Oscar's Honors... But Where is Mia Farrow?

Glenn here. First things first: let us congratulate the four people selected by the Academy to receive statues at their annual Governer's Awards in November. The names are screen (big and small) and stage legend Angela Lansbury, five-time costume design nominee Piero Tosi, actor and comedian Steve Martin, as well as Angelina Jolie who will be awarded the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award.
I think we can all agree that the first three names listed there are bona fide deserved winners. Lansbury with her nominated screen roles in Gaslight, The Picture of Dorian Gray (which I think made her the first person ever nominated for both their debut and sophomore performances?) and perhaps most famously as the wicked puppet master mother in The Manchurian Candidate, not to mention also appearing as the voice of sweet Mrs. Potts in Beauty and the Beast. She ranked #7 on The Film Experience's poll of women who deserve an Honorary Academy Award so there's one name we can strike off the list. It's hard to argue also with the selection of Steve Martin, and it's especially a breath of fresh air to see the Academy honour another comedian with their honorary award as if to say "Yeah, look, we know!" Such a shame audiences will be denied getting to see these two fabulous icons on stage at the Oscars.
And while his name may not be as familiar, Italian costumer Piero Tosi is no stranger to Oscar. He's been nominated five times including for such famed films as The Leopard, Death in Venice, La Cage aux Folles, and La Traviata. He has not worked since 2009 so it's now or never and we can all applaud the Academy's continued celebration of craftsman in these categories.
However, I'd really like to know what you guys think of the choice of Angelina Jolie. I don't think anybody would begrudge her her success in bringing the plight of refugees to the front page of national magazines and into movie cinemas (Beyond Borders and her directorial debut In the Land of Blood and Honey both did this albeit to questionable success) as well as her many other humanitarian efforts alongside United Nations. Still, by the end of the year, Jolie will be a two-time Academy Award winner. She's only 38 and has plenty - plenty! - of time to win another (whether for acting or directing or whatever other forte she chooses to venture into). What next? George Clooney? Opra... Oh, wait.
Meanwhile, poor ("poor" in a metaphorical sense, obviously) Mia Farrow continues to sit there wondering what on Earth she has to do to get noticed by these people. She could easy be recognised with an honorary Academy Award for her acting (her years alongside Woody Allen as well as Rosemary's Baby attest to that) or for her humanitarian efforts of which there are many. Hell, her goodwill nature is so well known and so strong that she was immortalised on an episode of Laura Dern and Mike White's Enlightened!
Given her lack of nomination to this day one has to wonder whether people within the Academy view her in a certain unflattering light. Why that'd be so, I have no idea. You'd think the fall out from her marriage to Woody Allen would have made them want to honor her even more, no? I guess not. Of course, I doubt Farrow is too bent out of shape over it: one doesn't commit themselves to activism in the hopes of winning an Oscar. But wouldn't it be nice to see them rewrite multiple wrongs instead of giving Jolie her second statue? And if not Farrow then surely there are still plenty of other worthy people who are Oscarless to this day that have done a lot for charity and the community.
Nevertheless, congratulations to all the winners. May the brief montage they allow us to see of your ceremony be funny and enlightening and prove that y'all deserve to be on the main stage.
Reader Comments (36)
Mia Farrow was labeled as a ' kook / weirdo ' long ago similiar to Shelley Duvall .
I think Jolie's deserving, Farrow would be as well. What I don't think is that the purpose of the award is to reward the under-oscared, nor do I think it confers the status of "two time Academy Award winner." Do people often refer to themselves as Academy Award winners after receiving an honorary oscar (especially that particular one)? I don't think I've ever heard someone refer to Hitchcock as an Oscar winner on account of his honorary one.
Other than that I agree, I wish we knew more about how they decide who to honor because it all seems so random
Glenn.. love the article and agree with you almost entirely .. Mia Farrow is the exception ( for me) I completely agree withe the Angelina Jolie snub ...she has brought to the screen some good areas where people should sit up ( but really, that much? ) Also, I would rather see her and Brad adopt children here who are as much in need as the boys and girls they have adopted .... I really think of Brad Pitt as being more of an humanitarian than she...
I don't know how controversial her political beliefs are, and if that influences things. She's been pretty pro-Syria intervention on twitter.
Her son is part of the Kerry/Hillary/etc. interventionist cabal, which for me is one of the great disappointments of a supposedly liberal presidency. I imagine a lot of people in Hollywood feel the same way.
I think Jolie is a ridiculous choice. Yes, her humanitarian efforts are commendable, but, quite frankly, she's about 20 years younger than the next-youngest recent recipient of the Hersholt (yes, Oprah), and I don't buy that it's because she's that much greater a humanitarian at 38 than Paul Newman or Audrey Hepburn were. (And honestly, why not give it to George Clooney, if they're going to give it to Jolie? His humanitarian efforts seem just as commendable.)
