20 Days Til Oscar (1993 Flashback)

Today's magic number is... 20! I couldn't find a statistic from this year's race involving the number 20 so what were Oscar fanatics like me (and you if you're weren't an infant) obsessing about 20 years ago in the Oscar race? 1993 was a fairly astonishing film year but there wasn't much drama in the Oscar race. Everyone knew that Tom Hanks and Holly Hunter would win the lead Oscars and the night would be all about Steven Spielberg with multiple wins for both Jurassic Park (recently revisted right here) and Schindler's List. Even Supporting Actor, in what one could argue was its best shortlist ever, didn't contain much drama. Though Ralph Fiennes (Schindler's List) and Leonardo DiCaprio (What's Eating Gilbert Grape?) were giving major star-is-born performances, it was pretty clear that the industry wanted to honor Tommy Lee Jones for his whole career and for co-starring in a huge hit (The Fugitive).
So was there any drama at all? Why, yes, I'm so glad you asked.
If I recall correctly -- 20th anniversary memories can be cloudy -- there were three categories that night that looked like they could go any which way or which resulted in a surprise winner: Supporting Actress, Foreign Film and Costume Design.
The Nominees: Anna Paquin (The Piano), Winona Ryder (The Age of Innocence), Rosie Perez (Fearless), Emma Thompson (In the Name of the Father), Holly Hunter (The Firm)
The Favorite: Winona Ryder was just cresting (she'd have another big year the following year) and was the "it" young actress at the time) though people knew she was vulnerable. Though Emma had just won and Holly was certain to win in lead, Rosie & Anna had their devout fans as well.
The Winner: ...And the Oscar went to hyperventilating Anna Paquin.
Trivia #1: Tatum O'Neal (who is just great in Paper Moon) still holds the title of youngest Oscar winner but if you discount Category Fraud, as you know I like to, Anna Paquin would hold the title.
Trivia #2: This is the only year in the history in which double acting nods were, uh, doubled. Both Emma Thompson & Holly Hunter were nominated in both of the female acting categories
Zhang Fengyi, Gong Li, and Leslie Cheung (RIP) at the Cannes premiere of "Farewell My Concubine" [Photo Credit]
The Nominees: Belle Epoque (Spain), Farewell My Concubine (Hong Kong), The Wedding Banquet (Taiwan), The Scent of Green Papaya (Vietnam), Hedd Wynn (UK)
The Favorite: The majestic and moving Farewell My Concubine, a big hit at Cannes, had considerable momentum with a very successful arthouse run ($5 million in the States), a Golden Globe win, multiple critics prizes for Foreign Film and a second Oscar nomination (for cinematography). Gong Li even got a small degree of awards traction in Supporting Actress. People were talking about her at least which is exceedingly rare both for Asian actors and for supporting performances in subtitled pictures.
The Winner: But Oscar surprised with a win for the sunny Spanish Belle Epoque which was an international breakthrough of sorts for two actresses who are still big deals today: Penélope Cruz & Maribel Verdú
Trivia: This was the most Asian of all Oscar lineups, a full 60% of the nominees! (Oscar prefers Western European films with their three favorite countries in this category being 1. France, 2. Italy and 3. Spain)
The Nominees: Orlando, The Age of Innocence, The Piano, The Remains of the Day, Schindler's List
The Favorite: I can't recall if there was one. The Age of Innocence was not universally well-liked (having missed in most of the big categories despite assumptions before it opened that it would be among the frontrunners) and costume design gave the voters an opportunity to give another prize to either of the two most acclaimed Best Picture candidates (The Piano & Schindlers) or to insure that The Remains of the Day didn't go home empty-handed despite 8 nominations, or to honor the edgiest and coolest and best of the nominees Orlando (Sandy Powell's first nomination... and there would be many more)
The Winner: ...but here is where The Age of Innocence won its only Oscar. The statue went to Gabriella Pescucci who is now hogging Emmys for The Borgias
What's your strongest movie or Oscar memory of 1993? If you were not born yet or just a wee bairn, what's the first 1993 movie you ended up latching on to in retrospect?
