Tweetweek: Amy Adams, Cognitive Dissonance, and Apocalyptic Futures

Amy Adams double feature (Arrival & Nocturnal Animals), 2016's grimness, Actressy fierceness, and more after the jump...
Not that this is directly relevant to anything happening right now, but I really miss BUNHEADS.
— Anne Marie (@WeRecycleMovies) November 16, 2016
2016 at the movies would have been downright awful without Isabelle Huppert and her cats
— AFK Sinemada (@_AFK_) November 14, 2016
Whoever designed the Coke Christmas bottle deserves a pay rise
— Chuck Bass (@ltsChuckBass) November 12, 2016
When you're meryl streep and men are wrong
— becks 💫 (@stellasmills) November 19, 2016
How is she the best thing, by far, in everything she's in?
— Miriam Bale (@mimbale) November 21, 2016
Hottest film director who isn't also an actor?
— Caspar Salmon (@CasparSalmon) November 18, 2016
Watched #AmyAdams in @arrivalmovie - A film about humanity, language & understanding the unknown. Perfect movie at the perfect moment. ❤️
— Reese Witherspoon (@RWitherspoon) November 13, 2016
if i watch nocturnal animals and arrival back to back will i die from amy adams overload
— syn ☃️ (@supescavill) November 12, 2016
This looks like two sets of twins and their dad.
— Rob (@r0bwatson) October 29, 2016
arrival was good, but like any movie, could be improved by including bloopers during the credits
— Tyler Oakley (@tyleroakley) November 20, 2016
*braces for another Jennifer Lawrence press cycle*
— Kevin O'Keeffe (@kevinpokeeffe) November 21, 2016
Seeing @moonlightmov a third time because Derek hasn't gone, and since it's the perfect combo of escaping and rebutting our president-elect.
— Nick Davis (@NicksFlickPicks) November 20, 2016
Seeing #TheHandmaiden this week counterbalanced all of the bad things that happened this week.
— Erik Tracy (@tundra_torque) November 12, 2016
You enjoy X-Men. You regularly vote conservative. Do you understand you are the government trying to exterminate the mutant minority group?
good morning. Remember when people rolled their eyes at how ridiculously over-the-top grim BvS was and then the rest of 2016 happened?
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) November 17, 2016
Oh, I get it. In World War III, Germany gets to save the rest of the world from fascists. That's a pretty solid third act.
— Nathaniel Tapley (@Natt) November 20, 2016
— chris stein (@chrissteinplays) November 21, 2016
Reader Comments (11)
I love that poll, but it's Ryan Coogler. The answer is always Ryan Coogler.
That Coke bottle just brought a little job to a terrible, terrible day.
I miss Bunheads all the time. Roughly once a week something happens that makes me think of an episode and it simply must be watched. I'm still not over its cancellation.
Thanks Nathaniel. You retweeted Anne Marie and that led me down a wonderful Bunheads rabbit hole on you tube.
Paper or Plastic is a great dance and I'm sure @Dancin' Dan would agree.
I need things that cheer me up these days.
RobOWatson wins all the prizes.
Olivia Colman is usually the best thing in everything, but in Fleabag, she is a runner-up. Phoebe Waller-Bridge is the best thing, plus as the writer, she gets extra points. These Brit TV ladies (Colman, Waller-Bridge, Lancashire, Hawes, and Jones) are stealing all of my American love. Can't get enough of them. Thanks Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.
Pam, I was JUST going to leave the exact same comment. Love Colman and she's great in Fleabag, but to say she's the best thing "by far" is really overstating things when everything/everyone on that show is just so wonderful.
Mea culpa. I had to Google Ryan Coogler.
Bunheads is such an underrated show. Why they cancel that and yet keep Baby Daddy? Freeform sucks.
Wait, did Kris Tapley and Nathaniel Rogers adopt someone and not tell anywone?
Am I the only one who believes Benner Miller is the hottest?
Arkaan -- huh?