I have no problem with Jolie winnng the Hersholt, based on her significant humintarian activities over the years, and, as Matt S. wrote, this does not make her a "two-time Academy Award winner." That designation applies to wins after nominations (in my book, anyway). I'd rather see Doris Day receive one of these, but that's another story.
By the way, won't we seeing all four honorees on stage at the awards ceremony next year, just standing there without giving their acceptance speeches? I can't see how the producers would let the opportunity of getting Lansbury and Jolie live on camera slip through their fingers.
So glad they are giving the award at long last to the very deserving Angela Lansbury. It's ridiculous to think that instead of her getting her deserved due and being able to acknowledge her honor on the national stage she and the other recipients are shunted to another venue and we are forced to watch either a mind numbingly stupid montage or a terrible musical number.
I think Angelina Jolie is deserving. Mia Farrow is as well, she must have pissed somebody off royally years ago to be so ignored but her exclusion doesn't make Angie any less worthy. Her work has been more highly visible in many cases than Mia's, but that's the media's doing. She's hot copy and has used that to the advantage of causes she believes in, a much better use of it than some fame whore like Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan whose whole existence is focused on attention with no substance.
Technically I suppose the Jean Hersholt award is an Oscar but the recipients are always referred to as humanitarian award winners not Oscar winners and aren't considered such when totals are made.
They do normally bring the winners out on stage for a standing ovation at the Oscars, as well as a brief montage of clips. Plus of course the speeches are online.
While it's disappointing not to recognise the honorary winners more fully in the Oscars telecast, at least a dedicated evening encourages them to hand out more statues and is probably more relaxed and less stressful for the recipients.
The Academy as a whole no longer ascribes to the outdated thinking that the Oscar must go to people because primarily of their age. We saw that last year when Lawrence won over Riva. It the Award is meant to honor those whose humanitarian work has reflected well on the industry then its hard to find anyone more deserving than Jolie especially this year. Farrow will probably get her turn at some point.
So, am I not the only one who is piss off about the award for Steve Martin? Thanks, God!!!
Liv Ullman and Mia Farrow are the two people that, in my opinion, deserve BOTH the Life Achievement Award and the Humanitarian Award. But the problem is that: for what they deserved the most? For been great actress or great human beens?
I steel dream that the Academy wil give Liv and Max Von Sydow a honorary award at the same year, with Vanessa Redgrave for the Humanitarian.
And Jolie deserved a lot!!!!
they need to produce a television show that will attract 18-49 audience - that's why such hosts as anne hathaway....why honorary winners are shunned aside - no one knows who lauren bacall or angela lansbury are....that's why jennifer lawrence wins over the old lady...why crash beats Brokeback mountain - they didn't want to piss off main-stream america....why old julie christie loses to hottie marion cotillard....that's why there are 10 best picture nominees vs 5 - with the ope of getting in a few blockbusters....why the heck would oprah wins a film-oriented humanitarian award? at the time, she was in 2 movies. mia farrow has been a humanitarian for 40 years, comes from a film family - but she's not a publicity hog or red carpet addict....she cares for her family and what she thinks is right. sorry - the 18-49ers never heard of farrow. BTW - i would much prefer to see tributes to lansbury (BRAVO) and martin on-air vs. the ghastly short subject & doc awards. Oscars should be prodcued like the tony awards. RIP Debbie Allen.
I would imagine that Angelina's "win" this year comes just as much for the way she handled her mastectomy as it does for her work with the U.N. It was an incredibly powerful and liberating moment for Hollywood when an actress famous for her sexuality used her body as a platform for sending a public health message rather than hiding behind the potential p.r. damage that might have resulted from her disclosure.
As for Mia, it is highly unlikely that she'll ever "win" a humanitarian award from the Academy. She accused a member of the Academy, and a multiple Oscar-winner of having sexually abused a minor and in a separate incident she wrecked the home-life of a three time nominee and was the immediate cause of said nominee ending up in a mental institution. The fact that just last month her brother pled guilty to sexually abusing children made an award for her even less likely given the likelihood that this fact would probably get played up in the press: not something the Academy wants to be associated with, even at a distance. And let's just say that her willingness to use her celebrity status to bash other celebrities has probably not gained her many friends within the Academy (accusing Spielberg of being a Leni Riefenstahl-like apologist for China's human rights abuses was probably not the smartest of moves on her part).
I've come to peace with Mia Farrow never winning an Oscar. A token nomination on a future film project wouldn't kill them, though. I remember how shocked I was when I first learned that comedic relief Ruth Gordon won an Oscar for Rosemary's Baby and Farrow wasn't even nominated. That meant the voters actually paid attention to the film--Gordon could have easily been dismissed--and chose to ignore Farrow. Why? I don't know.