Reader Comments (57)
Supporting actress was very weak that year. Winona and Holly didn't deserve nominations at all. Emma was good but almost a cameo in In the Name of the Father. Rosie was pretty good in Fearless. But the clear winner was Anna Paquin.
For me the best supporting actress of '93 will always be Joan Cusack in Addams Family Values.
sad man -- yeah, cusack was superb in that movie.
I just happened to rewatch The Piano - what a spellbinding movie. Anna definitely deserved her Oscar (even though I love The Age of Innocence and The Firm is a guilty pleasure). 1993 was a great year.
1993 was a great year for movies. Don't remember the Oscar drama, but very fond of the following films which I saw in the theater:
Remains of the Day
Groundhog Day
Short Cuts
Like Water for Chocolate
Much Ado About Nothing
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Benny and Joon
The Piano
Dazed and Confused
Out of this list, I would have to say that Much Ado About Nothing meant the most to me.
My direct 1993 Oscar memory was hoping that there would be a rare tie between Holly Hunter and Angela Bassett that year. Oh, what could have been.
My favorite associated 1993 Oscar memory is Miriam Margolyes expressing her dislike for Winona Ryder for stealing a nomination she thought was hers for The Age of Innocence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXc1U3FQzZE
@Flickah: lol that's hilarious. And Miriam is right. She did deserve the nomination over Winona. ;)
I agree that Joan Cusack was deserving of the Award for Addams Family Values, but the rest of the category could easily be filled with SHORT CUTS cast members Julianne Moore, Madelaine Stowe, Andie MacDowell and Frances McDormand. Holly Hunter is adorable in The Firm, Paquin excellent in The Piano, and both Perez and Rossellini superb in Fearless.
'91 and '92 were my training wheels years, and '93 was my first all-in year, and I remember being super-annoyed that they wasted double nominations on Hunter and Thompson and ignored all the ladies of Short Cuts.
At any rate, I love Ryder, Perez and Paquin's performances so much, I wish they all could have won Oscars. (I also used to wish that Rosie Perez could have had Tomei's surprise nomination the year before, for White Men Can't Jump, and won Tomei's surprise Oscar for that... but now I'm just glad to live in a world where Marisa Tomei has an Oscar, because she's the greatest.)
Side note - It turns out I can't read Belle Epoque the correct way anymore. Thanks to The Fighter, it's permanently Belle Epic-Q.
love this series Nathaniel... thanks.
I remember not liking Winona in Age at all... I was completely in the tank for Newland and Countess Olenska... wanted them to end up together so badly that movie made my heart ache and still does.
By the way your site is loading slower than usual on Chrome... don't now if it's just me?
murtada -- really? ugh. anyone else having trouble?
93 was my third year of Oscar obsession. I remember being disappointed that the Age of Innocence didn't do better in the nominations and thought that In the Name of the Father stole its' Pic and Actor noms.
Anyone remember Heaven and Earth? As JFK was one of the reasons I initially began following Oscar, I was also surprised H&E didn't do better as well (in retrospect, rather weirdly - I blame a misguided Premiere magazine Oscar prediction article). Whatever happened to Hiep Thi Li?
My favorite 93 memory though is taking my mom to Schindler's List - she didn't know what it was about. She turned to me after the lights came up, theater silent, tears and mascara running down her face, and said "I am so pissed at you for bringing me to this."
And, of all the 93 acting noms, I *still* have not seen Shadowlands. God, it just looks awful. Anyone who's seen it think otherwise?
Travis -- i remember loving Shadowlands at the time but my taste has matured a lot since then so i dunno. I remember thinking Hopkins and not Winger deserved the nom. but i deeply distrust this memory since HOpkins has been so terrible so often in the last 20 years.
The Farewell My Concubine loss still makes me sad, given that it is one of my all time faves. Perhaps the film was just too Asian.....
Is anyone watching The Scent of the Green Papaya from Vietnam? I watched it and expect a historical lesson on the lives of a servant in that period, and it ends up blew me over.
My favorite films would be Dazed and Confused, and Three Colors: Blue
I really liked Shadowlands and I love Debra Winger in it.
