Cinema Swimwear: The Talented Mr Ripley

This summer The Film Experience is launching its own swimwear line! *not really
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larger viewThe High Waisted Mr Ripley Racing Brief
★★★★★ - 18 Reviews
Product Details
Designers Ann Roth and Gary Jones collaborated to bring you this blinding beauty (modelled by sneaky slim Matt Damon) which is perfect for that ex-pat trip to far-away moneyed shores. Even if you never get in the water! It's time to lose yourself with old school chums. You're so white -- grey, really -- both you and your suit will glow with purpose and the confidence you'll need to reinvent yourself. Besides, you've always wanted to summer in Italy. "This is your swimsuit... questo è il vostro costume da bagno"
Only available in Neon Lime Green! For when you positively have to be accidentally noticed because you definitely can't be remembered.
You can't afford it. Charge it to your wealthy shipping magnate benefactor.
Estimated Arrival, Shipping Date
This 1999 look is inspired by the 1950s and still a shapeshifting keeper in 2013.
Details & Care
Please do not pair with unsuitable shoes. You'll only look like a poseur pauper who is making this up as he races along.
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Go ahead. Risk it. You'll definitely catch the eyes of the Dickie you desire. Or at least temporarily blind them.
Now is the time to strike. Summer fantasies never last forever.
Reader Comments (11)
Jude Law as the most scrumptious here and he's so bad for you. Cheating on Sadie Frost who is one of the most awesome women ever — he'll always break our hearts but never earn our sympathy even when he deserves it (Huckabees and Closer).
Nathan, can you expand on this theme with a comment on William Holden in Love Is a Many Splendored Thing?
3rtful: I've long been an outspoken advocate for a woman's right to sleep with Jude Law. Just because something is bad for you, doesn't mean it deserves your reproach.
Mike - amen. I mean i eat ice cream all the time. it's not good for me but i'm not giving it up.
but also eating ice cream all the time is why i cant' purchase my own highwasted mr ripley racer brief.
LOL, I actually purchased a pair of swim trunks that same color yellow for my trip to Europe last year, all in an ode to this movie! Seriously...I even brought the Highsmith novel with me on vacation for some leisure reading. There's nothing like being in Rome, reading about Ripley being in Rome while lounging around in your bright yellow swim trunks.
I didn't like Dickie i preffered Tom,better looking.
There is a lot of junk outlining happening here...
ha! keep these entries coming!
Whoah, and just like that it finally dawned on me where my ideal aesthetics for the perfect male came from.
True story -- I have a pair of Teamm8 swim briefs that bear a striking resemblance to Mr. Ripley's -- sans high grandpa waist -- right down to the color.