Somebody with a lot of power probably didn't like her. Negative campaigning was still common when Rosemary's Baby was in the discussion. Only a few years earlier did Bette Davis campaigned Joan Crawford out of a nomination and Joan Crawford campaigned Bette Davis out of a win with What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?. That's another case where the comedic relief won Oscar gold and a fantastic female lead was snubbed. It was also another case where the voters clearly watched the film, bought into it, and chose to act against expectations.
i see nothing wrong with the humanitarian award while she is still active on screen and in the field. mia farrow is so far out of the public eye, and her screen career is so over. i don't see her as viable for any awards unless she has a late bloom renaissance.
Angie is the right at choice at the right time.
I have more of an issue with her age, to be honest. There are so many out there doing humanitarian work (even if it isn't as loud as Jolie or Winfrey), and they go and give it to the 38-year-old stunningly beautiful prior Oscar winner who's still a huge superstar and box office queen? It feels like overkill when she's quite clearly still doing work that could theoretically find her in the fray.
davide -- i wholeheartedly agree that Angelina is getting this award due to the disclosure of her personal heatlh decisions. I love her though and think she's a great person so I'm fine with this honor -- Oprah's I had more of an issue with last year because I firmly believe you should have to be a film person through and through to win an honorary or it doesn't make much sense since it's coming from the Academy of Motion picture arts and sciences.
jimmy -- i can't tell if you're arguing for these things are disparaging them? If we had to ignore everyone that 18 year olds hadn't heard of... SHUDDER. but as for the short films being "ghastly" ... what the what now? There are DOZENS of things that deserve to be on the chopping block first.
everyone -- mostly i'm thrilled that this lineup isn't all old white men though. two actresses honored this year? nice. Pity about the lack of honoring them on the broadcast.
Who are you referring to?
I really hope there's another reason (other than her political views, associations, whatever) that farrow keeps getting 'snubbed'.
after all, the academy is 'unbiased' enough to reward polanski. (I mean, he even got that ridiculous petition saying "film festivals are special territory" or something lol, not to mention all the articles explaining how I was wrong/radical in thinking he still should go to jail... but now I'm going off-topic)
3rtful -- Dory Previn, who was still married to Andre Previn when he knocked up Mia.
At least one actress beat Angela Lansbury by a few years: Teresa Wright actually got nominated for her first three screen performances (including a win for Mrs. Miniver). She never got another nomination in her career, though.
I'm fine with Angie getting the award, she was bound to get it eventually, now's a good as time as any.
Happy (at last) for Angela. It's usually up to the Screen Actors Guild these days to come through with the proper tribute. I hope that award back in 1997 got a big celebration.
In the Land of Blood and Honey was not successful at the boxoffice but it succeeded politically. Her movie inspired UK's foreign minister William Hague and he launched new $ 40mil project against war crime at G8 meeting. Jolie was there, too. Japanese foreign minister were there and he is from my city. He said Hague/Jolie were very enthusiastic on this issue and Japan promised $10mil for this new project.
And president Obama met her and the cast members of that movie to learn more about post-Bosnian War. Former Secretary of State Madeleine.Albright supported Jolie and appeared on the trailer of that movie.
What differs her charity from other star's is she has global wide- network of resource through her 12 years contribution at UN and being membership of foreign policy thinktank CFR.
Her reinfrastructuring project in Cambodia alone has partnership with UK's demining NGO or Australia's Clean Water NGO, Children's Health NGO etc etc.
Someone suggested George Clooney but he followed her step at UN and CFR . He is almost 15 years older than her but several years later than her in this field.
I am still pissed they threw away an easy best actress nom for mia in 92's weak line up,eternally pissed academy.
If I was told to connect "celebrity" and "humanitarian work," Angelina Jolie is the name that comes to mind. I could care less about her age - anyone can get hit by a car tomorrow. It's a rarity for someone so young to have such a strong focus on having an international impact on humanitarian work and prizing that above her own career. In that way she is an example, and I think this, as well as all the appropriate choices this year (Lansbury!!! Martin's great too, and how can you deny the guy who did costumes for La Cage?) should be applauded.
Honestly, Mia is probably just not honored due to their typical oversight of actresses of that generation - as with Gena Rowlands, Liv Ullmann, etc. (I know she's a previous Oscar winner but I frankly think Joanne Woodward should be a candidate for a Hersholt as well - she was Paul Newman's partner in all their charitable works, but they oddly only gave the award to him.)
Absolutely thrilled about Ms. Lansbury finally getting an Honorary Oscar. No one deserves it more than her. She's an extraordinary actress and a true legend.
I don't know if she's the first person ever nominated for her debut and sophomore performance, but she still holds the record as the youngest 2-time Oscar nominee by the age of 20. She is also only the 10th woman to receive an Honorary Oscar and at 88, the oldest.
