So how did Jimmy Kimmel do? A conversation

EDITOR'S NOTE: Hello readers. My brain is always so scattered post Oscar. The hosting gig, which so occupies discussions of the show each year in real life and online, is curiously the part of the show that I always find least interesting. I'm there for the movies and the celebrities, not the jokes.
But recognizing that this is an uncommon blind spot, I asked three of our contributors, Sean Donovan, Chris Feil, and Eric Blume to weigh in on Jimmy Kimmel as host. They're joined by new team member Kim Rogers, who is a talented actress I saw in a play a couple of years ago, who also likes to blog. Naturally they didn't quite obey the Kimmel directive... but who can concentrate on one topic with Oscar's Envelope Gate and Trevante Rhodes running around in his undies. Here is their conversation. - Nathaniel R
CHRIS: So how well has everyone studied the Oscar Zapruder film of the Moonlight team taking the stage?
SEAN: I feel like it could be the next season of SERIAL- unpacking who had what envelope when, and why, and how many duplicates? so many questions
CHRIS: First of which: has anyone checked on Trevante Rhodes? Is he ok?
KIM: SPEAKING OF TREVANTE, please tell me y'all have seen this.
SEAN: I was going to say, Trevante's more than okay, he is looking FINE.
KIM: *fans self* Oh right, we're supposed to be talking about Jimmy
CHRIS: That Calvin Klein ad turned us all into Trevante Rhodes when Moonlight won Best Picture.
Jimmy Kimmel, though. I so wish Isabelle Huppert could have participated in the Mean Tweets bit. Her unimpressed shrug after whatever lame tweet would have singlehandedly made it worth having Kimmel host.
SEAN: One nonchalant shrug from Huppert and YOU'RE DOWN! On the topic of mean tweets, did anyone else sort of resent bits from Kimmel's talk show taking up Oscar time? Like that and the Matt Damon theatrics?
KIM: I mean, it was to be expected because the gig was as much of a commercial for his show (ABC synergy!) as it was for hosting.
I definitely missed montages of FILMS (I can't help it, I love montages), which were definitely cut at the expense of the Kimmel bits. I think the Damon stuff would have been more effective if they had just left it to when he was on stage because it was funniest when it was "Ben Affleck and guest" and then Jimmy trying to play him off. That's the problem with Kimmel 90% of the time: he just doesn't know when to rein in.
Ben Affleck and "Guest"
CHRIS: Meanwhile the ceremony kind of pulled back? I missed the Best Picture clips throughout, and then one long one at the end of the night was so longer winded for the end of the ceremony.
SEAN: Like the "tour bus" segment that took nine hundred years to wrap up
KIM: I was DELIGHTED by the tour bus group at first, if only for all the Ryan Gosling memes it immediately produced. But agreed, that started to drag.
SEAN: We also had that moment with Sunny Pawar, when Jimmy Kimmel joined the long list of white media personalities who feel like they can touch this kid and throw him around like their own little prop of cuteness. That seriously started to grate on me as awards season marched on: leave sunny alone!
ERIC: I'll play devil's advocate. I thought Kimmel was one of the best oscar hosts ever. He kept it moving briskly, was warm and generous to the nominees, but had enough of an edge to keep things interesting. he's thankfully less soft than Ellen Degeneres, more experienced than Jimmy Fallon, and is so much funnier and less obnoxious than Chris Rock.
tour bus segment - funny or way too long or both?
KIM: I'm way more on the positive side of his hosting job myself, despite the nitpicking that I've done. I'd like to see James Corden take a stab at it eventually. Mainly because I adore him.
CHRIS: Our only future hope is Billy Eichner
SEAN: Billy would have speed raced through that tour bus crowd, screaming all the way!
CHRIS: But what someone like Eichner has that hosts like Kimmel so sorely lack is a complete love and admiration for movies and the Oscars.
