Are you a patron saint?

big sad eyes. show us love.I have sad news to report. The Film Experience has lost its chief patron who underwrote some of our expenses due to a shift in their personal economy (plus our ad revenue was down this year). This won't mean anything to you reading (at least immediately) but in order to insure our continued success as we scramble to find other income streams, we do need more funds than usual for dull things like rent and food and exciting things like film festivals and tech improvements on the chart pages and better microphones for the podcast and so on. We're working on solutions to further monetize the site beyond the occasional movie ad and hopefully we'll start selling ebooks or other items. We'll have more time to figure this out after the Oscars. But for now there are two things you can do to help.
One: Shop at Amazon under our affiliate program. Next time you need to buy something -- anything -- just click from here (ads to your left) to purchase it. I'd love to see if this is a feasible option for extra funds
Two: Become a patron of the site by setting up a monthly donation. If you'd like to sponsor a particular series rather than just donating in this general way, please notate that on your donation so we can direct the funds accordingly. So whether you love the Oscar coverage, actress-obsessing, theme weeks, retrospectives, random silliness, or any of our weekly series show your love. There are two ways to donate, subscription (which is wonderful as its steady and something we can count on) or a one time donation.
Our fundraising goal is 500 patron saints - We'll keep a tally to the right hand so you can see how we're doing at meeting that goal! Your suscription dimes make an enormous difference to The Film Experience.
C O N S I D E R . . .
For those who can't commit to a dime a day, consider a one time donation.
Reader Comments (13)
Very sad to hear. Hopefully you find a new patron very soon!
Any sugar dadies around? lol.
A recommendation for fellow readers, if you're using an AdBlock program, consider disabling it on TFE so you can see/use the ads to support the blog (I just realized from reading this post that I wasn't seeing the Amazon ads Nathaniel referenced).
Sorry to hear about the patron. I'm on the cash poor side atm Nathaniel, but in a few weeks when the paycheques are more regular, you can expect a donation.
I already support monthly and hope that you consider adding a link to Amazon UK? Can't wait for ebooks!
Longtime lurker. Thanks for the reminder; the value I get out of this site (given how often I read an article to the end, AND follow all the links) is insane.
Just made a little donation and will do so when I can. Being a drop in the bucket!
Nathanlel your site and podcasts mean so much to me. Just became a monthly subscriber. I hope I can help more.
I am a frequent reader from Spain, and if there are links to Amazon Spain, I would be glad to do this! But otherwise, I will try a one time donation. Poor university student over here.
Can we have some reminders? I've been a poor student in all my years reading here and making random comments but there's a new job coming up in a few weeks and i might be able to afford a few coffee cups.
I already subscribed the $2.50 monthly; how can I change to $5?
Drew -- unfortunately you have to cancel out the subscription and resign up to change the amount.
Just sent $10 your way Nathaniel. Will send more when I can.
I would have become a patron saint, but will not use PayPal, which seems to be a requirement.