There is no question that Angelina Jolie deserves the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award very much, but Mia Farrow should have gotten it before her.
Congratulations Piero Tosi, another very deserving choice.
Now, about Steve Martin. Sorry, but I don't think he deserves it, at least not now.
He's too young and if they needed to award an actor that much they could've picked Gene Wilder - better comedian and more impressive career.
Max von Sydow, Jean-Louis Trintignant, James Garner, Donald Sutherland, Martin Sheen - all leagues ahead of Martin in terms of talent and legacy.
Allow me to comment on other honorees.
Steve Martin??? Is he terminal? His contribution to cinema is barely a footnote. This is a stunning, out-of-nowhere selection.
Angela Lansbury is a beloved treasure, but her career for decades has been on the stage and on television. I would rather have seen Maureen O'Hara chosen.
And Steven Martin is a good choice too. I'm honestly not upset with any of these, this only makes me sad that Brad Pitt and Mia Farrow don't have Oscars.
I don't think the honoring of Jolie is that preemptive. Look it's a humanitarian award. I think we get very hung up because it's an Oscar statuette. If it was a bust of Jean Hersholt we'd all be a little less up in arms.
I do think that we're seeing the beginning of a new generation of honoring the women of the academy. I know that 's optimistic and maybe naive, but it feels like something different.
Suzanne- Thank you for shouting out Woodward! She absolutely deserves it.
The Oscars isn't really the place to award humanitarian efforts to begin with. And it's fairly petty to have a "humanitarian faceoff" between Mia Farrow and Angelina Jolie. Jolie has done plenty to earn the Hersholt in her own right. Nothing against Mia Farrow, who should have multiple Oscar nods under her belt and won the Hersholt years ago, but let's not knock Jolie just to prop up Farrow here. There's room for Farrow in the future. But the Academy hates her, so maybe not. Keep fighting the good fight tho, Mia!
I'm a little reluctant to jump into this swirling pool of passion but NO - Angela Lansbury does not deserve an honorary Oscar. An honorary Emmy - sure. But why in the hell does she deserve an Oscar? Lord I hate how nothing ever is based on pure logic or number of nominatioons with no wins. Phooey!
They are not voting based on the the number of unsuccessful nomination, billybil.
Otherwise they would have chosen Marsha Mason with her 4 unsuccessful nominations.
Angela Lansbury (finally) got the honor because of her gigantic talent, versatility, and gallery of unforgettable film performances. I also consider her Honorary Oscar as a tribute to all the great character actresses of The Golden Age of Hollywood like Agnes Moorehead, Thelma Ritter, Gladys Cooper, Judith Anderson, etc. none of whom got their due despite countless great performances.
Billybil, do you think movies are only made up of stars and directors?
Here's what Lansbury has done: Gaslight (Bergman and Cukor), National Velvet (National Film Registry of the Library of Congress - do you know what this is, dear billybil?), State of the Union (Tracy, Hepburn, Capra), Samson and Delilah (de Mille), The Court Jester (National Film Registry of the Library of Congress), The Manchurian Candidate (National Film Registry of the Library of Congress), Beauty and the Beast (National Film Registry of the Library of Congress). Other work with Vincente Minnelli and John Frankenheimer, important directors.
I agree with Will. This was to honor her as a superior character actress rather than as a bonafide film icon. Movies are much more than their stars and directors. This is like honoring Thelma Schoonmaker or Piero Tosi.
If you're going by "important movies", to compare with Lauren Bacall: To Have and Have Not (Bogart and Hawks), The Big Sleep (National Film Registry of the Library of Congress), Written on the Wind (Sirk), Designing Woman (Minnelli), Dogville (von Trier). Other films by Vincente Minnelli, Robert Altman, and Sidney Lumet. Include Dark Passage and Key Largo if you must for the Bogey pairing. Still, around the same number as Lansbury. And Lansbury has FOUR movies in the National Film Registry.
I do not see any problem with Lansbury receiving the honor. She deserves it.
Phooey instead on your cinematic myopia.
"One doesn't commit oneself to activism in the hopes of winning an oscar".
That's true, but...I hate to have to point this out, but even the most _selfless_ person -- we'll use Mother Teresea, since some people believe her to be a saint -- continues giving NOT ONLY to do the right thing, but because the "pleasure center" (can't recall if dopamine is activated or not) of their brain is stimulated. Meaning, even with saints, the action is 100 percent altruistic.
I guarantee that when Farrow is thanked and complimented and feted (by groups who award honors for humanitarian acts), etc., the pleasure center of her brain is probably lighting up like a pinball machine.
With all due respect to all ..I think the academy is full of it ..Mia Farrow should have been honored years ago ..I just dont understand it ..