ERIC: That's why i think it's fine that we had elements from Kimmel's show in the oscar show. It's expected and part of his "brand". it'd be like billy eichner not going out on the street, etc. the part where they brought in the tour bus group was amazing...a reminder to all those famous folks that these are the real people. from the start of the show with the Timberlake number, the emphasis seemed to be on FUN, which is definitely not the case with most years, where it feels tense and uncomfortable. I found my own viewing experience affected in turn...even when people who I wanted to win then lost, I still felt happy for the winner. and it culminated in the amazing grace of the La La Land and Moonlight teams. What could have been such an awful moment was handled with such grace, class, and generosity.
SEAN: Do we think Kimmel would have been meaner if this were the Golden Globes? This year I keep thinking it's like Fallon and Kimmel were switched: Fallon being a safe kind of oscar-friendly host and Kimmel able to bring more of the sting the Globes looks for
that messy messy finale
KIM: Which is why I think James Corden would work well because he's SO effusive about loving things. Re: the Golden Globes, everyone is lobbing softballs there when compared with Gervais. I don't ever think of Kimmel as MEAN per se, his delivery is just more...biting? It's the tonal quality of his voice to me. I don't know if I could have handled Fallon for the Oscars. He's still on my shit list for the Trump hair-ruffling interview.
ERIC: I agree that Corden would be a fantastic host. His warmth is infectious and genuine. I was actually surprised how little Kimmel imposed himself on the show and instead seemed to fold himself inside it...he kept it classy and positive. Has Mel Gibson started to lose his mind? I ask that not rhetorically but rather borderline-sympathetically.
SEAN: But are they passionate about movies? I agree with Chris. Cinephilia has never been thought of as a criterion for an Oscar host but wouldn't it make a nice change? We wouldn't get as many "lol I didn't see this pretentious nerd movie" jokes, which somehow befell both Elle and Moonlight. Judging from the award totals, I think it's safe to say people saw Moonlight.
KIM: I think Corden's sketches where he goes through a big star's filmography in one go (the Hanks one is especially memorable) show a passion for movies. He's pretty plugged in with all pop culture. And he would definitely bring back a song and dance number a la Crystal, which I MISS.
SEAN: I want Hugh Jackman back! Then we won't have to pretend any of it is actually funny; we can just enjoy a handsome song and dance man!
KIM: I kind of feel like Hugh won't be back before he WINS one for himself? I felt the thirst during Les Mis and feel like he maybe doesn't want to get lumped into the hosting thing? I could be way off base.
I DO miss him hosting the Tonys though.
ERIC: The Hugh Jackman year was one of the best ever. But he's a unicorn! Nobody else has his particular combination of insane talents. Wonder if Lin-Manuel Miranda could do a bang-up job?

Reader Comments (51)
Am i uncool I had honestly never heard of Kimmel but he was good,funny and gracious to the stars
Jimmy Kimmel would have been impeccable if he had left out some of his "trademark" bits. His jokes were sharp, his timing was excellent and he did look great. (Not Sal Mineo great, but who could?) The Matt Damon stuff worked me because Damon is a movie star and producer of one of the Best Pic nominees and he was present. (Although if you were unaware of their "feud" prior to broadcast, it probably made no sense.)
But the tour bus segment was cringeworthy from start to finish, redeemed only by the grace of a few front-row celebs. Ellen's pizza > Jimmy's candy. Ellen's selfie > Jimmy's tour bus.
For the umpteenth time: get Bette to host. (If she wins the Tony this year, maybe there's a chance.)
James Corden....hell naw.
I love Corden so I could see that working. On the other hand I'd like to throw someone a little different into the mix. I'd love for Kate McKinnon to host. Hugh Jackman was my favorite host ever for this show.
Each year the answer is obvious: Emma Thompson.
Other than the mean tweets segment which was a dud, I thought Kimmel did great; the right balance between genial host and snarky outsider. And I don't think you need to be a cinephile in order to host the Oscars; I think charm and the ability to improvise are the main qualities you need and Kimmel was able to display both.
In the UK we don't know Jimmy Kimmel, other than a vague notion that there is another Jimmy that isn't Fallon (even then I only know Fallon through his Roots cover of Hello with Adele)
And we don't know the pretend beef with Matt Damon. So that was all a bit dull. And kind of arrogant that he obviously assumed everyone would know these inside jokes and find them entertaining, which they weren't. Other than that, his opening monologue was entertaining enough, most of the jokes landed. A solid job. Wouldn't mind having him back. Agree James Cordon would be good - if only because it would be so surreal to see Smithy from Gavin and Stacey up there like that.
