Lady), Magic Mike
Andrew Rannells, Bachelorette
James Gandolfini, Zero Dark Thirty
Elizabeth Banks, Pitch Perfect
Juliette Binoche, Cosmopolis
Joan Cusack, Perks of Being a Wallflower
Tilda Swinton, Moonrise Kingdom
Gabby Sidibe, Seven Psychopaths

**Please, PLEASE resurrect these categories:

The Dark Knight Rises (teaser)
The Amazing Spider-Man (teaser)
The Man with the Iron Fist (smashing fits/ butterflies)
Killer Joe

21 JUMP STREET, “The only thing getting blown tonight is their cover.”
KILLER JOE, “A totally twisted deep-fried Texas redneck trailer park murder story.”
JACK REACHER, “If he’s coming for you, you deserve it.”
MAGIC MIKE, “Work all day. Work it all night.”

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRyanSt

- "There's a storm coming..." monologue by Selina, The Dark Knight Rises
- "I love you, but you don't know what you're talking about", Moonrise Kingdom
- "I sometimes think I can do crystal meth but then I think, mm better not.", Pitch Perfect

- Bane breaks Batman, The Dark Knight Rises
- The tsunami hits, The Impossible
- Skyfall, Skyfall

- I Dreamed a Dream, A Little Fall of Rain, Epilogue, Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, One Day More and Master of the House from Les Miserables
- Who We Were for Holy Motors
- Firework from Rust and Bone
- Beach Dance from Moonrise Kingdom
- Come On Eileen from The Perks of Being a Wallflower
- Heroes from The Perks of Being a Wallflower
- The Ball from Anna Karenina
- Pony from Magic Mike

- Father Christmas from Les Miserables
- Telepathic sex from The Paperboy

- Sam & Charlie from Perks of Being a Wallflower
- Marius & Eponine from Les Miserables

- Skyfall
- Moonrise Kingdom
- The Dark Knight Rises (ice breaking into Bat symbol)

- The Master
- The Dark Knight Rises
- Les Miserables

- Colm Wilkinson, Les Miserables

- Laura Dern, The Master

December 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew
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