I was twelve years old in 1993, so my entire movie universe back then was dominated by Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park and a little more Jurassic Park for good measure. I saw Schindler's List in theaters and was overwhelmed by it, and wanted it to win, because I was a lil' Spielberg acolyte (did I mention that I loved Jurassic Park?), but hadn't seen any of the other nominated films. Which is just as well, because at that age my mom enforced a strict 9 o'clock curfew for me, so I missed the vast majority of the telecast anyway. But reading about the Oscars that year did help trigger a broader interest in cinema, beyond the Spielbergian, Disneyfied diet of my youth, and by the fall of 1994 I was ready to sneek into a screening of Pulp Fiction, an experience that basically rewired by brain about what a movie could or should be.
93 was an in-between year for me - after I first became aware of The Oscars (because Beauty & the Beast got a ton of nominations, and as I was only 7 it was the first movie I had seen in theaters nominated for Best Picture - I remember so loving having a horse in the race and being indignant that anyone thought anything else would win. Oh how naive I was!) but before I became completely obsessed (thanks go to my parents who got me a subscription to Entertainment Weekly for Hanukkah 1995 - little did they know the monster they were creating!).
All I knew at the time was Schindler's List. Being Jewish, that film was a BIG deal. My parents went with a group from the synagogue. There were big debates over whether or not we should be allowed to see it (the answer at the time was no, but we were shown clips in Hebrew school the next year). There were lots of talks about the film at the area synagogues. It was the only film my parents talked about that year, and so it was the only one I really cared about, at least where Oscar was concerned.
I also remember being very excited when Anna Paquin won, and not caring that I had not seen the movie - which my mother had loved.
I still always forget that Rosie Perez is an Oscar nominee!!! :-)
Who saw that amazing performance in Fearless coming? not me!
I still love The Age of Innocence (though I've never thought Winona was anything special in it) and Much Ado About Nothing, and while I've never seen them since, at the time I really liked In the Name of the Father, Remains of the Day, and Shadowlands. But if I had to pick one film from 1993 as the best - Addams Family Values. Hilarious movie through and through, and Joan Cusack is awesome.
Lovely idea for a series (hopefully?). Always nice to look at small parts of Oscar histories.
I watched Farewell My Concubine last year for the 10th anniversary of Cheung's death. I guess I am more surprised that it was a frontrunner than the fact that it lost. The length and the inherent history of the Chinese opera/Chinese history in general doesn't seems like it would cross over so much with the American public, but I am glad that it did.
I always feel 93 was the last typical year once PF came in 94 things changed.
I was a few years away from being old enough to watch the show. The next year I got to see parts of it (after BEGGING my parents to let me watch, they taped it and fast forwarded through Letterman's monologue, as they figured he would be too racy for a third grader), and finally got to watch the full show in 1995 with Whoopi. My brother and I can still quote almost her entire monologue.
1993 was the best year EVER. I mean, since I follow the Academy Awards (1989).
Although I was very upset that Michelle Pfeiffer was not nominated for The Age of Innocence and Stockard Channing and Debra Winger were. They are good, but Pfeiffer deserved it much much much more.
The year I was born! So yeah, no Oscar memories at all. Holly Hunter's performance is one of the all-time greats though.
I was too young to be following this race back then, but What's Love Got to Do with It? is a movie I grew up watching all the time. I've only recently stopped being mad about Angela Bassett not being an Oscar winner because I finally saw The Piano and everything I heard about Hunter's performance is true, she's remarkable in it. I've never had any gripes about Paquin's win, but it's good to know it was well-deserved.
What a great year. So many terrific films. My biggest memory of that year was the acceptance speech of the documentary winner. He brought one of his subjects on stage (the piece was about holocaust survivors). They tried to play her off when she started speaking after him but she kept going, someone cut the music and she ended with the most moving line I have ever heard at the Oscars. (Paraphrasing), ".......when you can appreciate that there is nothing so wonderful as a boring evening at home."
Hopkins has beenn terrible lately, but 1993, oh boy, Remains of the Day AND Shadowlands! He is just like Kevin Spacey: terrific or terrible, never in the middle.
Travis, haha, I had almost the exact same experience but it was with my oldest sister and the movie The Deer Hunter when it came out. I was 17 at the time I think and had seen it about four nights in a row. I took my older sister and when it was over she glared and me and said "Don't ever do that to me again!"