Ai yi yi: "The Matt Damon stuff worked *for* me..."
The tour bus segment, The Lion King, the candy, the Damon fixation... not my thing.
I was shocked by how great a host Kimmel was. Yes, the tour bus segment went on WAAAAY too long and only worked to the extent that it did because of the good grace of those front row celebs, but the jokes had the right amount of bite (and were pretty much always funny), and he largely stayed out of the show's way. I personally love the montages and missed them, but I LOVE the "Mean Tweets" segment and quite enjoyed this one. He's definitely one of the better hosts in recent years, and I'd have him back in a heartbeat - which is something I haven't said about a host in a good number of years, and the last thing I ever thought I'd say about this one.
I think Kimmel is my favorite host since I can't even remember...every bit hit for me. The running Damon gag just kept getting funnier. The tour bus gimmick worked because the folks were genuinely surprised. The group I was with simply roared at the engaged couple's facial expressions. The mean tweets were good. And the guy just made the show feel less like a 4 hour marathon.
The job of host is too often thankless. Everyone is ready to nitpick the hell out of the stint the next morning. That's probably why we don't get more adventurous choices - what celebrity (say, Kevin Spacey - who ought to have BEEN hosted this show) wants to deal with that?!
Kim said best: he just doesn't know when to rein in. Most bits played out for too long, like the Matt Damon stuff (it got sooo tired) and the tourbous bit (it got too akward for me to handle at one point). I do miss it being more about the movies like I feel things have been in the best. And the best picture clips, montages and it being kinda nostalgic about Oscar history in some parts and whatnot.
My dream Oscar host, who I think would do a great job and I just want to throw out his name into the universe because hey it's the 90th next year: Kevin Spacey. Think about it.
I liked him a lot. I thought he found a nice balance between politics, movies, and keeping everyone happy. He played to the room (the audience clearly found him funny), and that always works well at home. He wasn't as smug as NPH, had more bite than Ellen, and doesn't hate that he has to host like Chris Rock. I like the suggestions of McKinnon and Miranda, but honestly Kimmel was my favorite host in at least a decade this year, perhaps since the Billy/Whoopi heyday.
Jimmy didn't bat 1.000 but more of his stuff worked than didn't. I think he's earned an invite back. No one considers that Oscar hosts may need time to grow. Next year I'd rather watch Kimmel with a year under his belt than another rookie trying to figure this thing out.
Octavia Spencer should host.
He did well, but it seemed a subdued show, whether from Election burnout, or possibly Bill Paxton's death, since practically everyone in the room had worked with him in the past.
The candy and the feud with Matt Damon was fun. The tourists was slightly tacky and cringy, and went on too long, though that would probably be the tourists' fault, since they were gobsmacked to even be there.
But then again, who's a tourist in Hollywood who doesn't know the Oscars are that night?
I still prefer Ellen,UK knows who she is.
Corden would be horrible and the Oscars is an American awards show for American people. That's why it always seems so Americancentric. Nobody cares if you didn't get the Matt damon bit.
Ian: about half of the viewers watching the show around the world are not Americans...
He was so much better than I expected. He remained relaxed, which I expected. But he was quick on his feet--that was a surprise. He handled that insane event at the end and did so with grace, sincerity and wit. Well-done, sir.
I thought he did a fine job. I think what everyone underestimates is the importance of a good production. Hugh Jackman was great, but the show itself was also great because of a fun musical number by Baz Luhrmann and producers like Bill Condon and a brilliant set design. The whole show is still memorable to me, 8 years later. Not a single dull moment. And a true celebration of the movies and moviestars. Or you got an equally talented host like Neil Patrick Harris and the whole show just keeps dragging on because everything else just falls flat.
You also have to choose the right presentors. Where were Will Ferrell, Tina Fey or Ben Stiller this year?! The only funny presentors were Leslie Mann and John Cho (who should get more roles. Great timing and voice.) Yet most of them were generic and felt uninspired. Not good for the show´s pacing.
