A Scene With Finn Wittrock

Medium Shot on BREATHROUGH SENSATION (thirty) in expensive light suit, jet black hair, perfect skin, perfectest face, leaving an Academy schmoozing party. His co-stars in "Unbroken" are still mingling as the party wraps up but the young actor is heading out. People congratulate him on his recent marriage on his way.
Determined NOT USUALLY AGGRESSIVE SEMI WELL KNOWN OSCAR BLOGGER (forties), approaches, looking frantic, lumpy, bedraggled in comparison despite also wearing a suit and tie. The actor is having his moment. So too shall this blogger. The actor's handlers surprisingly give the blogger the thumbs up, everyone en route to the elevator bank.
(Nervous) I guess on the go?
Let's do it!
Impressive year: Masters of Sex, Freakshow and now Unbroken. And you're so different in all. Is your life completely crazy all of a sudden?
It's been gradual -- at this moment it feels very different than a year ago when I was starving on a raft. Maybe in some ways because I haven’t gotten insane notoriety before this I've been able to do many different things without people putting in a box for any one thing?
Finn, Domnhall Gleeson, and Jack O'Connell await rescue in UNBROKEN
Did these jobs lead to each other?
Normal Heart led directly to Freakshow because of Ryan Murphy. Well, I can trace things back. Francine Maisler [Casting Director] saw "Death of a Salesman" and called me in for a bunch of things and then put me on tape for this. Chain reaction. People see you in one thing and then...
What do you hope to do next after starving on a raft / chopping people up?
(Animated) Something funny would be nice! I'm always dying or being tortured. A big romp! And I'm itching to get back on stage.
Blogger and Star enter elevator, already full.
(To Extras in Elevator) Anybody else wanna chime in?
(Overly amused) Did you ever make the connection between your surprise shark attack and Angelina's shark fight in Tomb Raider. These things don't happen in very many movies.
No, no, I never did put that together. You're saying I basically am Angelina Jolie? Thank you!
You're following in her footsteps.
Pretty good-looking footsteps.
There are no coincidences.
"Ding". The elevator door opens. The moment ends suddenly. The star disappears, promotional duties done as he's whisked away O.S. by handlers.
Closeup on Blogger. Returning to elevator, face falling, having forgotten the coat check part of leaving buildings in December. His Oscar blogging duties have only just begun.
Reader Comments (6)
You asterisked, sir?
(Finn is the godson of a buddy of mine, so it's been a thrill watching his screen breakout this past year.)
Paul -- oops. a typo from another draft of this. Wow, that's cool.
Thank you for not being just another self absorbed blogger. I get to live vicariously though your interviews and I love it.
I always enjoy seeing your own personality come through in your interviews. Yes, I think if Angelina Jolie were male she might look a bit like Finn Witrock. They're carved from the same chunk of marble.
"There are no coincidences" - this kind of interview technique is one of the many many reasons why I love this blog and wouldn't go anywhere else for my daily dose of movie commentary. Happy New Year, Nathaniel!
Finn Wittrock is the prettiest of human beings.