Beauty vs Beast: Masters & Johnsons Of Sex

JA from MNPP here - I know I'm among my people here at The Film Experience when I stand up in front of you all, tap the mic, clear my throat, and admit that I, Jason Adams, being somewhat sound of mind and body (okay that part's questionable), am straight-up no-holds-barred infatuationally addicted to an actress. Her name is Elizabeth Anne Caplan, she goes by Lizzy, and she is basically everything. How could anyone say anything mean about Amy Adams, right? Adorable, kind, nose-wrinkling Amy Adams? Well I would roll Amy Adams up feet-first and stick her in an envelope and mail her to Timbuktu never to be heard from again if that meant I would get to see Lizzy Caplan play Lois Lane in a Superman movie. That's where we stand.
So today is my beloved's 32nd birthday, and so we're giving her today's "Beauty Vs. Beast" poll. I'm not sure how many of you are watching Showtime's Masters of Sex but I hope it's tons upon tons, because it's a great show stuffed with rich characters from top to top to bottom to bottom and every which way of sexual power dynamics. Michael Sheen's doing terrific work as the Platonian Ideal of the nightmare doctor with a god complex, but yeah... I think I've made it clear where my vote's going. You?
As always you've got one week to vote and to make your case for your pick in the comments. Oh and if you want to see the new trailer for the second season of Masters of Sex, which is back July 13th, watch it here.
PREVIOUSLY Last week we shot the Bat Signal over Gotham in honor of 25 years of Tim Burton's original movie and made you choose between Michael Keaton's dark knight and Jack Nicholson's candy-colored villain - it was tight-going with the Batman and the Joker fluctuating who was on top but in the end goodness vanquished evil and Keaton strolled off with 51% and the victory, heading off towards a bright future involving slinky cat-suits and lots of licking. There was a lot of diccussion about the Bat-Men versus the Jokers (Jokeri?), which Sad man summed up thus:
"Team Batman 100%. If it was Heath's Joker then I'd pick Joker. Also Keaton > Bale."
Reader Comments (6)
For the first time, I abstain (because I can never vote against Michael Sheen).
Just started watching on DVD and so far really enjoying it. Voted for Lizzie though both are doing excellent work, it's just that Michael Sheen's character is such a thoughtless jerk so often it's hard to root for him.
Lizzie Caplan would be an ideal Lois Lane, she has that quirky slightly oddball intelligence that Margot Kidder brought to the role and which has been missing ever since. Of course they'd have to go back to the focus on the interplay between Lois and Clark as a major component of the story and not about destruction as the new one was.
i love her so much i'd even invite her to a pool party...even if there were going to be girls in bathing suits there
Team Johnson because she's sexy and stuff.
I voted for Lizzy although Michael Sheen deserves an award or something just for having the guts to play such an uptight hypocrite week after week. I just love British actors. They don't give a damn about being "liked" by the audience or not.
Johnson, all the way. They're both driven in their own ways, but Virginia's bolstering of Julianne Nicholson's Dr. DePaul (the show's secret weapon) is indicative of her better nature. By contrast, Masters has great difficulty even being sympathetic TO HIS WIFE (Caitlin Fitzgerald, the show's other secret weapon).
Side note: Everyone on this show is FANTASTIC. I love it so and can't wait for it's return!