Sisters of the Forest

JA from MNPP here. We all know what happened the last time a girl named Nell wandered into the woods - no good can come from it! I kid, I kid - I know there are vehement Nell defenders out there, and I've no doubt you're all up in this actressexual's haven, so I'll step off.
I only use that Jodie Foster film as a sideways stepping stone to address today's news that Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood have signed up to star in Into the Forest, an adaptation of Jean Hegland's book about a pair of sisters (named Nell, a-ha, and Eva), one a ballet dancer and the other a student (I don't think I'll ever figure out which actress is playing which role!), who are forced into survival mode together when society comes crashing down around them in the not distant future. Have any of you read the book? I have not but it sounds right up my alley and I think I will go pick myself up a copy right this second. What do you think about Page and Wood playing sisters? Patricia Rozem, who previously made the womanly entertainments Grey Gardens and Mansfield Park, is directing.

Reader Comments (7)
I already want an Into the Woods/Into the Forest mash-up.
Evan Rachel Wood is the ballet dancer and Ellen Page is the student, right? I mean, I can only assume since movies refuse to let Ellen Page feel attractive and graceful in any way.
alex --good point. it's so weird to see this news today since i just wrote a post on ballet dancers in film for future publication :)
Alex - I didn't see it, but didn't Page a pretty sexual and sexually desirable woman in Woody Allen's "To Rome With Love"?
Joey beat me to it because I was about to make an INTO THE WOODS quip (if only because ERW was my ideal choice for Cinderella). This sounds interesting, and I want Evan in more (and better) things, so hopefully it's good.
I have to agree with Alex. Woods strikes me as the one who would be marketed as the more graceful, artistic one. Page: more intellectual.
It's Patricia RozemA, and she wrote Grey Gardens not directed it. Sorry to be so nit picky.
As for ERW, she would have made a wonderful Cinderella in to the woods. What happened? Isn't she good at auditions?