How to be SAG Snubbed Even When You're Nominated

As is our annual tradition we like to peruse the credits of the SAG Ensemble nods to see who got left out despite their film's nomination. The Film Experience started this kind of analysis ten years ago when The Aviator had some really dumb exclusions and inclusions but lots of other sites now cover the injustice. We never get credit for starting this line of Norma Rae righteous anger but, that said, at least a lot of people have it now.
Did SAG think her face looked like she'd licked a homelessman's ass?
If you aren't familiar SAG uses a system whereby only actors with solitary title cards are official nominees for the Cast category. This means if you are famous in a bit part and have a good agent you are more likely to be an official nominee than the unknown who delivered a better performance in possibly a much larger role than yours but had to share his or her card. There are occasionally exceptions to this rule; no actors in Woody Allen films get their own title cards, so in those cases SAG uses the first roll call title card but not the second and we see this solution with Birdman this year which does not give its cast separate billings.
What this means is that sometimes the person giving the single best performance in a film, like Corey Stoll in Midnight in Paris a few years back gets the snub because they weren't famous enough even though they undoubtedly contributed to the nomination happening in the first place. Stoll is now famous enough to get his own title card which he can thank Midnight in Paris and all the things it led to (like House of Cards) for but at the time, despite inarguably contributing to the nomination appeal, he was left out.
It's really an unfortunate system that a union like SAG should consider revamping: it essentially awards the rich and powerful and demeans the little guy which is kind of a union no-no, you know? So let's look at who's nominated (officially) and who's not from the nominated casts. Though, as I've often been reminded by those defending SAG, it is worth noting that the non-nominate nominees (errrr) still get some kind of 'congrats' citation from SAG and something to put on their resume and nobody really balks when they fudge the officialness and declare themselves a best cast nominee!
(Listed in order of billing. This year proves to be far less egregious than past years in terms of thoughtless shunnings. But it's a tradition at The Film Experience so we'll soldier on through it)
Michael Keaton, Zach Galifanakis, Edward Norton, Andrea Riseborough, Amy Ryan, Emma Stone, Naomi Watts [They all share an end-credit title card - like how woody allen films do it, with only Keaton interrupting the alphabetization]
Who got the boot: Lindsay Duncan, Merrit Wever, and Jeremy Shamos share the second actor credits page. The Emmy winning Wever, of Nurse Jackie fame, is blink and you'll miss her as the stage manager so it's no great loss in terms of a citation but surely Lindsay Duncan, who is rather key to the narrative as the much-discussed fearsome critic "Tabitha," should have been the exception to the rule and among the nominees. I believe Shamos plays the "terrible" actor that Mike Shiner (Norton) replaces in the play within the movie. Bill Camp (the crazy homeless man!) and Damion Young are the only other actors with a shared credit card.
Patricia Arquette, Eller Coltrane, Lorelei Linklater, "and" Ethan Hawke [title cards end credits]
Only "grandma" is left out of Boyhood's blood relative nominees
Who got the boot: Though this seems somewhat fair given the 12 years that the immediate fictional family put into the project, there are a few other players who stuck around a year or three or four with highlighted roles. So you could complain (though I'm never in the mood for complaining when it comes to this gift of a movie) about the lack of Libby Vallari (Grandma) especially. There's also Barbara Chisolm as the mom's protective generous friend (Carol) or either of mom's drunk later husbands Marco Perella (as Professor Welbrock) or Brad Hawkins (as Jim)
Ralph Fiennes, F Murray Abraham, Mathieu Almaric, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Harvey Keitel, Jude Law, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Saoirse Ronan, Jason Schwartzmann, Lea Seydoux, Tilda Swinton, Tom Willinson, Owen Wilkinson, and "Introducing" Tony Revolori
Grand Budapest has an insanely large cast so it makes sense that not everyone can be included. Sorry, prison gang!
Who got the boot: With the largest cast nominated, 17 players, all the important players as well as a few famous cameos are accounted for. So no complaints. Of those not "officially" included my votes for most memorable would go to Giselda Volodi as Serge's doomed club-footed sister and Florian Lukas as "Pinky" in the jail. Others might miss the cameos by the "The Society of the Crossed Keys" Wes Anderson regulars Bob Balaban, Wally Wolodarski and Waris Ahluwalia share that title card.
Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode, Rory Kinnear, Allen Leech, Matthew Beard, "with" Charles Dance, "and" Mark Strong [title cards after prologue]
Who got the boot: Among the government corralled code-breaking teams James Northcote (who was also in Nymphomaniac and Belle this year) as "Jack Good" is left out, as are the young actors Alex Lawther and Jack Bannon who play Alan Turing and his mate Christopher in their boys school youth. And I might be a teeny tiny bit annoyed to see Tuppence Middleton left out since I loved her scene(s?) as "Helen" - and because she gifted Turing and Team with their scripted 'Eureka!' moment with all her flirtatious you know? But overall the nomination here is inclusive enough.
Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Charlie Cox, Emily Watson, Simon McBurney, "and" David Thewlis. [title cards end credits]
Harry Lloyd was Best Friend to Hawking, but doesn't get to enjoy the awards spoils
Who got the boot: The only principal cast members who got title cards but were left our are Maxine Peake and Harry Lloyd who had to share a card. This is a shame. Both Lloyd and Peake have major roles as Hawking's speech therapist of sorts and his best friend respectively so this is disappointing. Those are certainly much bigger parts and more impressive performances than, say, Emily Watson whose role Nick famously and hilariously summarized in our podcast as
What did you think of the SAG Cast Nominations, readers? Which films were you upset to see left out and which film are you rooting for for the win?

Reader Comments (24)
Off the top of my head:
Birdman: Merritt Wever, Lindsay Duncan, the actor who played the actor who gets fired at the beginning
Boyhood:All of Patricia Arquette's husbands
Grand Budapest: There's so many nominated it's hard to tell.
Theory of Everything: Harry Lloyd, who was in SO many scenes (especially compared to Emily Watson).
Alex Lawther, as the younger Alan in "Imitation Game", is not included?! That's a crime.
Tom M - Exactly what I came into this thread to say. His last scene was heartbreaking. He should have been nominated.
While I'm normally in favour of making these lists as expansive as possible, in Boyhood's case I think focusing on the four people who were attached the whole way through (in Hawke's case, does he not show up until the second year? Either way, I'm sure Linklater secured his involvement before that, which wouldn't have been hard, seeing as he probably spends most of his free time lounging on Linklater's couch) is a legitimate choice.
It's a shame that Marco Perella wasn't included for playing Arquette's teacher/husband in Boyhood. It may have been a misjudged role script-wise but I thought he was great in it. Definitely in my shortlist of Supporting Actors of the year.
I'm almost glad Gone Girl didn't get a nomination so that I don't have to see red at its omissions.
I was already upset over Maxine Peake and Charlie Cox, but no Lindsay Duncan for Birdman?! Her scenes are the best in the movie.
And in TV, since it's based on number of episodes appeared in, there are"interesting" snubs and inclusions in the Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire cast lists.
^I think on TV, you have to be in at least 60% of the episodes in order to be eligible.
Given that Lindsay Duncan and Jeremy Shamos are basically cameo roles (two very short but important scenes and one short but important scene respectively), I'm okay with them being left off the ensemble list for Birdman - even though it does "feel" wrong that they're not considered part of the ensemble.
Yes, that's clear, but it leads to the similar discrepancies as the film cast lists.
(That was to Irvin.)
The Lindsay Duncan omission is particularly disappointing given a lot of conversation has revolved around her character. I mean, who's talking about Amy Ryan or Zach Galifiniakis, you know?
^Agreed. That's the only one that stings. I'm sad about Alex Lawther as young Turing but hardly surprised.
Otherwise, there's not really much to complain about this year, if you ask me.
Along with the husbands and Olivia's friend in Boyhood. I would have liked to see her pipe fitter make the cut. His two scenes gave us an important note on her character as well as the way Mason saw her impact on the world. A minor part, of course, but I would have included him.
Also not thrilled with Lindsay Duncan's snub, but they still have done far worse in other years. I think Birdman is winning here as well as for the Comedy Globe, but it's not taking Picture.
I hope more producers are paying attention to Grand Budapest. You don't have to open at the end of the year with the herd to be considered for awards.
I forgot that was hot SAG picked their ensemble nods. Midnight in Paris is a good example of great people who got the boot (Alison Pill) Someone brought up a good point about Gone Girl too. There would've been shitty omissions I'm I'm remembering the title cards right.
It really is quite insulting, so basically a normal day in Hollywood.
Emily Watson was a waste of talent in "The Theory of Everything." Is this what her career has become?
The good… Jake Gyllenhaal! Pike! Birdman love! “Crazy Eyes”!
The bad… The Theory of Everything for ensemble?!? Come one. Gone Girl should have been there.
The ugly… the baffling Watts nom. I known its Weinstein’s doing but seriously, WTF? The accent was awful. Plus she was far more worthy in Birdman. Chastain’s still getting her spot come Oscar nomination morning.
Let's all take a moment to reflect on the fact that we live in a world in which Nine received a SAG ensemble nomination and Into the Woods did not.
Charles O: It all has to do with timing. Nine opened in Nov so everyone saw it (it was also a Harvey flick and he is the BEST at getting his films in front of the people who need to see them) while ITW still hasn't opened, Disney is mean about letting people see their work (they (and most studios) are scared silly about pirating, a very real and unfortunately plausible fear) and ITW had some bad advance word (the wolf (casting and costume), the song is in, it's out etc.) so I'm not surprised.
In the end, it comes down to exposure. Meryl Streep is probably the only property on the planet who could get herself nominated for a sight unseen performance so if your piece ain't been seen, it won't get a nom.
I see Paramount has pulled their finger out and is now promoting Interstellar for acting. Guess someone's agent threw a hissy fit after this am. But what were they thinking? I exist therefore I will be nominated?
Yay I was waiting for this post after I heard the news this morning. A happy and just tradition indeed. :)
Lindsay Duncan would be my only real complaint and I, too, am glad Gone Girl was left out lest we ALL start throwing hands.
LMAO at the Emily Watson caption.
Seriously, have directors and producers forgotten what to do with her? Why is she being offered pathetic throwaway parts like in Theory, The Book Thief, Belle, etc.?