Yes No Maybe So: Wonder Woman

They're trying to trick us with this new Wonder Woman poster. Look at all that COLOR. From WB/DC? Could it be possible? Mmmm yes and no.
Since it was Comic Con weekend the studios were working hard to inundate fans with new superhero footage and the second Wonder Woman trailer is here... which has some color to it but a lot of blue grays since that's how DC (and action movies) likes to play it these days. The trailer is a bit premature as the film is not due for 11 months but we'll take it. It looks pretty good and maybe, just maybe, they'll do right by the Amazon princess?
Our Yes No Maybe So is after the jump but first things first. You must know that we do deeply dig The Little Mermaid shoutout which begins the trailer. Steve Trevor is all washed up on shore like a Prince Eric thirst trap and Diana is eager to drink him up...
You're a man!
YAAAS We're there for Diana's Ariel cosplay.
MAYBE SO. Never sure what to make of set design in these superhero trailers. Not sure I get what they're going for with the Amazon cave palace?
Yeah sure, why not?
Connie Nielsen as Queen Hippolyta. Was this the role Nicole Kidman was going to play or was she up for Robin Write's General Antiope?
Early shots of war look generic. Will this be like Captain America: The First Avenger only without the kitsch factor of Captain America branding by the US Army?
Be careful, Diana
This little bit in the trailer when Diana walks into a party in gorgeous blue with a sword tucked behind her is giving me so many mixed signals. On the one hand. GORGEOUSNESS. FIERCE. EYE GRABBING. On the other. Gowns are not sword hilts, how is she not cutting her dress right off if she unsheaths that? They're not going to have Wonder Woman running about in her birthday suit. And why does it have to be Danny Huston. That's as unimaginative from the casting department as Christoph Waltz as the Euro villain in anything. Also this transports you right back to that Pride & Prejudice & Zombies trailer moment.
That's neat.
Maybe So
Diana's mythology might be a tough sell. It looks like they're hedging their bets by both taking it seriously and also trying to joke about it "that's neat". But in the trailer at least it's not particularly funny.
Maybe So
Lots of shots of Amazon battle on the seashore and the big WW riding a horse through the woods
Kiss him, Diana, kiss him!
Wide array of shots of WW in action as well as closeups of paraphenalia (breastplate, lasso, sandals) ending with this bit with the shield. Can we hope that the action is great and doesn't just have cool gif-worthy bits?
Steve: I can't let you do this.
Diana: What I do is not up to you.
Can they actually have fully absorbed the feminism of the most famous superheroine ever?
Coming off the high of the trailer's peak comes the worst bit. That boring Zach Snyder like action slo-mo. ZZZzzzz
Another quick montage of action with the Wonder Woman logo all shiny. Individually all these superhero logos we've been seeing from Marvel/DC are sexy cool but collectively they look like they were all designed by the same artist which makes the entire genre of movies look like one movie which is -- well, if you've seen one have you seen them all?
Fun stinger to this trailer with Steve's secretary Etta (Lucy Davis) describing her job to Diana who doesn't approve. You'll remember Lucy Davis from Shaun of the Dead and lots of British television
Bonus Tease
Justice League (2017) follows Wonder Woman into theaters five months later in November. Not a full trailer but more of a recruitment video...
What'cha think? It looks better than Batman v Superman but what wouldn't? Also isn't it wonderful that we're getting our first LGBTQ leading man in something as mainstream as a superhero movie (Ezra Miller, who identifies as "Queer" if not "Gay") and no one is making a fuss about it?!
Are you a yes no or maybe so to all of this?
Reader Comments (22)
UGH I really don't know! On the one hand, Gal Gadot was so far and away the best thing about BvS that she still would have been the best thing even if that movie had been any good at all, so I am HERE for her. But, on the other hand, I am BEYOND superhero-ed out at this point, and this doesn't look any different at all from all the other superhero movies released in the last few years. But on the OTHER other hand, I'm so glad that they're FINALLY making a female-centric superhero movie that I want to support it. It's just.... I CAN'T with another generic-looking overly-serious superhero movie. I can't. They're not fun for me anymore, and I have almost completely lost interest (the sole exception being the X-Men, the only comic books I ever read, but even they're starting to wear thin since they always end up featuring the same characters despite the insanely large cast they have to play with). I just can't work up any excitement for this.
Maybe I'll just buy a ticket and not go?
No use for the superhero genre. I'm completely numb to the onslaught of this junk.
It looks awful.
I want to fucking see this. Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman. With the exception of Lynda Carter who is the original Wonder Woman.
SO MUCH will depend on Gal Gadot's star-power - let's hope she's got it! Let's also hope that Connie Nielsen & Robin Wright have ample screen-time.
There is not really anything that screams excellence about this trailer. Nothing to suggest this will reach the superhero highs (Nolan, Raimi, Whedon, Captain America,etc.) or even the best of the Iron Man films. Unfortunately, I need my superhero films to at least look great to get me to go see them.
