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ICYMI November Is A Wrap

We hope you had a lovely holiday and that at some point this weekend you found time to give thanks for all the goodies this movie year has brought you this year. The most important film event in the last half of November was the death of entertainment giant Mike Nichols, who we celebrated with both a tribute to his collaboration with Meryl Streep and a group effort highlighting individual idiosyncratic favorite performances from his high-quality actor-friendly filmography.

Here are a few more highlights from November, you may have missed if you're just joining or rejoining us..

Laura Dern. photographed by Carolyn Cole

• Nathaniel sat down with the essential Laura Dern, one of the world's best screen actors, to talk Wild, psychotic women, and what the hell happened to her role in The Master
• Aca-yes, please. Margaret took a look at the Pitch Perfect 2 trailer
• We talked Spirit Award Nominees
• 'Quick Impressions', a new series celebrating the working actor, like "voice matching" Sean Patrick Doyle, debuted and we're glad you seem to like it
• Nathaniel suggested ensembles SAG ought to look at and interviewed the fine Australian actor Jason Clarke from one of them.
• Amir shared the top Box Office Hits of 2014 that were not franchises
• And the Podcast returned with The Theory of Everything and an AFI wrap-up

More highlights from early November here...

Coming in December:
It's campaign season so expect lots of coverage of the hunt for Oscar nominations, our team's FYCs, precursor madness with the Globes "Critics Choice" and SAG, and celebrity interviews. We'll also kick off the Year in Review festivities and the Film Bitch Awards -- your favorite party, yes? (say yes) -- and talk Christmas releases from Annie to Selma. December also means that we'll reach the end of "A Year with Kate" as Anne-Marie hits Love Affair.  

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Reader Comments (4)

Didn't Katharine Hepburn make one more movie after Love Affair? A Christmas themed one if I'm not mistaken?

December 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBhuray

The Film Bitch Awards are my favorite party, yes... and I'd like to make an early FYC.

For either scene, line reading, "moment", or anything else you want to shoehorn it in to: the part near the end of BOYHOOD when Patricia Arquette breaks down and says that she "just thought there would be more." It's a showy moment for her performance, I suppose, but not only is the line spoken honestly and without much bombast, it is completely earned by the film, which up until then was showing us the moving, often mundane life of an American family. That line (and the monologue preceding it when she talks about how all that's left is her funeral), struck such a chord with me. That was such an interesting way to dramatize the big Off To College scene.

It's the film moment I've come back to the most this year, and if there's any justice it will Arquette's Oscar clip.

December 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBryan

Bhuray - Yes! Kate made one more movie after Love Story, a TV movie called One Christmas which we will get to, appropriately enough, on Christmas Eve. Then there will be one more wrap up post on New Year's Eve, because we, like Katharine Hepburn, will not go quietly into that good night.

December 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAnne Marie

Favorite part? YEAH.

(But we still don't know who won the best actor gold medal last year!!!!!)

December 1, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercal roth
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