More Guild Honors: Make-Up, Sound, and Adapted Scripts

Three sets of awards were handed out yesterday so let's talk MUAHS (Makeup and Hair Stylists), CAS (Cinema Audio Society) and USC Scripters.
USC Scripter
This Adapted Screenplay prize (not a guild prize) is from the University of Southern California but it's built itself up as quite a tradition in awards season. This is its 28th year! The prize goes to both the original source material author and the Screenwriter adapting it. Their winner usually wins the Oscar and they chose (no surprise) The Big Short originally a non-fiction book by Michael Lewis (all three the movies based on his books have been nominated for Best Picture) and adapted by Charles Randolph & Adam McKay.
ICYMI: Manuel's fun ranking of the most quotable Screenplay nominees
Cinema Audio Society
The Revenant took this prize beating Mad Max, Bridge of Spies, Star Wars, and The Hateful Eight. It's up against the first three again on Oscar night plus The Martian.
Makeup Artists and Hair Stylists Guild
Period Makeup: Mad Max Fury Road
Period Hair: Cinderella
Special Makeup Effects: Mad Max Fury Road
Contemporary Makeup: Furious 7
Contemporary Hairstyling: Pitch Perfect 2
Carol keeps losing prizes (sigh). Anyway, solid choices though one can quibble. I never took in Furious 7 so that one is a bit of a headscratcher sight unseen... especially with Sicario in the running. It's also a bit perplexing to think of Pitch Perfect 2's hair work topping Spy's funny and elaborate quick changes (which I favoried in my own awardage) or Ex Machina's sleek style. You can see the complete MUAHS awards here (American Horror Story: Hotel, Game of Thrones and Dancing with the Stars were big in their TV categories).
Do you think Fury Road, The Revenant, and The Big Short will repeat these wins at the Oscars?
Reader Comments (7)
I'm pretty sure the USC Scripter is through the University of Southern California, not South Carolina.
I'm also not thrilled that The Big Short is winning the Oscar over Room or Carol or Brooklyn...
right you are. dumb error chez moi.
What period is Mad Max: Fury Road set in?
The "tell me a difference" quote from The Big Short doesn't make any sense...he's basically saying there is no difference between stupid and illegal and yet also implying that his wife's brother is stupid (which is illegal, and should be arrested as result of that stupidity)...then shouldn't the line read, "If you can tell me the difference between stupid and illegal, then I guess I can't have my wife's brother arrested."
Am I wrong? Please explain.
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