Madonna Bowl

I was trying to make Sunday the ultimate day of productivity but finally I succumbed to laziness/excitement and just tweeted through the Superbowl. Or, well, half of it at any rate en route to Madonna's much awaited Half Time show.
So let's relive the whole experience right here (in case you aren't following me on Twitter and if you aren't, why the hell not?) since I am too lazy to write up a whole article and there are movie ads and movie references to discuss. Though strangely Madonna's whole Cleopatra inspired entrance didn't occur to me till just now. I was too excited to process anything (still reeling from meeting her).
Below are tweets from me and others.
- my entire adult life I've heard the Oscars referred to as "the gay superbowl"... so I'm trying to watch 'the straight Oscars for the 1st time
- so far it's really boring. they didn't open w' a comedy routine. no beautiful gowns. you can't even see the celebrity faces. (Helmets. Boo!)
- Tom Brady=the prettiest football star of all time! That's an assumption but a confident one.
- I don't like 'The Straight Oscars' ... too many ugly old men, not ANY pretty actresses #GaySuperbowlOnly21DaysAway
- @StevenMCuevas: If the Oscars at the Gay Superbowl and Rooney Mara's dad owns the Giants, does this mean Rooney wins an Oscar?
One of many incomprehensible Battleship images that could be Transformers cutouts
- @ZeitchikLAT: thank you Battleship, for bringing back large-scale, incoherent school of movie advertising.
- It went away?
- @HegedusEricC: Must we make movies based on board games like "Battleship" now? Did we not learn from "Clue"
- They couldn't have possibly learned from Clue. They've only seen Michael Bay movies.
If you're trying to hard the "Mars" part, you're doing it wrong!
- I *still* don't get why they dropped "Of Mars" from #JohnCarter I wish I'd been in that meeting because WTF?
- Seriously. I can't get over it. People ONLY go to blockbuster F/X movies so why pull the F/X part of your title?
- @TheresAPlaceForUs: the JOHN CARTER title reminds me of THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET --> HUGO CABRET --> HUGO (-->H?) #DumbitDown
- @JoeReid: Scarlett Johansson, girl, what's that puny little gun gonna do when taxicabs are getting thrown around? #Avengers
- @Phil_On_Film I haven't the foggiest idea what's going on. I seems somebody has injured their tight end, which sounds painful
- @chriscolfer Wait, which jersey number is Madonna?
- @StanDarde Why are all these guys playing football at the Madonna concert? #Confused
- You don't want to know how many times I watched "Gimme All Your Luvin'" during the past 48 hours.
- Lingering question. The tightroper walker inches off the ground? Does Madonna secretly love XANADU?
- @hollowchatter Secretly?
- @MarkHarrisNYC: The machine making the sounds coming out of Madonna's mouth has never sounded better.
- @MattRett: Anyone who says Madonna looks "bad" better be motherfucking Michelle Pfeiffer
- @PattonOswalt: Oh my god, they smelted Madonna down into World Peace. We all win!
- @SortaThatBoy: Looks like Madonna fans got what they wanted while Madonna haters were also satisfied. #WorldPeace
- If Tom Brady agrees to play the rest of the game in David Beckham's underwear I'll keep watching... #MadonnaBowl
- @Joannalangfield: Me, too. Can we see the Beckham ad again #ForResearch
Who won? I mean, besides Madonna fans?

Reader Comments (15)
Giants 21, Patriots 17. But who really cares? I was reliving the 2004 Animated Short Oscars instead.
BTW. did you get the West Side Story Blu-ray picture I sent?
- The whole thing was lip synced (aside from maybe Like A Prayer).
- Her dancing was a hot mess. At one point, she played with one of the LMFAO member’s cape, put her hands on the ground, lifted her leg for that same LMFAO member to hold, and flailed her other leg in the air several times. Wut even…it made me think of something my little cousin’s would do, or something I did when I was like 11.
- Like A Prayer is my favorite Madonna song, and I enjoyed that performance with her, Cee Lo, and the choir.
- I thought the “World Peace” bit at the end was a bit laughable considering she’s the one saying rude things about Lady Gaga. Don’t be a hypocrite, gurl.
- Overall, it was epic. Can’t even imagine how much it costed, but it wasn’t really epic because of her performance. I do love her new song though, even if it’s kinda basic. Nicki and M.I.A. are awesome but they obviously lip synced too.
I don't think World Peace really means you have to be super nice to everyone, and its not like she tore a new one, she just said it was "reductive". But I think that everyone lip syncs at the Superbowl, something about it being too loud to hear yourself/bad acoustics in an open stadium? I could have totally dreamt that though. Totally agree about the dancing though, not her best work but she had me from the very first "What are you looking at?!"
Cee Lo Green is the only one that wasn't lip syncing - but lip syncing is pretty common for Super Bowl performances.
That's not all she said though. In another interview, she said that Gaga is not "built like a brick shithouse like Britney Spears." It's just silly and petty. :P I'm a fan of both of them, I just am extremely turned off with Madonna's attitude.
Eli Manning is husband material, lover material, fetish partner material--my God the last part of my statement has me so excited! L-U-V Madonna.
As those burly slaves pulled the Throne of Pop onto the field, my roommate said, "What is this, 300?" I shook my head. "No, friend. It's Tarsem's Cleopatra." And then we both wanted it to happen.
And when they make the inevitable Jem and the Holograms movie...Madonna IS Synergy.
Nathaniel, Tom Brady is indeed the prettiest man in football, but he shares that title with the Jets' Mark Sanchez.
Philip - you need to calm down. 'Built like a brick shit house' is a way of saying someone is very muscular or in terms of a woman "In form built like a brick house. Of a woman: having a curvaceous figure, esp. slim with large, prominent breasts. Also of a woman's figure."
Gaga is slim with smaller breasts - how is that an insult to Gaga.
Besides - Madonna has said many many nice things about Gaga.
Super Bowl show was amazing. Loved it so much. So amazing to see her back.
She nailed the whole damned thing. Quite simply my generation's best entertainer!! Go girl!
//(in case you aren't following me on Twitter and if you aren't, why the hell not?) //
Because I find the whole thing confusing (I can't follow the conversations, it's just random statements lacking context). And there we have it.
Twitter is so 2011!!!
THAT is how you do a Super Bowl Halftime Show!
Yes, there were a couple of mishaps, and she lip-synced (although that's par for the course for the Super Bowl), and she stole her entrance from Kylie Minogue, but the old gal totally brought it home at the end. I laughed through the entire bit with LMFAO - what a good sport she was doing their little "dance". The only way the "set list" could have been any better was if she had somehow managed to slip in Ray of Light - although I only say that because it's my favorite song of hers!
David -- do tell us what 2012 is so we can get a jump on it. ;)
Maybe it's not even possible but I want Madonna to win an Emmy for what she did last night.
I ended up sobbing of pure joy.