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All is Link

Village Voice great piece on BAM's retrospective of Karen Black (happening right now!) by Stephanie Zacharek
Vulture All is Lost, Robert Redford and taking stardom for granted
AV Club "100 Episodes" takes on Homestar Runner - great piece about the evolution of Web TV. 
Guardian talks to Chris Hemsworth about Thor consuming his life and what he learns from film to film


My New Plaid Pants begins "The 13 Snakes of Halloween" festivities with The Witches and Anaconda. Oooh, what comes next? 
Coming Soon Avatar sequels start filming in one year's time. Happy Halloween so don't throw away your blue body paint just yet.
i09 on 11 misanthropic horror movies from Cabin in the Woods to Frankenstein
LA Times Scarlett Johansson, winning fresh raves for her voice work in Her, is mystified by the awards process.

I don't even know how it works. And I'm an Academy member!" 

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Here's our first image of Reese Witherspoon from Wild which she tweeted herself...



Her very own less grim Into the 127 Hours sorta one-man kinda show about a actress who hiked 1000 miles after losing her mojo. No I kid I kid, it's the true story of a woman who did that after her divorce and her mother's death. It started filming last week. I sincerely hope Reese packed her Oscar in that napsack just to remind herself about ACTING. It's unwise to share the screen with Laura Dern if you haven't reminded yourself of that.

Yes, in the oddest casting news for this movie Laura Dern who is but 9 years older than Reese will be playing her mother. 

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Reader Comments (7)

I'm glad she's happy playing Cheryl Strayed (first time I hear that name), however you're absolutely right. She has forgotten how to act. She could have done so much more with her role in Mud.

October 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

As weird as the casting is, the mother is supposed to be close to the age of her children in this (not 9, of course, but under 20). And I think Reese will playing younger - the real Cheryl Strayed was about 10 years younger on her hike than Reese is now.
All that to say, I think the math works out perfectly for the Dern casting (and when it's Dern, it always does.)

October 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMike in Canada

Agreed she seemed to loose her good judgement as soon as she clutched that Oscar,hope this goes well for her,hopefully matt had a word when they worked on mud.

October 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commentermark

I saw All is Lost the other night.
There is absolutely nothing new or engaging about it. The movie is soulless and so is his performance. It's the least challenging role to be played. Any actor his age could have done a better job. He basic reacts to what is thrown at him and when he needs to express any emotion, he is wooden. When he screams "F...!", it was an embarrassing acting moment. It felt so fake. I saw nothing in his eyes... It's not like I hate Redford or anything, but just because he is the only one on screen does not mean that he automatically has done something amazing (see Sandra Bullock, with her wooden line deliveries - she needs some voice work - in Gravity).

October 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMr. Goodbar

I'll say this, I'm kinda sold by the one still released. More in her eyes there than we've seen in a long, long while. I remain interested.

Also, I'm assuming since the mom is dead and she's spending the trek alone that Dern's appearing in some sort of flashbacks?

October 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

Lets not forget Jean Marc Vallee is directing and he is killer with actors

October 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

I consider Reese Witherspoon winning an Oscar for Walk the Line almost a joke. On the same level as Sandra Bullock winning for The Blind Side. Not that they were bad in those movies, but so far from Oscar-worthy to me.

October 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSad man
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