come with me if you want to link

Huffpo The story of the first trans Oscar nominee, Angela Morley in the 1970s
Gothamist This will be such a sad day in Manhattan. The last remaining gala premiere type single screen movie theater in Manhattan is closing in a couple of weeks for good. Goodbye Ziegfeld Theater where I first saw Michelle Pfeiffer in the pflesh, where I first laid eyes on Moulin Rouge!, where so many filmmakers and actors premiered their films.
The Film Stage Taylor Sheridan who wrote Sicario is looking to make his directorial debut with his new screenplay Wind River
Variety Ettore Scola, the Italian director has died at 84 years of age. Among his best known films were three Foreign Language Film Oscar nominees: A Special Day (1977), The Family (1987) and Le Bal (1983)
Coming Soon Jennifer Lawrence will star in Marita about Fidel Castro's young lover who became involved in an assassination attempt on his life. (Finally a role she's basically the right age for!)
AV Club Kevin Spacey to play JD Salinger's mentor in a Rebel in the Rye (what a title, eh)
MNPP David Lynch's surreal use of animals in his work - damn my favorite one is missing. The talking bird from Twin Peaks. "Leo, no!"
BuzzFeed The Hateful Eight as the meanest film in Tarantino's filmography. I haven't actually read this piece -- I'm so tired of this movie -- but people keep tell me it's the best piece on the film.
/Film The polar bear cartoon Norm of the North is our first 0% of 2016 on Rotten Tomatoes. Everyone hates it!
Guardian Kenya thinks Netflix will lead to 'declining moral values'. (I mean... tif you bingewatch bad tv and movies then, sure, yes)
Franchise Watch
Guardian Terminator Genysis sequels have been cancelled. Be grateful for small miracles. That franchise's first two films were amazements but diminishing returns with all the xeroxing
Decider can Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn save the DC film universe from its self? (That's a lot to place on one ensemble player, even if she does carry a baseball bat)
/Film Christmas 2017 showdown: Avatar 2 and Star Wars VIII now scheduled to open on the exact same day. But the hilarious thing about this article is they call Avatar 2 an "unmovable force" even though James Cameron never makes his release dates. LOL. Expect that one to movie for sure.
Today's Watch
The Sky in Sicario. Do we think there's any chance Emmanuel Lubezki doesn't win for The Revenant (which would be his third consecutive win -- which has never happened before -- and if so)
Sky in "Sicario" from Ordog on Vimeo.
Reader Comments (17)
Ettore Scola R.I.P. An important Italian filmmaker. He was also one of the directors of a fourth Foreign Language Film nominee, I nuovi mostri (Viva Italia!, 1978). And A Special Day is excellent.
I do think Lubezki has an excellent shot at winning. But maybe Deakins can pull it off. Sicario is well-shot. But I think if Lubezki doesn't win, the Oscar will go to John Seale.
I think Mad Max needs to win Cinematography to have a shot at winning Picture
Oh, and I just read the Hateful Eight article and I think it's perceptive.
I really hope John Seale wins cinematography. I think he deserves it, but I also do not want to see Lubezki win three in a row. That is too much for anyone, in any category. Spread the wealth! (And yes, I realize Seale is prior winner, but his previous win was 20 years ago.)
Oh, the Ziegfeld Theater, the site of one of the greatest things I've ever seen: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog roasting the Star Wars fans before the Attack of the Clones opening.
I can't WAIT to see Jennifer Lawrence working that ginormous Marita Lorenz hair!
Bet most of those "sky" shots are filmed in New Mexico. Nothing beats the sky in the Land of Enchantment.
It's silly to get against The Revenant, I guess, although one hopes maybe people feel bad for CAROL and give it cinematography? I'd be super happy to have Roger Deakins cement a legacy for SICARIO though.
Lubezki had alr won this back-to-back!! Time to unhog the spotlight!! I really hope tr they will give the Cine prize to Deakins who was up for his 13th bid (ironically, he had alr lost his last 2 bids to Lubezki, if Lubezki win again, Deakins will lost 3rd time in a row to the former).
If not Deakins, then I hope Lachman get recognized. Carol is GORGEOUSLY lensed.....
Love the news about Jennifer Lawrence starring in Marita!...can't wait to watch her knock another role out of the park!.
I also loved Ettore Scola's La Nuit de Varennes.
What a cast! Such varying styles of actors, tied together by artistry. Jean-Louis Barrault (French), Marcelli Mastroianni (Italian), Harvey Keitel (American), Hanna Shygulla (German), in a story of random meeting of historical characters fleeing France. I especially loved Harvey Keitel as Tom Paine.
Charlotte Rampling, you dumbass.
Lily Tomlin would know better than to call something "racist to whites." I'm just saying.
The Charlotte Rampling comments, so completely dispiriting. The loss of respect = instantaneous.
Glenn: Robert Richardson: He isn't going to get his fourth for a Tarantino, even with the 70mm gimmick. John Seale: Though the film itself is beautifully arid, the actual cinematography on Mad Max isn't really impressive enough for a second win (too much of it is the orange/blue contrast thing cranked to max with competent but not impressive camera work). Emmanuel Lubezki: If he hadn't just won twice in a row, I'd call him the likely winner, but now that people know "hey, he'll probably justify winning three or four times", they'll probably wait. Edward Lachman: This would be a deserved and handsome choice if they went for it, even if I think the cinematographic elements of Carol are slightly repetitive and don't hold a candle to Far from Heaven (like most elements of Carol (personal grades: A+ and A-, for FfH and Carol, respectively), if I'm being honest). Roger Deakins: Sicario. Sun baked Mexico. Show-offy "only a master cinematographer paired with a lost director goes with that" shots. (Especially that minute and a half far wide shot with Blunt and Brolin.) Sunset shots. Night vision. Thirteen noms. Zero wins. You have the "most = best" idea AND the biggest example of career honours
Volvagia -- you gotta get out of your own head sometimes. There's almost no one in existence that thinks Mad Max has "not impressive camerawork"
but i do think the oscar is going to Lubezki or Deakins, as frustrating as that is since the contest this year should deb between Lachman and Seale
How can "Wind River" be Taylor's directorial debut when he directed "Vile" a few years ago?