BAFTA Winners & Gowns

Since they aren't broadcasting the ceremony live across the pond -- we'll get an edited tape-delayed version -- we aren't watching. We'll only give BAFTA its due once it joins us in the 21st century. If you're waiting to be "surprised" during the tape delay abridged stuff, don't click to continue this post. If you are as unwilling to care about things you can't watch live as we are, and don't even value themselves enough to include the audience (even in the UK it's not live), than click away to read the winners with some commentary.
And gowns!
Amy, Naomie, and Gillian
Best British Film Gravity
Hmmmm. American stars. Mexican director. I guess the money was partially British? I dunno. Seems suspect.
Best Short Film Room 8
This was part of a series of films which riffed on a script by Oscar winning Geoffrey Fletcher (Precious) that was purposefully absent any stage directions so that the filmmakers had to interpret it. Watch it if you have 8 minutes! It stars Tom Cullen from Weekend and Downton Abbey
Imagination Series: Room 8 (3 of 5) from Bombay Sapphire on Vimeo.
British Short Animation Sleeping With the Fishes
Best Production Design Catherine Martin, The Great Gatsby
Best Sound Gravity
Best Editing Rush
I'm genuinely surprised that Gravity keeps losing this award. I thought it would sweep technical prizes. This win goes to Ron Howard's frequent collaborators who I really thought would be Oscar nominated last month. I think it's safe to say that this will be a very hard category to get right in your Oscar predictions this year.
Best Documentary The Act of Killing
Best Makeup and Hair American Hustle
Seriously why did the Oscar makeup branch stiff this one?
Best Costume Design Catherine Martin, The Great Gatsby
Best Original Music Steven Price, Gravity
Best Animated Film Frozen
Outstanding Debut Keiran Evans for Kelly + Victor
Oscar messed up when they denied us the joy of Emma Thompson this year!
Best Supporting Actor Barkhad Abdi, Captain Phillips
Emma Thompson presented this one and Tom Hanks starts wolf-whistling according to Empire
I want to thank BAFTA for this honour. I want to thank Paul Greengrass for believing in me before I believed in myself. I want to thank Tom Hanks, Sony Pictures, my producers and my family and my friends. I love you! Last but not least, I want to thank the other pirates in the film, my friends. We came from nothing and we get this! Thank you!"
Best Cinematography Emmanuel Lubezki, Gravity
Brangelina wore tuxes. So perfect. perfect perfect perfect
Best Supporting Actress Jennifer Lawrence, American Hustle
Oh dear. the pundits are going to freak out again. But at this point I still think the Oscars is Lupita's. I know that American Hustle has "American" right in the title but I'm guessing that 12 Years a Slave holds more appeal to Americans than to Brits. The British dealt with ending the slavery problem earlier and in a much more civilized less bloody fashion as you'll soon see in the film Belle opening this summer. Jennifer wasn't there since she's filming season 4 of The Hunger Games.
The BBC made a joke about her absence which woulda been way funnier without the hashtag 'splaining it
Jennifer Lawrence wasn’t allowed to attend the #BAFTAs for Health & Safety reasons as her dresses tend to catch fire. #HungerGamesReference
— BBC One (@BBCOne) February 16, 2014
Outstanding Contribution to British Cinema Peter Greenaway
I LOVE HIM. I DON'T THINK WE'VE EVER TALKED ABOUT HIM. MAYBE SOMEDAY. I couldn't help but shout. I feel guilty for having never gone there.
Rising Star Will Poulter
Oprah, Cate and Lupita (who won nothing... except the red carpet)
Original Screenplay American Hustle
Adapted Screenplay Philomena
Samantha Barks (remember her from last season?), Lea Seydoux, and Dame Judi
Best Visual Effects Gravity
Best Foreign Language Film The Great Beauty (Italy)
For awhile I thought Broken Circle Breakdown had a shot at this Oscar statue but The Great Beauty keeps winning things.
Best Actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years a Slave
Yay! Such a great performance. He only thanked two of his co-stars and if it had to be only two they were the right two but I still think Sarah Paulson deserved more credit for this movie than she got.
I would be remiss if I did not thank you Michael Fassbender, Lupita Nyong'o - the list is endless, and all bringing an extraordinary passion to this project...
Best Director Alfonso Cuarón, Gravity
The Oscar is also his. Love the tail end of his speech referencing the other members of the self-described 'Three Amigos'
and a couple of guys Guillermo del Toro and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, because I cannot order breakfast without asking their advice!