I have VERY fond memories of seeing The Piano in the theater. I liked everything about it as I recall.
Probably my favorite Oscar night ever. Holly, Whoopi, Deborah Kerr, Paul Newman, Springsteen (all the songs and the soundtracks were so good!) and Tom Hanks. I loved his speech. Like it or not, Philadelphia made a huge difference back then.
I was absolutely convinced that Concubine was going to win because of the prestige factor, so I was enormously happy when the sunny Belle Epoque won and Fernando Trueba said: "I would like to believe in God in order to thank Him, but I just believe in Billy Wilder, so thank you, Mr. Wilder". Beat that!
1993 is one of my favorite years for movies ever. My favorites from '93 would be Three Colors: Blue, Naked, Short Cuts, Groundhog Day, and Schindler's List. That would be my personal Best Picture lineup for that year.
And while three of those movies didn't receive any nominations at all (although it's a CRIME that neither Thewlis or Binoche was nominated for their performances and that Groundhog Day didn't even get a screenplay nomination), it still makes me happy to this day to remember how Robert Altman got a Best Director nomination for Short Cuts, especially since it was the movie's sole nomination. That's the kind of wonderfully thinking-outside-the-box choice that the director's branch is capable of from time to time. The only other movies I can think of off the top of my head that scored just a single nomination for Best Director are Mulholland Dr. and Blue Velvet--both David Lynch movies, of course.
Hopkins should have easily trumpeted Hanks. Fiennes should have easily trumpeted Jones. Hunter and Ana remain some of the best winners in their respective categories.
Kvetches: Supporting actress, except for Paquin, was not too solid. My ballot would have had Paquin, Ricci (Addams Family Values), and Stowe (Short Cuts) as my numbers 1 through 3, and for those 4th and 5th slots I would have included any combination of Cusack (Addams Family Values), Li (...Concubine), Davidtz (Schindler), Lesley Sharp (Naked), and Darlene Cates (What's Eating Gilbert Grape).
Also, I'm waiting for Supporting Actress Smackdown 2003!
I feel really lucky that I got to see so many of these on the big screen, at a fairly impressionable age (I was 21): The Piano, Short Cuts, The Scent of Green Papaya, Belle Epoque, Farewell My Concubine, Blue. I'm dying to see The Piano and Farewell on the big screen again (and I've seen them each multiple times).
Should I see Hedd Wynn and find out if it was a truly stellar year in the Foreign Film category?
Ditto on the Smackdown...
If you revisit Age of Innocence, Winona gives a very good performance -- May comes off like a dingbat until the last possible moment when all is revealed and you see the film and the character in a new way. TCM has been replaying it a lot lately.
Does anyone else remember this? I have a memory of Rosie Perez being interviewed at an after-party and saying she was happy that "the little girl" won.
The Remains of the Day is one of my all-time favorites. What acting by Hopkins and Thompson. I also really, really liked Fearless.
<url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJlmYh27MHg>1993, in one moment</url>
How John-"I can get nominated for anything"-Williams gets snubbed for this, I have no clue.
THE AGE OF INNOCENCE was my favorite film of 1993 mainly due to the fact it was filmed in my hometown of Troy, NY. I remember being thrilled that it won the costume award.
I was born in 93 so obviously no Oscar memories. Holly and Anna were great winners, but sucks that Angela couldn't win. She was so great in WLGTDWI.
That said, Holly and Anna were the right winners I think.
I finally caught Fearless for the first time just a few weeks ago and was dumbfounded. Aside from a few arresting images, it's just two hours of purple prose crudely repackaged into thudding exposition. And Perez gets a lot of the worst/most cloying moments. I normally like her and kind of miss her, but that's a waste of a nomination in a year stuffed with astounding Supporting Actressing. Ryder's nomination was also silly. But at least the winner was phenomenal - still one of my favourites from that category, and it retroactively half-compensates for Paquin getting no traction for Margaret. I haven't checked the statistics but I'd be pretty confident she's the first person to have actually earned (rather than won) two Oscar before age 26.
That said, Joan Cusack winning for Values would've also been an Event.
