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'Best Shot' Awards - Season 5 Wraps

I wanted to do a little something extra special as wrap party for our very enjoyable and well attended 20 episode fifth season of Hit Me With Your Best Shot.  So imma give out awards since awards are what we love best. The episode I liked reading everyone's takes on the most were --  can I say all? -- the Jamie Travis short films since I never get to hear opinions on those (or any short films really) and Under the Skin as it needs to be spoken of and contemplated. And by as many people as possible. Spread the good word.

But really I could just as easily call everything else "tied for third" because I always love to hear so many perspectives. But no season is perfect: Zorba the Greek  turned out to be kind of a dud (I had never seen it so I blame the Oscars!). Two more episodes that were less popular than I expected were Cries and Whispers and Blow-Up which is a shame because they're such interesting films. Perhaps they've gone out of cinephile fashion and I hadn't yet noticed? 

MISSING: RJ at (Home) Film Schooled would surely be honored here somewhere if I could find him/her - There were a few great entries early in the season and then both the blog and R.J.'s email ceased to exist. If you're out there, let us know you're okay! Those were some good articles. 

MISSING #2: This list was made very quickly as I prepped for Toronto so I missed some key categories I had planned to do so if you don't see your blog represented, that's my bad, not yours. 

And now some nominees for "Best" of Hit Me With Your Best Shot: Season Five


Shane Slater of Film ActuallyTimothy Brayton, Antagony & Ecstasy - 19 episodes
Conrado Falco, Coco Hits New York -17 episodes
Jason Henson, Entertainment Junkie -18 episodes
Shane Slater, Film Actually -20 films *winner*
Andrew Boyd Stewart, The Film's The Thing -15 episodes

These five blogs were fuel to keep going. Quite a few other people popped in and out and if that's you, know that I anticipate your return whenever you vanish. You'll be there for Season 6, right?

I reached out to Shane for an acceptance speech. He kept it short...

"Thank you very much for this honor. I thoroughly enjoyed this Judy Garland fan cl- I mean, Hit me with your best shot series."

Hey now! No fair. I purposefully avoided Judy Garland this season when I realized we'd already done three of her musicals. I can't help loving her!

the most exuberantly-attended shot parties

Batman (any film, 1966-2012)
Can't Stop the Music (1980)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) *winner*
L.A. Confidential (1997)
Under the Skin (2014) *runner up*



"Girl on Fire" - Kyle Turner at The Movie Scene on Goldfinger (1964)

"Her's Cold Blooded Twin" -Manuel Betancourt on "Under the Skin"

"Rape Culture" - Kacey at Pop Culture Crazy on "Under the Skin"

 "Thirsty Bird" - Jason, The Entertainment Junkie on Orange is the New Black (2014)



"Cake" - Drew Byrd on Under the Skin (2014)

"Empty Chasm" Anne Marie from "A Year With Kate" on Suddenly Last Summer (1959)

Shane Slater from Film Actually on Zorba the Greek (1964)


"Yellow and Purple" - Jan from Stranger than Most on 3 Women (1977)


and finally some one-off prizes...


"Look at this Pretty Straight Lady!" - Anne Marie & Margaret at We Recycle Movies talk Can't Stop the Music (1980)



"Nite Owl Diner" - Timothy Brayton at Antagony & Ecstasy on L.A. Confidential (1997)


We had several new contributors this season and I can't wait to see what they bring to the table in Season 6. Here's the best from the newbies:

"Askew Presentation" - Best Shot in the Dark


"All in One" - Minnesota Gneiss

"Sad Tranquility" - Cinematic Corner

"Rude Shock" - Lam Chop Chop

these are the five pieces I'm proudest of... for various reasons

"Unfolding Before You / Not As You Remember ItEternal Sunshine (2004)

"Minotaur & Labyrinth" - Blow-Up (1966)

"Demented Puppies & Crop TopsCan't Stop the Music (1980)

"We Need to Talk About James Bond's CockGoldfinger (1964)

"Multiplying the MultiplesThree Women (1977)

If you've been lurking all season, not participating but reading or watching along, it would mean a lot to me (and I'm sure to the Best Shot regulars)  if you commented on the season and things you learned or joy you took from it. Give your own awards. Which was your favorite episode? 

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Reader Comments (10)

thank you for starting this series, Nathaniel! I love participating each week.

and congrats to all the winners. it was an honor just to be nominated...

but I demand a recount! I only missed two episodes this season (HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY because I ran out of time that week and OITNB because, again time - who can watch 13 hours in a weekend?!?) which would bring me to 18 entries. I knew they weren't all my best work, but they should still count. I watched ZORBA THE GREEK for you! ;)

September 4, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterabstew

Love love love.

September 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBrianZ

Love the series. I might not always participate since some of the films aren't something that catch my interest, Under the Skin, or are something I hated, sorry I know I'm in the minority but The Matrix and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind were torture for me to sit through once! no way was I revisiting either.

However for films I love it's been great. I particularly enjoyed the overviews of L.A. Confidential, Suddenly, Last Summer and Gone With the Wind and got a real kick out of Can't Stop the Music. Also it's gotten me to watch films that I've been curious about but never got around to. This year was Cries and Whispers, which I appreciated more than loved but I'm still glad I watched.

Looking forward to season six, don't feel bad about the Judy Garland love, I share it and would welcome another one of her pics next year.

September 4, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterjoel6

I'm feeling guilty of not contributing this season but I couldn't, I'm full of work. So I'll come back next year, I promise!

Meanwhile, I enjoyed reading several of the posts. As always, I find the variety of perspectives and how someone appreciates something that I might've missed otherwise fascinating.

Keep up the good work!
And congratulations Nathaniel for another successful "season" of this long-running hit "show". And the quality keeps on building ;)

September 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues

God, if you ever go back to Judy Garland musicals. Please do The Pirate, because ... it's The Pirate and for some reason I always DVR it when it's on TCM (I have no idea why.)

September 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterKacey

It was excellent to read so many great and different perspectives this year. I'm glad I was able to participate more this year, too, and see films I may not have reached for otherwise. Bring on season six!

September 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJason H.

You got a bunch of us to watch CAN'T STOP THE MUSIC. So clearly your job is done. :)

September 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

Thirst Alert!!

Boy that Shane Slater is CUUUUUUUUUTE!!!!

September 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterKBJr.

Yay me! It's so funny to see my face on this site haha.

Thanks for another great season Nathaniel. I'm already looking forward to future episodes. I find the series has helped me a lot in terms of how I engage and understand a film.

September 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSquasher88

This was so much fun! I had to skip this week's "The Matrix" because I moved to a new apartment and had no internet, but you know that's the only reason why I didn't participate!

September 5, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterConrado
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