Ruth Wilson (needs to give a performance as flamboyant as this look, quick!), Uma, and Maggie
Best Actress Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine
Supposedly her speech went like so...
Thank you BAFTA. I was sitting in Row G so I thought that was a sign that I wouldn't be getting up here tonight. [Breathing heavily] God I'm unfit! Jasmine was an extraordinary opportunity for an actress. I would like to dedicate this to an actor who has been such an presence but now an absence to me, the late, great Philip Seymour Hoffman. Your presence and your unflinching quest for truth in art and life will be sorely missed not only by those here but the audiences who loved your work. All we can do is keep trying to raise the bar continually in your absence
Best Picture 12 Years a Slave
Though I will find it deeply sad if 12 Years a Slave loses the Oscar -- its win would be important for people on a spiritual level in a way a win hasn't been since the one that wasn't: Brokeback Mountain -- I have enjoyed how wide open this year's races seem to be. Editing is completely up in the air. If The Great Gatsby doesn't take both Production Design and Costumes those could go any which way, too. There is still some doubt about Best Picture and Supporting Actress and some pundits believe Leo has a chance to upset McConaughey in Wolf of Wall Street.
There are people out there upset about 12 Years a Slave's win or at least leading with 'But Gravity won more!' I personally have never understood the need people have for their favorite to win everything. I love spread the wealth years and I think those rare years when the Best Picture won less Oscars than another film are very very interesting. Bring on more of those! The whole can be greater than the sum of its parts. (That said I would definitely hand 12 Years a Slave more wins... but I'm not always that way with my favorites.)
Reader Comments (29)
Oy. If GRAVITY ends up winning the top prize, I could see a similar rough night for 12YAS on Oscar night...
P.S. I know smart money is betting on Lupita, but I'm more and more feeling JLAW will get a 2nd Oscar. EVERYONE LOVES THAT CRAZY B*. :)
Disappointed that Jennifer Lawrence won BSA. I have seen nearly all of the nominees and her performance is by far the worst in my estimation. I hope that she takes some acting classes during her time off following 'Hunger Games.'
I was really hoping Sally Hawkins would upset here, alas my dreams failed. But I will never understand this nonsense that Jennifer Lawrence is a terrible actress or needs acting lessons. No, she's not classically trained like Lupita or Hawkins but watch Winter's Bone and American Hustle back-to-back and you can easily see this girl has acting chops. Totally restrained and bruised in the former and unhinged and flamboyant in the latter. She's a very intuitive actress that adapts very well to the stylistic tones of her directors.
Cate Blanchett clearly knows how to deliver a speech. Happy for her win. She really deserves it.
12YEARS still got BEST PIC. It's winning the Oscar...?
I've realized that my issue with Jennifer Lawrence's recent performances isn't her acting, it's David O. Russel's direction. Because in Winter's Bone she comes across as a very smart, intuitive actress that really did her homework. In Silver Linings and American Hustle it feels like she didn't do any work and is very unhinged just doing whatever works on camera. So I'm assuming that has to do with David's style of direction with his actors and not her. (Although I didn't have the same issues with other actors in the same films, soo... I don't know).
Lupita better still win the Oscar. At least we have an actual race I guess.
Have you seen Peter Greenaway's "The Pillow Book"? I love it! It's so hypnotic and sensual.
Girl is killing it on the red carpet. At this rate, i'm might totally end up in tears seeing her on the Oscar red carpet. She's not going to disappoint.
With Jennifer, even though i love her and thought she was quite entertaining in Hustle, it will be a TRAVESTY if she got that second Oscar. Team Lupita!
But if she did, her fame would probably go supernova even though she's already A-list as it is.
I don't even know where to begin at the BAFTAs, it was just a huge load of WTFery this year. I'll really be surprised if this and the Oscars follow.
surprising that fassbender couldn't win here.
and maybe j-law won here because she lost last year. (or they liked her better)
Actually Chiwetel thanked a lot more than 2 actors in his speech - he even found space to thank Alfre Woodard and Michael K. Williams
REDS -- . do you have the full speech -- Empire did not include that part of the speech in their transcription I guess?
I figured Lawrence would win -- she showed up last year and was expected to win, but they gave it to Emmanuelle and I just had a feeling that's how it would go. If she wins the Oscar -- she barely campaigned. No one can accuse her of being desperate for it.