1993's Foreign Film lineup remains, imho, of course, the greatest Oscar has ever seen in the last thirty years. All of them would have been worthy winners, though Green Papaya is absolutely exquisite (and deserved that Cinematography nod given to Concubine) and captivating in a way I have yet to see another film master in the same way (seriously, spellbinding, I can't even).
Supporting Actress was a little weak (Christina Ricci deserved it if only for that glorious Thanksgiving sequence in Values; fuck did that girl have talent) and, in the end, it led to one of the most disappointing Best Actress decisions ever: Ryder's loss for Little Women to Lange's Blue Sky performance....talk about weak years, and it would have been a fabulous opportunity to not only A. reward Ryder after giving it to Paquin the year before (which remains the right choice) and B. reward her for a better performance overall. Oh well. Such is life with the Academy.
But seriously, that Foreign Film lineup......a thing of beauty.
I adore THE SCENT OF GREEN PAPAYA for what it's worth. What a surprising and yet delightful nomination.
1993 and 1994 are perhaps my two favorite years for film post-birth (which was 1985 - I can't claim to have seen enough films from years prior, however). I would've given supporting actress to the unnominated Christina Ricci for ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES.
I was 6, but this may have been one of the first years I remember watching the entire ceremony (God bless my parents). My thoughts, from then and now:
*I remember "Jurassic Park" being a shoo-in for Visual Effects. Elijah Wood presented the award and an animatronic T-Rex handed him the envelope. My dad turned to my mom and said, "That *has* to win, can't it?" (although "The Nightmare Before Christmas" was equally astonishing -- just in the wrong year)
*Anna Paquin SHOCKED me as a six-year-old, not that I had any thoughts of who favorites were.
*I would see "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" a few years later and to this day think Leo should have won. I don't know if he'll ever win a competitive Oscar. I remember the para in my first grade class disagreeing with me and thinking that "the psycho guy" (John Malkovich) should have won, and my grandma thinking Ralph Fiennes should have won. Am I wrong to cast that year as abnormally strong for Best Supporting
*Was Holly Hunter's Supporting Actress nomination a big surprise? It seems random to me.
MY PERSONAL PICKS FOR 1993- A GREAT YEAR IN CINEMA (6 nominees per category, *= winner)
The Age of Innocence
The Fugitive
Groundhog Day
Mrs. Doubtfire
Schindler's List*
What's Love Got to Do with It
The Hughes Brothers, Menace II Society
Jane Campion, The Piano
James Ivory, The Remains of the Day
Frank Marshall, Alive
Martin Scorsese, The Age of Innocence
Steven Spielberg, Schindler's List*
Laurence Fishburne, What's Love Got to Do with It
Tom Hanks, Philadelphia
Anthony Hopkins, The Remains of the Day
Bill Murray, Groundhog Day
Liam Neeson, Schindler's List
Robin Williams, Mrs. Doubtfire*
Angela Bassett, What's Love Got to Do with It*
Sally Field, Mrs. Doubtfire
Holly Hunter, The Piano
Anjelica Huston, Addams Family Values
Demi Moore, Indecent Proposal
Emma Thompson, The Remains of the Day
Leonardo DiCaprio, What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
Ralph Fiennes, Schindler's List*
Tommy Lee Jones, The Fugitive
Christopher Lloyd, Addams Family Values
Larenz Tate, Menace II Society
Denzel Washington, Philadelphia
Joan Cusack, Addams Family Values*
Rosie O'Donnell, Sleepless in Seattle
Anna Paquin, The Piano
Rosie Perez, Fearless
Christina Ricci, Addams Family Values
Winona Ryder, The Age of Innocence
Addams Family Values
The Age of Innocence
In the Name of the Father
Mrs. Doubtfire
The Remains of the Day
Schindler's List*
Dazed and Confused
Groundhog Day*
Menace II Society
The Piano
Sleepless in Seattle
"Again", Poetic Justice
"I Don't Want to Fight", What's Love Got to Do with It
"Philadelphia", Philadelphia *
"Streets of Philadelphia", Philadelphia
"Wink and a Smile, A", Sleepless in Seattle
The Bruce Lee Story, Randy Edelman
Jurassic Park, John Williams*
The Nightmare Before Christmas, Danny Elfman
The Piano, Michael Nyman
Rudy, Jerry Goldsmith
Schindler's List, John Williams
Jason -- wait. Philadelphia has two songs with Philadelphia in the title (don't remember that!)
