25 Years Ago Today... Marquise & Madame

These pictures were literally shot 25 years ago today - Michelle Pfeiffer & Glenn Close at the Governor's Ball for the 1988 Oscars on March 29th, 1989.
Happy anniversary to my new/old most favorite pictures ever!
Reader Comments (21)
La Pfeiffer wore a t-shirt and blazer to the Oscars? She's a boss.
"don't worry; we'll have plenty of other chances..."
"Do you know Meryl will have 3 before we have 1"
I feel like Glenn wore that dress again, it looks very similar to her Golden Globe winning dress for the Lion in Winter.
Yup, thats definitely the same dress.
Mustafa -- way to be thrifty, Glenn
Aaaw, that second pic is even cutier.
I still can't believe there was a THREE WAY TIE at the Globes that year and Glenn (and Meryl) were the ones left out. SHOCKING!
And why Michelle Pfeiffer didn't get nominated for Age of Innocence is beyond me....
I don't know, I just feel Glenn could actually win at an age near Jessica Tandy.
Oh! The greatness of these pictures... I can't even type anymore.
Thank you Nathaniel! These are such great and wonderful pictures of two amazing actresses :)
Is there a link to the three way tie, you are talking about?
Jodie Foster, Sigourney Weaver and Shirley MacLain 3 way tie:
I wasn't even born yet! Still love this though. We need more Pfeiffer in the movies.
You bring up Dangerous Liaisons and these drones are indifferent and dismissive. Let them hope for lesser talents and productions to become Oscar winners and they can revel in the Oscar-less-ness of Glenn Close and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Mustafa - Recycling of Glenn's dress - the second time she wore it, the designer (Geoffrey beane??) had just died and she wore it as a memento mori . Though if memory serves me right there were a few alterations to the hemline :)
ok scratch that "memento mori" , glenn probably wasn't making an existential to her fellow celebs that the golden globes was mere frippery and that one day they too would die...insert insted a simple "commemoration"
[note too self, everytime you feel a bout of pretension coming on, make sure you check your latin dictionary first]
Aww, add in Julianne Moore and Annette Benning, and you have the women most over due to go home with an Oscar. I still find it particularly shocking that Glenn Close couldnt win for the POWERHOUSE performance in Dangerous Liasons.
We live in an Oscar universe that says Matthew McConaughey's Oscar victory is a must. I'm sick of feeling sorry for the great actresses who don't have one, especially when we have to live under constant Streep worship.
Maybe these women made the wrong choices in their careers along the way...maybe it has something to do with Meryl working consistently on the big screen her entire career that she is in her enviable position today?
Streep received hyperbole at the beginning of her career. Hollywood is a restricted access institution where a lone exception to their unwritten and unadvertised rule may reign large publicly as plausible deniability against accusations of prejudice.
Glenn has definitely gotten better with age, she looks fantastic now. Though I wish she'd experiment a bit more on the red carpet besides Zac Posen's mermaid dresses.
your language use is really laughable.... to 3rtful
Eh, no one needs to feel anyone's Oscar victory as a "must". There are still "only" about 6000 people in Hollywood who decides what's the "best" and we all know a performance or the film alone mostly doesn't matter. It's timing and champaign. In a rare case everything comes together, but it's still a rare case in where everyone can agree this film/performance was the best of the year.