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It's funny because it's true! ftr JLaw is really good in Joy but toward the end of the movie she does kind of have to play hardened wiser 40something and... sigh... I wish this didn't bother me but I can never make that leap with her.

Anyway... a collection of recent tweets of note or amusement or truth starring Jennifer Lawrence (again), Tom Hardy, Melanie Lynskey, Carol and more presented without further ado after the jump...






Let's conclude with...

Important Messages From One of Our Favorite Actresses




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Reader Comments (12)

Ah! The whole JLaw-playing-way-older-than-she-is has always bothered me. Probs the reason I didn't quite buy her in Playbook and Hustle. I still think Winter's Bone is her best work.

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

I lost it at the Cotillard/Ronan tweet. Ronan is and actress I can never fully warm to, and being Irish, I should at least show some modicum of loyalty but I just can't ever go there. And J-Law....well. You know what? No. I'm not gonna bother. I've exercised enough dissatisfaction for eons.

Also, Carol is probably the greatest thing to happen to me this year. I finally understand the Blanchett thing. She was exquisite in the role.

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAmandaBuffamonteezi

Agreed Nat love her in THG and SLP yes she is too young but the persona,line readings just everything works bar her age,AH not sold sorry but I see the charisma.

The fears I have about Joy seem to be true she can't play older and wise not in her grasp yet and I think she's this years Amy Adams winner of C/M globe but snubbed.

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMary

Arbeiter for the win.

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDJDeeJay

Some actors are quite good and convincing at playing a full range of ages -- David Oyelowo anyone?

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

"Ah! The whole JLaw-playing-way-older-than-she-is has always bothered me. Probs the reason I didn't quite buy her in Playbook and Hustle. I still think Winter's Bone is her best work."

Me, too! I know she loves David O. Russell and credits him with making her a better actress, but I don't think she's ever worse than when she's under his direction. Not only are the roles age-inappropriate, but his style exacerbates her technical weaknesses, and he seems too enamored of her to really push her.

She said she will always do DOR movies, though, so we're just going to have to deal with it when she wins an Oscar for a remake of 'Amour' in the next few years.

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Mary: The mus/com Globe? I thought JLaw was officially in drama for that. With Lawrence out? That Globe is probably Teyonah Parris' to lose (more ambitious movie, younger and visible black talent in the season to mitigate last year's justified "too white" outcry), with Tomlin, Danner and Maggie Smith as pretty much locked nominees. That 5th slot, though? That's where they'll take time out to starbleep. Probably McCarthy for Spy, but don't entirely discount Streep for Ricki and the Flash. (Bel Powley and Kitana Kiki Rodriguez, even if the performances are better, aren't stars, Wiig's Welcome to Me was a streamer movie, and Our Brand is Crisis got reviews so toxic even the Globes would look for a less compromising option.)

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Volvagia -- the Globes won't know who Teyonah Parris is. Also I even had to think for a moment before realizing what movie you were talking about. There's no way she's getting nominated for that. And JOY is officially a comedy with the Globes.

December 7, 2015 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Inspired by that tweet about Hardy's silly voices, I wondered what the general opinion on Tom Hardy is here at TFE and among your contributors (Nick, Katey, Joe, etc). He's generally acclaimed (Guy is a mega-fan), but I do know there are pockets of critics who think he's just plain bad (I follow Jaime Christley and he mentioned that today).

My personal opinion is that he has the charisma and skillset to be a superlative screen actor, but his actual choices render him mostly cartoonish or distracting. He rarely fits into the world of his film (exceptions: Inception, Tinker Tailor Spy, the UK miniseries The Virgin Queen) and even more "subtle" performances (Locke, The Drop) have an element of extreme theatricality. I thought he was exhausting to listen to in Locke and much preferred all the other voice actors.

Having said that, if a great director ever gets a handle on him and is forceful enough to corall his abilities, I think he could give performances for the ages. Right now, he's like a mix of Oldman, Hopkins, and Penn at their most intolerably hammy. He needs a modern day Kazan to tell him how to act for the screen.

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterKate

Am I the only one that can see Winslet getting a double nom at the globes? Supporting for Steve Jobs and comedy actress for The Dressmaker (I'm assuming that's come out states-side...) They obviously love her, what with the double win 7 years ago and all that, and already gave her an unexpected nom for Labor Day.

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

Carlos -- dressmaker has not come out in the States.

Kate -- that's interesting. i do think he's very talented but i guess i can see the talent being bigger than the technique

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R

Kate, I prefer him when he's not going all Brando Caveman, which he seems to do often.

December 8, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterGlenn Dunks
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