Lin-Manuel has been what I've been saying in my circles as choice of host too! He clearly loves the Oscars, is becoming bigger in the film, is huge in popular culture and has song/dance abilities. Corden is also not a bad pick.
And Emma Thompson of course.
I guess I'll be a minority voice but I thought Kimmel was terrible. Granted, I'm not sure how much of his material he wrote himself, but it all felt flat to me. And the opening monologue was the most dreadfully dull monologue in recent years, although JT's number was a tough act to follow.
bring back Bob Hope
Jimmy was sarcastic ("no one saw Elle"), patronizing (the whole tour bus shtick), offensive (can't pronounce foreign names), but worst of all, when the shit really hit the fan, he didn't know what to do!
The worst moment for me was when he acted like La La Land should keep the Oscar they didnt earn. I know he was trying to come up with something on the spot, but if La La Land's producer hadn't taken charge of that moment, Jimmy would have continued to fumble through the greatest Oscar snafu ever and the whole thing would have been an even bigger shit show.
Also, of all the years to play the politics really subdued, this seemed like the wrong one.
No invitation back, please.
SanFran makes several good points.
I thought he was great, very light on his feet, pithy, unobtrusive but prominent. There were, in fact, more montages this year than there has been in many, many years, thanks to the (wonderful) filmed segments with starts talking about their inspirations, filmgoers from around the world about why they love film, and the great compilations of past actors winning, which has been done before but is always welcome.
@Paul I knew I liked you ;^)
I liked him overall. I wasn't too familiar with him, as I'm in the UK, but I think he hosted well. He kept it light and fun, he was gracious (I liked the way he asked the audience, more than once, if they were doing OK), and although not all of his jokes landed, most did. I'd be happy to see him do it again. Let's face it, if, like me, you grew up watching Billy Crystal as host, with some dynamite years from Whoopi Goldberg and Steve Martin, then you know the bar is set pretty high. In recent years, we've had a mixed bag of hosts. Ellen has done it well, twice. She's witty and warm. Chris Rock is perhaps a bit loud for the Oscars but he is funny. (I love his gleeful grin.) Kimmel could really grow into it.
Or, what SanFranCinema said.
I wish they'd ask Whoopi back.
Agree with San FranCinema but I'm willing to give him a B-/C+ because he also had his moments. Liked his abbreviated opening monologue (smart to let JT open) and most of the Matt Damon bits. Jokes about Mahershala's and the Asian tourist's names were childish and lame. Could have handled envelopegate better but that's impossible to prepare for.
I thought Kimmel did a good job as host and is funny- his running gag with Damon was fun- but the bit with tour bus was too long.
I really like Jimmy Kimmel as a host. I don't know why you guys are all salty but he did fine with the (yes, still) funny bits and he handled the fiasco greatly imo. He was being funny and he did explain it at his show. At least he'a not Fallon.
James Corden will do exactly the same as Kimmel and you know it.
watching him at the Grammy's only proved to me how cloying he comes off to celebrities. I enjoyed Kimmel, which was surprising. I thought he maintained his charisma and snark and pretty consumable levels and stepping up at the end really showed what a pro he is.
I completely vote for Emma Thompson, I never understand why it always has to go to a late night host. Hugh Jackman still remains one of my favourite hosts, because his wattage was just as bright as the audience he was entertaining. anyone else feel like Maya Rudolph might be a killer host?
Jimmy did well in my opinion. Btw, did anyone notice Denzel's reaction when Casey won? He didn't even bother to clap, just giving an angry look! Priceless!
Didn't the Emmys do the tour bus thing about 12 years ago? They had people show up to "audition" for a reality show -- back when reality shows were the new thing -- and then just paraded them onstage.
Jimmy was fine for me; it's good to see Matt Damon taken down a peg or two, if nothing else.
I agree Pete- Denzel looked really angry- but why did Afleck win if everyone seem to hate him? I did not see the movie but from the clip was he even actually acting? It was more like typecasting and come on dude it's the Oscars at least get hair cut and trim that scuzzy facial hair .
