"Don't you dare loose another arrow..."

I forbid it!"
Psssst. How great is the new Brave trailer? I wish all movies were confident enough to lead with an early scene instead of the traditional 'here are all the story beats' trailer. It was just the thing I needed this week to get me excited about moving on to 2012 once we wrap up with Oscar and Oscar post mortem this week.
Will this be a Pixar bullseye at the 85th Oscars on February...?
No, Nathaniel, No. I forbid it. No Oscar 2012/13 talk until April Fool's Day!

Reader Comments (8)
Sorry to be a killjoy, but just watched 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' and this image gives me the chills rather than making me excited!
@Carlos: <3 LOL.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. It really is the best trailer I've seen in so long.
Her hair might be the best animation they've every done.
I too really enjoyed this trailer! I am now officially excited for this film, whereas before I was half-worried for a reason I can't quite put my finger on.
And while I'd hate to get off topic, I just finished reading Cogan's Trade and I wanted to predict something: If Richard Jenkins is playing the character "Mitch" - and, by one of the stills recently released, he looks to be - he will be nominated for his second oscar next season. Big fan of the guy, so my fingers are crossed.
That slow motion arrow shot looked flippin' amazing. Those Pixar people sure know what they're doing.
I'm a little worried about some of the goofy comedy in these trailers (lifting up the kilt, etc.) Seems more like Dreamworks-style than Pixar, if you ask me.
I'm with you, Nathaniel - JUST what I needed to get me excited about 2012.
I found it pretty dull but more importantly, I really hope people will not find this movie feminist in a good way. If you want to present an interesting, complex femlae character to silence some voice or just because you feel like doing it, don't take Robin Hood and take away his man parts.
Do something more original!
Of course, we've seen too little from the movie to tell, but I'm just saying. By the way, I don't think I'll see it.
James: I get your point about originality and how this trailer wasn't THAT original. However, this was, clearly, one of the opening scenes (I'd doubt this scene wasn't within the first 10 minutes) and I think we've seen enough to wet our appetites (sharp V/O, quick set up of the character's abilities and first hints of what the dramatic arc is) and see if they do something unique with the premise.