Jakey -- i dont remember it being a huge surprise but somewhat of one. She may have knocked out Penelope Ann Miller from Carlito's Way (a film that was far more popular at the globes where it also scored a non-Oscar repeated nod for Sean Penn) but my heart was always with the no-way-were-they-ever-getting-nominated Addams Family Values girls.
everyone -- my nominees when i was making little lists for myself (before the internet proper and BLOG SUPERSTARDOM) were...
CUSACK - addams family values
LI - farewell my concubine
(LYNCH - three of hearts -- i suspect this is a leading role and i was just starting to come out so any gay topic thrilled me -- i havent seen it since but i was seriously in love with her back then haha. maybe it's a terrible movie? i dont know)
PAQUIN - the piano
RICCI - addams family values *WINNER*
I remember not being that thrilled with Oscar's choices in that category even though i liked all of the performances. They seemed like lazy choices of who was hot right then and in the movies that were "oscary"... aint it ever so?
Oh and Jason is reminding me that I LOVED "I don't want to fight" from What's Love Got To Do With It" and was *SO* pissed it wasn't nominated depriving us of a tina turner performance on Oscar night in a year with a Tina Turner biopic nominated for awards! Seriously the music branch can suck it.
Hey Nate!
Yea lol - "Philadelphia", by Neil Young: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHpQFF_Et4s
A beautiful song. Loved Springsteen's, but this one is heartbreaking.
And I agree 100%- Tina Turner was robbed.
And can you believe the scores from Jurassic Park, Rudy and Bruce Lee were snubbed? ALL are more famous and amazing then the other nominees to me, at least.
Sorry - that should work now!
I didn't even know "I Don't Want to Fight" was an original song for that movie!
Here are my nominees and winners from 1992- I have always called my personal honors the Star Academy Awards, and never shy away from honoring excellent in both drama and comedy:
A League of Their Own*
Bram Stoker's Dracula
The Crying Game
Malcom X
White Men Can't Jump
Robert Altman, The Player
Francis Ford Coppola, Bram Stoker's Dracula
Clint Eastwood, Unforgiven*
Neil Jordan, The Crying Game
Spike Lee, Malcom X
Penny Marshall, A League of Their Own
Robert Downey Jr, Chaplin
Harvey Keitel, Bad Lieutenant
Jack Lemmon, Glengarry Glen Ross
Gary Oldman, Bram Stoker's Dracula
Al Pacino, Scent of a Woman
Denzel Washington, Malcom X*
Geena Davis, A League of Their Own*
Whoopi Goldberg, Sister Act
Susan Sarandon, Lorenzo's Oil
Sharon Stone, Basic Instinct
Meryl Streep, Death Becomes Her
Emma Thompson, Howards End
Jaye Davidson, The Crying Game
Fred Gwynn, My Cousin Vinny
Gene Hackman, Unforgiven
Tom Hanks, A League of Their Own*
Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men
Al Pacino, Glengarry Glen Ross
Angela Bassett, Malcom X
Judy Davis, Husbands and Wives
Rosie O'Donnell, A League of Their Own
Rosie Perez, White Men Can't Jump
Michelle Pfeiffer, Batman Returns*
Marisa Tomei, My Cousin Vinny
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Glengarry Glen Ross
Howards End
Malcom X
The Player*
A River Runs Through It
A League of Their Own*
The Crying Game
Husbands and Wives
Lorenzo's Oil
White Men Can't Jump*
"End of the Road", Boomerang
"Friend Like Me", Aladdin
"I See Me", Death Becomes Her
"Run to You", The Bodyguard
"This Used to Be My Playground", A League of Their Own
"Whole New World", Aladdin*
Aladdin, Alan Menken
A League of Their Own, Hans Zimmer*
Basic Instinct, Jerry Goldsmith
Batman Returns, Danny Elfman
Bram Stoker's Dracula, Wojciech Kilar
Chaplin, John Barry