A Portrait of Everyone Trying To Decide What To Write About "Dick Tracy" For HMWYBS

Perfect right? Thanks Kathy!
I totally forgot that Kathy Bates was in this movie. And that she's amusingly mystified when asked to transcribe Mumbles confession. Or maybe she's distracted thinking 'Misery comes out in 5½ months and then you'll see what I can do!'
I'm currently mulling over 23 screengrabs for Dick Tracy (1990) trying to choose just 1 for its 25th anniversary. This movie is so good looking, in a super-saturated drunk on the color wheel way. So if you're also struggling or forgot that Best Shot was returning today after hiatus (I know several people did) I'll extend the BEST SHOT deadline to tomorrow night.
But in the meantime cue up Madonna's "I'm Breathless" CD and remember how good those Stephen Sondheim songs are as you check out these entries from blogs that finished in time! (Consider it appetizer and main course and tomorrow night dessert for any latecomers to our weekly Visual Party.)
Coco Hits NY - selects a clever moment of cartoon logic
The Entertainment Junkie - on converging visual elements
Film Actually - loves the film noir long shots
Dancin' Dan - goes understated for a loud movie
Antagony & Ecstasy - admires the graphic storytelling
Paul Outlaw- wants to reverse Madonna & Beatty's positions in this potent frame
And don't forget that next Wednesday night June 10th is Amadeus (1984) and there won't be any extension of that deadline because the film leaves Netflix Instant Watch very soon and it's three hours long (but oh so good) so you might want to get a headstart on your selection for that one. Yours truly hasn't seen it since the 80s and is so excited to revisit it.
Reader Comments (7)
I played along as best I could, though my choice for Best Shot was a bit strained this time around. You can find it at my journal, under the title "Cops and Rubber Masks."
Kathy Bates and Madonna made two movies together and never shared a scene.
Oops. I didnt see the date and thought we had to pick one of 3 like with Orson Welles. Sorry about that. I posted my Amadeus pick today.
Catherine O'Hara is in this movie too with no lines as Texie Garcia in the big boardroom scene. She was probably thinking, "just wait until November when Home Alone comes out..."
I forgot that this was back this week!!! I'll try and get something up by tonight.
I've got to sort myself out somehow. I always want to participate in HMWYBS but I've never done so, and it's because I don't 'exist' anywhere online where I can post the image and the write-up - I'm not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, I don't have my own blog... I know, I know... So, while I'm working out how to rectify that, I just wanted to say that I've always loved this film, ever since I first saw it in a packed cinema in London when it came out in 1990. I was fifteen, and had seen and loved Batman the summer before, and was expecting this to be a pale imitation. I was astonished as to how good it was.
In terms of best shots, this has so many to choose from. But when I think of this film, usually the first image that comes to mind is Al Pacino's face. I think he's brilliant as Big Boy Caprice - he does the character and the tone and the comedy and the villainy exactly right. I really think he should have won an Oscar for this.
Watched Amadeus for the first time last night. I much preferred the politicking of the first half to the music-heavy, manic second half.