Based on first impressions this could fall in line quality-wise with the first Thor film or Edward Norton's Incredible Hulk - decent popcorn flicks with their moments but nothing too great.
When will superhero movie fans take some personal responsibility for their own fatigue? I'm excited for Wonder Woman because I haven't felt required to go see the exact same superhero movie 30 times in the last five years.
I've probably seen 10 superhero movies in my entire life (between Burton's Batman, Raimi's Spiderman, Nolan's Batman, and one or two X-Men films) and I don't consider that a small or negligible investment of my time or money.
We only see a bit of Diana's Amazonian civilization in this trailer, but it doesn't look quite right. It's like an alternate universe version, an Amazon Prime, if you will.
Nos: Chris Pine (terrible line deliveries), constant implied lethality (measured anti-lethality paired with an aesthetic that leans to dark and serious would be extremely weirdly discordant and, thus, extremely interesting, but, no, we're left with this normal approach), still looks stiffly serious, sword dress, Danny Huston, if he's the actual main bad guy.
Maybes: Half mask girl (is she Cheetah), Danny Huston, if he's not the actual main bad guy, Connie Nielsen, Gal Gadot and set design.
Yeses: Um, twelve years since the last attempt at a superheroine movie is too long...? Yeah, I'm still thinking Captain Marvel (Brie Larson: Actual YESSSSSSSSS material on paper.) has a strong chance to blow this thing out of the water.
So, yeah, I think I'm a no without strong reviews.
YAS, QUEEN! I feel like we have gotten entirely too serious about these movies. Wonder Woman was a highpoint in the overly serious, but seriously not that bad Batman vs. Superman (I was late to game on that one, but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit). I guess it helps that I haven't been as in awe of the Marvel movies as most (good fun, but have they truly done anything groundbreaking?) that I'm willing to enjoy the DC movies for the simple entertainments they are as well.
As far as fatigue goes, just because they make them doesn't mean I have to watch them. Cable and a good old airplane ride are great for those "I guess I'll finally watch this" moments. That's the only way something like Ant Man or the upcoming Dr. Strange can exist in my world.
Yes yes yes. It's a super-heroine movie. I've sat through man after man after man having superpowers, and I don't think any Marvel movie even passes the Bechdel Test, so by Jove, when they finally give me a super-heroine, I will watch it.
Rather like Ghostbusters (which I loved), I don't even care what it looks like (though WW looks very cool) - it's a female-led movie, a blockbuster directed by a woman, and I will support it, no matter what.
I'm a YES on both WW and JL. While I don't hate either of the first two DCEU(?) movies, they certainly have their problems; but these new films do look like a step in the right direction. As for Superhero fatigue; clearly some others are experiencing it but personally, I'm not.
I see about fifty or so movies a year and there's only about five to seven superhero films a year, so it's hard to get fatigued by something that takes up less than one-fifth of my movie watching. Also, for the most part, the quality of the superhero films in this decade has been pretty consistently decent (Movies like Fantastic Four (2015) are the exception, not the rule). When the quality starts dipping significantly, however, then I may feel differently.
I refused on principle to see B vs S, since why reboot Batman again, and the reviews backed that decision up. Here, though, I actually am intrigued-I will say a Maybe. I feel like Pine's timing is off, but he was funny in Into the Woods so perhaps they're missing his best bits and some of the imagery is sharp (I love the shot of her dress with the sword sheathed).
It looks great to me and I am not it on superheroes even if I do not care if others like them like many seem to. I heard WWs orgin was charged in the comics so made by Zeus might not be more than a story.
I'm a yes because FEMALE SUPERHERO. DUH. Looks like it could be entertaining and World War I is the backdrop, right? That war tends to get shortchanged a lot in favor of WWII in the movies, so it'll be interesting to see what they do with it.
For the last 3 years I have been a Superhero FREE Zone, and I haven't missed them at all.
BUT, a Female superhero just might cause me to make an exception.
Loved Female Ghostbusters, got to send a message to Hollywood the best way I can.
There was way too much Chris Pine in this trailer.
^^^Crazy talk.
Yes: Wonder Woman is a great character and it's about damn time we had a female superhero. Gal Gadot looks like she is having fun in the character. Robin Wright as an amazon general.
Maybe: No idea what the plot is, hope it's not another generic same old thing all these superheros movies are doing.
No: Where's the camp? A woman in gymnastics clothes fighting crime with a lasso needs more camp. You can see Zack Snyder’s influence in the action, ugly ass camera moves, and in the too-dark color scheme.
No to all this junk. Grown-up movies, please.
"You'll remember Lucy Davis from Shaun of the Dead and lots of British television"
including a little show called THE OFFICE. show dawn some respect
The great thing about not seeing so many of these superhero movies is that i won't be fatigued of the whole genre by the time this comes out, so as of now I'm a Yes even though this looks interesting but not great.