I've been struggling and struggling to come up with something to say about Shia Labeouf's paper bag look at the Berlinale over the weekend. Thought it seems ready made for a meme -- think of all the has-beens that could be mocked! -- you wouldn't be able to tell who was being mocked once you'd photoshopped the bag over the head.
I know only two things about this. First, that James Franco exploded when he saw it, both sexually aroused and furious that he hadn't thought of it first. Second, that at least one cinephile in each top film market will do this look for Halloween and not enough people will get the joke.

Reader Comments (13)
Well, at least it's more entertaining and creative than sticking your tongue out and twerking.
Sad man:
Excuse me? Let's see what you can come up with?!
Well, his last few movies flopped and he was caught plagiarizing a graphic novel, but there's no need to get all mopey about it. He's still at least on the B-list.
Is this where the word asshat comes from?
LOL He is keeping himself in the conversation when he should be a "Who?"
I'm really sorry he's going crazy. I liked him in A Guide to Recognize Your Saints.
Oy! This all feels so calculated. He is clearly dealing with issues involving desperately wanting to be Joaquin Phoenix.
He smells of this desperate childish need to be noticed. And its working.
he was good in The Company You Keep, which no one saw unfortunately.
W.J.: Yeah, but that plaigiarism charge means that, if Fury flops, "LaBeef" is DONE. WELL-DONE, if you will.
I hope he gets help
That extremely homely man has never looked better.
Dave in Alamitos Beach FTW, although I believe the technical term is douche-bag.