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"Where is Kyra" wins raves for La Pfeiff

True story: I started our new "Pfandom" series specifically for two reasons. The second was to cheer myself up in these awful democracy-losing times. The first though was to welcome our pfavorite, Michelle Pfeiffer, back. The twitter debate rages on what we shall call this year ("The Pfeiffersance? Michellaisance?" any other suggestions?). The first of her pfour roles this year is the title character in Where is Kyra?, which just premiered at Sundance. I will not be reading any reviews as I'd like to experience it pfresh but my understanding is that it's Oscar nominated cinematographer Bradford Young (Arrival) and Michelle herself winning the raves while people are less jazzed about the movie itself? Regardless, TFE's official stance is that it's very unfortunate that Pfeiffer did not show to support her movie. Director Andrew Dosunmu (Mother of George) had to go it alone. If she doesn't leave home to promote her movies this year,  the comeback may be rather less than glamorous and successful. But what can you do? She's an elusive creature. 

If you don't have my aversion to reading reviews before you see a film, reviews are now available at Village VoiceVariety, The Hollywood Reporter, Screen Daily, Ion Cinema, Playlist, and Yahoo! Movies.

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Reader Comments (17)

Maybe she prefers an honorary which doesn't require her to promote.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtful

This year is the "Tour de Pfeiffer" in my eyes.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterNick

I think she's busy filming "Murder on the Orient Express".

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMorrissey

They said at the Sundance premiere that she couldn't make it because she is filming that Murder on the Orient Express remake.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterScooby

How about "Michellebration"

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered Commentermarkgordon

I think she's busy filming right now.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterRami

I've read some of the reviews and they are kind of mixed. But the premise sounds interesting and I've waited a LONG time to see two of my FAVORITE actors (Kiefer and Michelle) together in a film so I am waiting with baited breath(as my Mom used to say) for this film.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterReneCat

I'd love an episode of the podcast this year that focuses exclusively on Pfeiffer and her stunning body of work!

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterClaire

Pfeiffer has gotten only raves and good notices. Not a single negative one. And she couldn´t make it because she is in Europe filming MOTOE.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Pagaza

The Academy should do a massive honorary Oscar giveaway to all deserving folks who are currently 70 and older. If they picked 50 or 60 people, that would call off the next 15+ years of deliberating, hoping, and complaining.

After that, all qualified people will be up for review the year they turn 70. One final spot per year could be reserved for someone the "big sweep" missed.

The biggest complaint about Honorary Awards is that some people don't get them in time. It's rarely that the "wrong" person wins one. By 70 we basically know if someone warrants the recognition.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterHayden

Mostly middling reviews from what I can glean. But that doesn't put a damper on what's a repfiffal in my mind.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMareko

Glad that she's in this kind of film.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

Watching anxiously to see who picks this up...

January 27, 2017 | Registered CommenterChris Feil

I would not pay money to see Keifer Sutherland in a movie theater, but I am happy that Michelle is getting good reviews. Streep was successful in her 50's, so hopefully Michelle is on track for same.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMarie

Nat, I wish I had your willpower when it comes to not reading reviews. I've gotten so used to spoiling movies for myself, especially the ones that either only play in NY or LA or take forever to come to even the smallest theaters down here (which still tend to be out of the way for me). I'm not a Keifer Sutherland fan, but the Pfeiffer-Dosunmu-Young trifecta is too good to pass up!

@markgordon, It's gonna be hard to top "Michellebration".

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterthefilmjunkie

@ Mareko

"Repfeiffal" is brilliant.

January 27, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

So happy to see the raves continue as the film finally comes out!

April 7, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge P
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