I thought he was pretty good. I was relieved at the brief intro, and getting right into the awards. I agree that I don't want to see any more host shtick, tour bus, pizza, candy, man in the street, etc. Show us more of the nominated movies instead. I watch the show despite the host, not because of him/her. I just want the host to get out of the way.
Who would I like to see as host? I agree with Lucas. Octavia Spencer plus her cohort of Taraji and Janelle would be fun. Patton Oswalt, Hugh Laurie, Bette Midler, Emma Thompson. Common and John Legend.
I thought Kimmel was great. He has long been my favourite of the late night hosts (although Seth Meyers is now neck and neck) and I thought his style transferred over well. He was funny, but also had some bite (those Mel Gibson gags!) while also playing into the silly stuff like the parachuted candy and such that he likely got asked to play around with. He didn't look embarrassed, which Chris Rock did with the girl scout cookie thing. And he didn't seem completely out of depth and ill-rehearsed like Fallon did at the Globes.
Not all of it landed, of course, but he did much better than we've seen in recent years. I liked the tour bus bit for the most part (yes, it was too long, they easily could have cut to commercial break earlier), but I actually think it did a good thing in reminding people just HOW many Hollywood stars are there at once since the magic in the appeal of that has been lost in the last decade.
san francinema spookily wrote the exact same comment i was composing in my head
bring back steve martin
Kimmel is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Corden for this sort of thing.
It is not even close.
Regardless, I just hope the host is not too cringe-worthy/awful
So, "dear" Eric... a multi talented artist who knows how to do everything, like in the good old days of the Hollywood's golden era, now is a "unicorn"? Thank God people like Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Howard Keel, Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra were born in a time less barbaric than that of today....
Did anybody notice how great was Mark Rylance's presentation of the Supporting Actress segment? His introduction and then Viola's speech were a perfect combination, and almost made me forget that i wanted Williams to win.
As for Kimmel, i felt he was funny all the time, and pretty brave when he jokes about Gibson's presence in the room. It didn't feel unconfortable but it was said anyway!!!
Jimmy did fine. There was plenty of fat to cut to make the show shorter. There really is no reason for these awards shows to go over 3 hours. The tourist bus stunt was corny but funny - shame that one of them was a former convict and on the sex offenders register. I would have cut out the montages like the 'inspiration' ones and the silly 'movies around the world' montage. And they should have had presenters award more than one award. For eg. No need for Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Amy Adams to present 2 screenplay awards. They could have had Ben and Matt present BOTH screenplay awards and give Amy another award to present.
He did OK. The Matt Damon joke however is VERRRY long in the tooth now. I was wincing at the thought of the tour bus segment at first, but it worked well - more to the credit of the celebs than the host.
I was ambivalent about the Matt Damon part. It reminded me too much of Chris Rock as host slagging off Jude Law. An actor's reputation is an important part of allowing them to flourish in their profession. Diminishing their reputation by making them the easy butt of jokes is wrong.
Now, I don't like Matt Damon (and some of his tiresome buddies) and if they disappeared from the film scene, no loss. But I'm still hesitant about making a working professional a continuing punchline. (Politicians are fair game).
Don, I mean "unicorn" as a compliment to Hugh. I'm just saying that there's nobody who quite has everything he has. But I'd argue (easily) that Hugh Jackman is a far, far superior actor than any of those gentlemen you mention (Astaire, Kelly, Keel, Martin, Sinatra) and outside of Kelly has far more movie star quality as well. And I'd argue farther that while I also enjoy the "good old days of Hollywood" as much as the next person, there are about ten films released this past year that are far superior than almost all of the films ever made by those five gents ("Singing in the Rain" excluded of course, which is one of the all time best). Maybe these are the good old days of Hollywood?
Channing Tatum + Emma Stone. They're charming, they're showmen, they can sing (sorta) and dance, they'd have good rapport, and they both like film.
While the suggestion of Lin-Manuel Miranda may be popular, he is on record as saying he does not ever want to host the Oscars because it's such a thankless job. And while I do love LMM (and love that a theater person has gotten such attention in other spheres), I'm not sure that I entirely agree that he'd be well-suited as a host for the Oscars.