A Madonna Biopic is in the Works!

Chris here with some news to have you clutching your layered pearls. And stacked bracelets. And lace. That's right, a Madonna biopic is now in development at Universal. Whether you like it or not, get ready for Blonde Ambition.
Now before we cry foul or "too soon", the film sounds like less of a traditional biopic and more of a moment in time for the legend. Elyse Hollander's script topped last year's Black List (Hollywood's annual list of best unproduced screenplays) and follows the making of Madonna's first self-titled album. This would set the film in the early eighties before "Like A Virgin" skyrocketed her profile, but still in the era of "Lucky Star", "Borderline", and "Holiday". What will it be like to see club scene Madonna on the screen rather than the megastar? Will something like Truth or Dare have stylistic influence?
Word's out on what Madonna herself thinks about the film, but rest assured we will hear from her eventually. The film will be Hollander's first full length screenplay, and no director is attached as this is still in the earliest stages. But that doesn't stop us from speculating on who might be worthy of filling the role! My vote (even if she's a tad young currently): Elle Fanning. Are you excited at the prospect of a Madonna movie? Who do you think should play the role?

Reader Comments (35)
OMG I'm too excited. I'm dreaming of the day we get a Madonna jukebox musical on Broadway (after loving On Your Feet featuring Gloria Estefan), so I'm hoping this will hold me over in the meantime! What about Hailee Steinfeld as the lead?
I wouldn't hate Chloe Grace Moretz in the role.
Not a big Chloe Moretz fan, but she resembles young Madonna more than Elle Fanning. Probably better to hire a lesser-known actress, especially one with a lighter eye color.
If I were making a movie about a small segment of Madonna's career, I would focus on that 1984-1985 period where she suddenly conquered music and almost had to do movies. The trick would be casting Sean Penn without Miles Teller finding out.
how old is lourdes?
My first thoughts were Elle Fanning (perhaps a bit too young?) and Mary Elizabeth Winstead (maybe a tad too old?) - but you just know some people will push Margot Robbie for this.
I think Moretz is just right for this role, too
I, too, think it's best to go with an unknown in this role as it could be a huge star making role with lots of press if done well.
If casting someone already known Chloe Grace-Moritz isn't the worst pick...for some reason I keep thinking of Elizabeth Olsen as well. It has to be someone that can sell sex and intelligence and power.
Riley Keough for the role and Danny Boyle for the direction.
While I've always been horrified at the prospect, I knew a Madonna biopic was only a matter of time. Two things make me feel a little less anxious about it:
- It's written by a woman (fingers crossed for direction too)
- It is from an earlier time and not attempting to traverse the story of one of the most fascinating and influential avant garde figures of all time
However, why Blonde Ambition? That is so lazy.
Maybe Maika Monroe or AnnaSophia Robb could have a breakthrough?
I'm afraid the will go to the megastar route and cast Jennifer Lawrence.
Kiernan Shipka could be great if the project takes a few years to get made.
Sawyer -
I agree with you on the title. And also if it covers the 83-84 early years she wasn't even blonde yet!
The star of 13 Reasons Why, Katherine Langford.
Anna Sophia Robb would be great! She played that time period very well as a young Carrie Bradshaw in the Carrie Diaries on CW a few years ago
Much as I love her, Elle Fanning is too tall and kind of gangly.
I'm bummed Scarlett Johansson is too old to do this. If you skipped ahead to the True Blue/Like a Prayer years, she'd be perfect.
This will be fairly easy to cast since vocal ability isn't a requirement.
Lourdes Maria
I want Sofia Coppola to direct this.
Dakota Fanning instead of Elle, anyone ?
I'm thinking Abigail Breslin might be perfect for the role... but Chloe Grace Moretz, too. Any of them. And for sure it would be a really interesting film, if it takes no prisoners.
I am still mourning that we're never going to see Sacha Baron Cohen as Freddie Mercury...
Does anyone knows whatever happened with Tinberlake playing Elton Jhon?
I agree with Suzanne: The star of 13 Reasons Why, Katherine Langford. Whoever they cast, has to be able to club dance and make an audience believe that she could become an instant star. Madonna is not a great dancer, but she at least could do a club dance routine at the basic dancer level, and drew people in with her moxie and bravada. If the person can't dance, or capture her unbridled lust for fame, the whole movie will not work.
Madonna just recently spoke out against the biopic on instagram.
I like the AnnaSophia Robb suggestion. She's not so well known for her fame to be a distraction and she's talented. I always thought she deserved better work, even as a child actress.
Jennifer Lawrence probably has this on lock, unfortunately.
I'm surprised nobody sugested Eddie Redmayne. He is talented, has an Oscar, the appropriate age and type.
Tyson- Yeah it looks like Madonna is not keen at all on this project happening... SO i guess that puts the kaibash on them using any of her songs for this :(
From M's Instagram account:
"Nobody knows what I know and what I have seen. Only I can tell my story. Anyone else who tries is a charlatan and a fool. Looking for instant gratification without doing the work. This is a disease in our society."
"Dakota Fanning instead of Elle, anyone ?"
Was just about to say this. She's more suited to this than Elle. And she did a similar role in 'The Runaways'.
DAVID, Does Madonna own all the rights to the those older songs or does her former label Warner Bros? I remember they released an album collection of her work previously and that didn't seem to have her mark of approval.
Tyson... that's a really good question.... I did a quick search and it appears she definitely owns everything from erotica to present....not sure about the early stuff though
I don't know. Wasn't there a Madonna bio-pic made in the 90s for TV?
@MARIAHHHHHHH, I'd like to agree with you but the problem is that it's not the vocal ability that is the most important requirement. The lead should have that distinct confidence, air of star quality, command, intellect, and a lot of balls. That makes it hard to find. Needless to say, it's a situation your brainless idol can never relate to.
Renee Zellweger.