Chiwetel's full speech is here:
Damn! When I first saw the photo of Emma Thompson for a moment I thought she won Best Actress. Then merely two seconds later I realized not even BAFTA can resist to reward Cate Blanchett, but I still hoped my dream wasn't just a dream. When I read on and found out that photo was actually her presenting Supporting Actor, the hope crushed. I knew for sure it's going to be Cate for Best Actress.
Chiwetel forgot to thank Brad Pitt and the camera was fast enough to get Pitt? or I imagined that? Also, Lupita looked pissed (!!) or about to cry, couldn't tell.
Love Blanchett's speech and her almost teary way out backstage.
I don't get why they don't broadcast awards like editing, etc, and when they do mention them it's almost shorter than any given acceptance speech. Alfonso Cuarón was on stage longer than all of them together if we were to believe the heavily edited show.
A lot of the funding for Gravity and a huge chunk of the special effects work and filming was done in the UK. Alfonso also mentioned in his speech that he has been based in London , I think this is why it qualifies for British Film
Cate's speech is on youtube and it's a thing of beauty
Very, very disappointed about Fassbender. He deserved that award, and he deserves the Oscar, which he also won't get. Campaigning for it shouldn't matter.
Gravity's producer is David Heyman. He did all the Harry Potter movies.
No Léa? Grrr!
Lupita's dress is absolutely marvelous.
Wouldn't know how to post a gif, but Michael Fassbender in the gif at the bottom of this link. Sigh.
I personally have never understood the need people have for their favorite to win everything.
For the most part, Nathaniel, I'd argue that those who fall into this category tend to just be lazy critical thinkers. As if every single achievement in a film is the best of the year.
And yet.... there are times when I find myself falling into that view. It's actually rather thrilling to see people go apeshit for a film they truly love. Remember Slumdog Millionaire's absolute thunderbastarding of the guilds it's season? Or how Helen Mirren even won best actress from an organization that was designed to honour African Americans? Once you've removed a bit, it's rather entertaining.
Iwas more shocked at Abdi winning,is there shocks in both supporting races.
The first thing that popped in my head after the Lawrene win was Joe's quip about her "Zellweggerian march to sea", haha. It's a tribute to her brand that she keeps winning with virtually zero personal campaining. Lupita keeps working hard for it, though, and I think, in the end she will prevail at the Oscars. This is my favorite look of hers (and there are many to choose from). She looked stunning!
Hooray for the Abdi win. I was surprised at my own reaction because I normally disapprove of category fraud, even when I love the performance (see Roberts, Julia - August:Osage County), but I liked Captain Phillips a whole damn lot, was miffed with Hanks and Greengrass missing, and am loving the strong finish with ACE, WAG and now Bafta wins!
Ejiofor's win is the nail in Leo's coffin, I think. He needed Bafta and a killer speech to jolt a surge against McConaughey. Now I can't see him winning. At least we have a couple more years of "Poor Leo" Oscar memes, and those never fail to crack me up!
Philomena for screenplay was probably the worst choice of the night, not because I dislike It (I actually like sentimental movies), but because I'm so enamored with 12YAS. Now I am worried it might lose, just like Lincoln last year and that was depressing enough!
BEST PICTURE: 12 Years a Slave
BEST DIRECTOR: Alfonso Cuaron, Gravity
BEST ACTOR: Leonardo DiCaprio, The Wolf of Wall Street
BEST ACTRESS: Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Lupito Nyong'o, 12 Years a Slave
BEST FILM EDITING: Captain Phillips
BEST ORIGINAL SCORE: Philomena, Alexader Deslplat
BEST SONG: 'Let it Go', Frozen
Oooh Cate! What a great speech!
I've always predicted that lawrence will win this, they owe her for last year making her lose to riva,
And this win also makes it a fair race between nyongo and lawrence, both of them had won 2 major precursor now
Lupita will still win the Oscar, but part of me wonders if the 12YAS screenplay could lose at the Oscars. Probably not, but for me, the script was the weakest part of the film (witness all the remarks about underdeveloped characters right here). I don't know how widespread the criticisms are about John Ridley crossing the WGA picket line, but they might hurt, as well. And anytime you have actors competing in a non-acting category I think they have a slight advantage, though of course that might be mitigated by the fact that this category features two sets of actors, with Coogan and the Midnight trio are competing against each other here.