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Cannes Carpet #1: Cruz, Bingbing, Adjani, Moore and more...

by Nathaniel R

Chloe, Chiara, Fan Bingbing, and Carey

With Cannes two days strong now, let's survey the first round of fashions with 16 of the most memorable looks to date. Chloe Sevigny has moved past her fashion muse days but still brings the style while jurying one of the sidebars. It's sort of a starchy pleat with silver gift wrapping. (I don't know what I'm looking at exactly which is sometimes welcome!) Actress Chiara Mastroianni, child of not one but two bonafide legends (Mastroianni & Deneuve, don'cha know) appears to have stepped out of the 1980s directly into 2018. From a distance the dress is like a splatter painting on acid. And Fan Bingbing generally brings several trunks (or maybe trucks?) worth of fashion to Cannes. This Ali Karoui mint-green strapless number is the best of them so far...

Finally Carey Mulligan came to promote the broken family drama Wildlife (for which she's winning raves) in Dior Couture. Yes, I forgot her on the Best Actress chart; no matter how much you pour over those things you always miss someone. Now watch her win the whole damn thing to spite my sloppiness!

Penelope, God, Isabelle F***ing Adjani, and Li Yuchun

Penelope Cruz was your opening night goddess, the festival kicking off with her newest film Everybody Knows. Her vintage Chanel was all black which is, well, thematically appropriate one supposes since Farhadi's films are always deadly serious. Julianne Moore was a divine vision in Givenchy red though we're not entirely sure why she was at Cannes this year. AND ISABELLE ADJANI FINALLY RETURNED TO CANNES. It's been nine full years since we've seen her there. After two years of accolades for Huppert, isn't it time for France's other genius Isabelle to have an international comeback? 

Pop star/actress Li Yuchun isn't well known in the west but she brings the fashion. And here's the first of what will probably be a few gowns before she departs. 

Chastain, Adjani, Cotillard, and Fan Bingbing

Jessica Chastain, Fan Bingbing, and Marion Cotillard were all in town to promote the announcement of their spy thriller 355 (previously discussed) and we wouldn't be terribly mad if they could work these lewks into the movie somehow. And we had to throw in an extra Adjani look, though we giggled at the giant sunglasses, as if they'd allow her to go incognito at the world's most famous film festival even though she's only one of the greatest screen actresses of all time with a not-terribly-cozy history with the paparazzi. 

Kristen Stewart, Cruz, Khadja Nin, and God again

Jury member Khadja Nin keeps brining the color and pattern and we want more of it every day.

Is Kristen Stewart's originally awkward and fidgety relationship to her body and uber-famousness dissipating? She's definitely and deftly been assuming Fashion Icon status this past year or so. Was it coming out that freed her up? Let's go with that because it's a happy thought aand because she is always giving us EDITORIAL of late in lux looks like this pearl encrusted ensemble. The Perspex boots were surely inspired by Barbarella and Blade Runner screenings, yes? 

Baby blue always looks beautiful on Penélope Cruz. And Julianne Moore is serving up some sort of modern Madame X in this structural black. 

That's all for now. Much more beauty to come.

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Reader Comments (11)

Moore is there because of her L'Oréal contract

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered Commentercal roth

I this Marion's look for the movie if it is i'm there.

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered Commentermarkgordonuk

I did not know Marion was campaigning for Greased Lightening, Electric Bugaloo

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterJono

Carey Mulligan always looks like she’s just recovered from a nasty flu.

I want more drama from the red carpet! Bring it - where is Kidman when you need her?

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterMorgan

The last time Adjani appeared at Cannes was when Huppert was jury president. Rumour has it she banned Adjani from presenting the Palme d'Or and, of course, presented it herself (to, of course, Haneke).

Adjani's indeed a legend, but her last great performance was almost 25 years ago. I'd be shocked if she had another great performance left, to be honest.

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

Isabelle Adjani always has interesting choices. Plus, having Julianne Moore at the event in my opinion is..... $$$$$$$$ I would totally take a L'Oreal contract where I have to appear at Cannes. Wear the finest dresses and see interesting films. I'd be an asshole to turn that shit down.

Fan Bingbing... mmmm..... Marion.... oui, oui!!!

Penelope, Jessica Chastain, K-Stew, definitely bringing their A game. Watch and learn Hollywood (unless you're in the Bullet Club). This is how it's done.

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered Commenterthevoid99

Some very vivid looks and most of them look great though I'm not sure about Marion's catsuit. It's eye-catching if nothing else.

Maybe it's just the angle of the picture but Chiara Mastroianni's dress is wearing her not the other way around.

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered Commenterjoel6

joel6 -- same. Exactly the same.

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterCash

Marion's at the 355 photocall is the look of Cannes. Commotion over. Giver the Palme d'Or.

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterKeegan

Isabelle Adjani always has wierd choices when it comes to wearing wigs which always hide one of the most beautiful faces in the world, and most of the time it is not even in place. Why is that?

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterJack for Streep

Penélope is wearing Chloe Dao's ice-skating outfit from Season 2 of Runway.

May 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterNick Davis
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