Anne Linkaway

big screen
/Film what to expect on the Prometheus BluRay
Playbill character actor Herbert Lom (The Pink Panther, Night and the City) dies at 94
In Contention shines a spotlight on AMPAS's best quality: their interest in film preservation. They're still trying to find the missing Oscar nominees from year's past. God speed, AMPAS, god speed.
The Envelope can Disney dominate the Animated Film Race? I think so. I'm guessing that Frankenweenie wins.
i09 original production art from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
small screen
In Our Words smart piece on gaycism and sitcoms -- just because you include a gay character, you shouldn't have carte blanche to indulge in every other form of bigotry.
Gawker what's going on with Christina Aguilera's vagina in her new video?
Big Thoughts... enjoys Kelly Macdonald on Boardwalk Empire. I have to say that's my only regret in my lack of interest in the show. Love her in the movies whenever she pops up.
must-see this newly uncovered video from behind the scenes on Mean Girls is a must-see: Amy Poehler, Tina Fey and Lindsay Lohan rehearsing the Kevin G rap.
Salon has an interesting article about the right wing's problem with pop culture and lack of Hollywood supporters
Gothamist an absolutely horrifying live theater development. Spider-Man is the gift that keeps up stinking up Broadway!
Hollywood Reporter ANNE HATHAWAY DOING THE SONGS OF "CABARET"-- one night only in New York. (Oh to have enough money to attend benefit concerts!)
Reader Comments (6)
And what's going on with her mascara, too! By the way, she doesn't really love their bodies, does she?
I haven't seen The New Normal, but the trailer was quite bad. I'm really worried about The Normal Heart. Ryan Murphy please step aside.
Aguilera's vagina is awesome! I wish she would have used that trick in Burlesque (on Cher?).
PS Sinese a republican... who would have thought!
I have not yet seen Frankenweenie, but surely I am not the only one rooting for the wonderful ParaNorman to take the prize?
Nope, I"m totally with you (but I haven't seen Frankenweenie either). I adored ParaNorman, and it's by far my favorite animated movie of the year, although The Secret World of Arrietty would be a close runner-up if it were eligible.
And while we're talking about animated movies, does anyone think that Rise of the Guardians looks really bizarre?
The Blue liquid symbolizes blood, just like the confetti symbolizes blood in the last kill. i.e. Christina's video.
I can't tell about other shows I don't see, but the piece on gaycism and Modern Family is spot on. It''s even worse when the show is dubbed into Spanish as Sofía Vergara jokes get lost in dubbing. So, I guess someone decided that unless they did something, her character would have no defining features. What did they do? They added an artificial and fake Colombian accent. So, yes, in Spanish she also speaks with an accent, an unreal (I've never met a Colombian speaking that way) over the top accent.