April Showers Are Coming

It's that time again. The cinematic downpours are coming, sometimes man-made sometimes heaven sent.
April Showers fall every weeknight (except wednesdays) @ 10 PM EST starting April 5th. We'll write up movie shower scenes. Any suggestions?
April Showers

Reader Comments (16)
Psycho would be too obvious, so I'm going to vindicate a guilty pleasure of mine... A Nightmare on Elm Street 2, it has a memorable shower scene...
It's not a shower per se but there is a long bath scene in The English Patient
Another bath, Black Swan
Have you ever done Being John Malkovich?
- Hugh Jackman's outdoor shower in "Australia"?
- And was there a shower as well as a bath scene in Michelle Pfieffer's "What Lies Beneath"? Water was a real malevolent theme in that movie.
- "Carrie", of course, one of the most famous.
- Daniel Craig and Eva Green in Casino Royale
- The famous shower scene from Midnight Express
- Blade Runner
- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Fincher)
- The ending of Like Crazy...I know you didn't love the movie but I saw it recently so it's fresh in my head
- Two from Brian De Palma: Dressed to Kill and Blow Out, the latter is only a short part of a longer sequence but I thought I'd include it anyway because it's such an effective opening.
And since a couple of people have offered up bath scenes I'll add the famous bathtub scene from Les Diaboliques.
bathtub scenes don't work. it has to be showers. hence the title. I have written about some of these already so perhaps i'll do a few "reruns" during the month.
Since I just saw it last month (I know, I know)... how about Streep's decontamination showers in SILKWOOD?
The shower scene of Antichrist is pretty awesome.
500 Days of Summer
Is that picture from Bambi?
Joe -- that it is.
While brief, the Colin Farrell shower scene in "Tigerland" left an indelible impression on me...
Like Crazy. :)
I don't know why it's the first one that popped in my head but Richard Gere in the remake of "Breathless", you know, in case you're studying Famous Backsides of Famous Stars. It's quite lovely, and he's not even my type.
It would surely hit the box office. The moviegoer's would grad this opportunity to watch like this kind of movie.